Chapter 8

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After what happened, dad decided that I should stay home from school for the next week. I didn't mind, but it gets lonely being at home by yourself and not having anyone come see you. The only people to check on me was dad, Stiles and Melissa. Lydia texted me extremely pissed that I wasn't at her party, but when I told her what happened she came over with ice cream and The Notebook. She wanted to invite Allison but when I gave her a look that could kill, she thought better of it.
It was nice just spending the day with Lyds and not have to worry about anything else. Just having a girl day, eating ice cream and drooling over Ryan Gosling.

Unfortunately that didn't last long, now she spends all of her time with Jackson and Allison, not Jackson and I but Allison. Whenever I would text her or call her, she was always with her now. It hurts knowing that I've lost 2 of my best friends thanks to her. Apparently I'm not good enough for them anymore.

Speaking of which, you'd think Scott would come by to say something, anything to me, but he nope, nothing. I heard absolutely nothing from him until the Sunday before Im suppose to go back to school.

There's a knock on my bedroom door and before I can get up to answer it or call to see who it is, I hear his voice. "Riley? Are you in there?" My breath hitched. I'm still scared but I knew that I had to talk to him sooner or later. I guess sooner was now. Taking in a deep breathe, I walked to the door and slowly started to open it. Not able to look at him as I do, I just move out of the way to let him in. Closing the door, I turned to go sit on my bed keeping my head down waiting for him to say something.

"Riles? Are you ok? I'm so sorry about what I did, I didn't even realize what happened until Stiles told me. I-" "You didn't realize that I hadn't been at school for a week? That when you hit me you left these!!!" I yelled and looked up at him pointing to the marks on my face. Scott gasped loudly as he took in the marks. He went to touch them but I moved away and got up off the bed. "You know, I was willing to look last the Allison thing because you clearly love the chick, still pissed and extremely hurt about it but whatever. But this" pointing to my scars "this I can't get over! You hit me Scott and not only that but you left marks that only something with claws can leave so either you forgot to cut your nails, or that bite turned you. Either way, I don't think I will be able to forgive or trust you for this." Not realizing I started crying until he walked up to me and dried my tears away. "I'm sorry, I know that doesn't mean anything but I truly am sorry! You're right, I do really like her, but it's not worth losing my best friend over. What we had was real and I took advantage of that and didn't think anything of it when I asked Allison to the party, but I'm extremely sorry that I hurt you like that, I never meant to! I need my Ri-Ri in my life, I can't be without you" He gave me a huge hug and I felt him crying on my neck. "I-I can't forgive you right now, but maybe, maybe later on I can" I whispered into his shoulder. I didn't hug him back though, I couldn't. I just let him hold me while he cried.

I do miss him, I miss him more than anything, but if I want him back in my life, I will have to look past the Allison thing. That would probably take a long time because he broke my heart, but who knows, maybe I'll find someone to mend it.

I don't know how long we were standing there with him hugging me but Stiles came barging into my room. "So I see you guys made up huh?" He had a smirk on his face. Pulling back to reply, Scott beat me to it. "No, still not made up but I understand why, I hurt her, not only emotionally but physically and that will take a while to move past. But I'm willing to work on it because I can't just not have her in my life." He replied with such honesty I'm surprised. Nodding my head I looked over at Stiles before going to give him a hug. "What's this for?" He asked kinda shocked but hugged me back. "Just for being my brother. I love you bubba!" "I love you too sissy" he chuckled "love you too"


When Scott left, Stiles came back into my room and sat on my bed. I knew exactly why he was here. "So" he started to say, "you never did tell me what happened and why you hated him. I heard what he said earlier about hurting you emotionally, what did he mean about that?" "I guess I have no choice now but to tell you eh?" I slightly chuckled at him. Chuckling Stiles shook his head no. "Well you better make yourself comfortable then, and you have to promise you won't get too mad at me, Scott, you can be mad at, just not me"

After thinking got a few minutes, Stiles sighed, nodding his head, he crawled into my bed with me and sat up against my headboard.

"Well, I guess uh, it started about 7 months ago. I only ever saw Scott as the annoying other brother. He was our best friend and we always did everything together. One day when we were sitting out back waiting for you to come out we got to talking. I started to see him in a new light. I started to notice the little things about him, like how he has this little spark in his eye when he talks about the things he loves. Like how when we were out somewhere crowed he was extremely protective of me and always held my hand. How I found his laugh was cute and his smile was adorable. I started to like him Stiles, really like him, and it scared me. I didn't know what to do or how to handle it so I started to slowly push him away. Well he noticed and every time he tried to talk to me about it I'd change the subject or just ignore what he said.

"Well, you remember that party that Lydia had 6 months ago, before the end of the year party? Well I got really drunk and walked all the way to Scott's how, determined that I was going to face my fear and tell him how I felt. Thank god Melissa wasn't home or else I'd would have been pretty embarrassing showing up completely drunk out of my face. After knocking for a good 5 minutes I gave up, he wasn't answering the door so I figured he wasn't home. I just walked off of his porch when the door opened and he was standing there wearing nothing but boxers. Slightly embarrassed I looked anywhere but where he was."


"Riley? What are you doing here? It's 3am" he's tiredly asked as he rubbed his hands over his face to wake himself up some more. What am I doing here? Why did I think his was a good idea? No, no this is a very bad idea, walk away Riley before you say something you don't want to say. "Riley?" He asked again, coming out onto his porch. "I really like you" I blurted out. Smacking my hands over my mouth. Shit, shit, fuck, shit. "What?" Scott asked, kind of shocked about what I just said. "You what?" "Nothing, nothing, it was nothing, I'm gonna go." I rushed out and tried to run away, but Scott got to me first. Damn.

"No, no you don't just get to do that. You don't just get to tell me you like me and then run away before I can even tell you that I like you too" Scott rambled out just as I started saying, "I didn't want you to reject- wait, you like me too? Like, really like me? Not ha-ha like me?"

Nodding his head, he moved his hand to my cheek and moved some of my hair out of my face. Giving me the most loving smile I've ever seen, he leaned in and kisses me.

*Flashback interrupted*

"Wait wait wait, you and Scott kissed?" Stiles frantically asked. Sighing I nodded my head. "Yes, but once you hear about everything else, kissing will be the least of your worries."

"OH MY GOD! You slept with him! You lost your virginity to Scott! You lost it before me! That's so not fair!" "Shhhhhh Stiles, could you be anymore louder? Yes I slept with him, yes I lost my virginity to him, and yes I lost it before you!"
That made him freak out a bit more.

This is gonna be a long night.

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