Chapter 7

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Avoiding Scott and Stiles is actually a lot harder than I thought. Especially when they are in almost all of my classes.

When the last bell rang, I ran straight to my locker to grab my things and then ran right out the door to my car. Right when I turned it on I saw Scott come barrelling out of the school looking frantic for someone, that's when his eyes met mine. He started running towards my car yelling my name, so I put it in drive and drove off before he could even make it half way.

When I got home I went straight up to my room, locking my door and turning on my music. Flopping down into my bed, I figured that I should probably start getting ready for Lydia's party tonight. I waited for a certain song to come on and I danced my way to my bathroom to take a shower.

I love showers, I love the hot water just beating on my neck and my back, relaxing my muscles. I grabbed my strawberry scented shampoo and washed my hair. This is my favourite shampoo, not only does it smell delicious, it makes my hair nice and soft. Next was my vanilla body wash. I figured that I should shave so I did that too. All in all it took me a good half hour/45 minutes in the shower.

Getting out, I wrapped a fluffy towel around my body and my head to help ring out more water to help it dry. Walking into my closet I have to find something to wear. Danny said a tight dress, Lydia was thinking skinny jeans, so I figured why not pick one from what Danny wants me I wear, and one from what Lydia wants me to wear. With that, I chose my tight navy blue off the shoulder dress with my black pumps. That should work.

Once that was figured out I had to do my makeup, I opted for smokey eye makeup and a red lip even added some falsies. For my hair, I dried it and then curled it.

I started to get hungry so I turned off my music, threw on some sweat pants and a plaid t-shirt. Just as I opened my door I heard Stiles yell and then a loud thump. Thinking something is wrong, I run into his room to see Scott holding Stiles up by his throat. "Scott! Scott what are you doing? Let him go!!" I yelled at him as I ran over trying to get his hand off Stiles. He turned around growling and hit me across the face sending me flying towards the ground. Screaming out, I felt a huge stinging sensation on my cheek and when I put my hand against it I felt something rough and wet.

"Riley, oh god Riley are you okay?" I heard a concerned Stiles yell. "Shit Riley, sorry I, sorry" Scott muttered as he walked out the door.
Stiles was now kneeling in front of me asking if I was ok but I was in too much shock to even say anything. I know that I'm bleeding, I know it hurts a lot, I just don't know how bad it is.

When I removed my hand and looked up at Stiles, his face said everything I needed to know. "Oh god, we have to get you to the hospital right now!" He was freaking out! He ran and grabbed me a small towel, wet it and held it against my cheek as he guided me towards his jeep.

When he sat me down and buckled the seatbelt for me, I tried to remove the towel to see how bad it is, but he wouldn't let me. It must be pretty damn bad if he won't let me see it. Driving way above the speed limit, surprised that nobody pulled us over, he got me to the hospital just as Mama McCall was walking by. "Oh Riley dear what happened?" She asked frantically. "I-I got attacked" I stuttered out as she called out for some more help.

Stiles walked away going to call our dad and probably wash my blood off his hands. Melissa brought me into a room to examine how bad it is and to clean it up. "Oh dear, how did this happen? Are you ok?" She asked as she started to clean the wounds. "Can, c-can we w-wait for my d-dad?" I mumbled as I was trying not to cry anymore. I'm still in shock, I still can't believe Scott did that. "Of course, of course, he will be he shortly sweetie." She gave me a reassuring smile.

I love Melissa, she is like a second mom to me. When my mom had died, it was really hard on me, I was really close to her, so whenever I needed mom or girl advice or just somebody to talk to, she was always there.
"RILEY!!!!!" I heard my dads voice as he came barrelling into the room. "Oh babygirl! What happened to you? Are you ok?" His hands were shaking as he gave me a big hug. I winced slightly but didn't say anything because I really just needed a hug and needed my dad.

A deputy came into the room so he could ask me questions about what happened and write everything down seeing as my dad obviously couldn't.
"I-I don't know, it all happened so f-fast daddy! I was so scared!" I started crying into his arms. "Shhh it's ok hun, I'm here now, nothing can hurt you now" having my dad here definitely made everything better and easier for me. Nodding my head I started to continue, "We, Stiles and I, we were in the preserve looking for my necklace. I lost it when I went for a run this morning. I didn't realize it was missing until I went to put take it off to change it for the night. We found it and started heading back home. We didn't notice how late it had gotten and we still needed to finish getting ready for the party. I heard a noise and turned to see what it was when something jumped out at me *hiccup*" I started crying again, "and and I couldn't get my hands up in time to block my face! It scratched or or clawed me! Stiles scared it away! I th-think he said it l-looked like a mountain lion but I'm not sure, it happened so fast all I say was a blur!"
Dad was rubbing my back as I cried into his shoulder and Melissa wiped away my tears and finished patching me up. "Thank you deputy" dad said knowing that I was done and didn't want to continue, while the deputy got ready to leave and go back to the station to file he report.

"Everything is all done now. There is 10 stitches in your cheek, so you will have to come back and get them removed when everything had healed, but I will give you a cream to put on them so they don't get infected. Unfortunately there will be scars, I'm sorry Riley, I hope you're better now and get better soon" Melissa kisses my forehead and walked out to get my cream.

"Where's Stiles?" I asked my dad as we left the room. "Not sure, I think he said something about Scott" hearing his name made me stiffen, but I relaxed when dad pulled me into his side. "I'll take you home but I have to go back to work, will you be ok?" He asked and I know he was really concerned but he can't take any time off work. "Yeah, I'll be ok daddy" I smiled at him. grabbing the cream from Melissa, while dad signed me out, I gave her a huge hug goodbye and said thank you.

I can't wait to just crawl into bed.

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