Chapter 15

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*not edited*

Looking around the room, I figured I should probably pick up the glass first seeing as that could cause more damage than what has already be done.

Heading downstairs to get the broom and dustpan, I thought that I should also grab Derek a glass of water and maybe even make him a sandwich, he has got to be hungry after that fight her just had.

Once I got his water, sandwich and the broom, I headed back up to my room just in time to see Derek out of the shower and picking up all my clothes from the floor.

Damn, he looks hella good in that shirt. It hugs him in all the right places, shows off his biceps and his toned chest. As much as I do prefer to see him shirtless, this is definitely the second best option.

Clearing my throat, he turned around and noticed me standing in the doorway. "I got you some water and made you a sandwich. I figured you would be kinda hungry after what just happened and all." I said while walking further into my room, looking out for everything that's on the floor and handing him the sandwich. "Thanks" he muttered quietly, almost as if he didn't want me to here him thanking him.

Nodding my head, I looked around the room and seen that a lot of my clothes are now picked up and put in my hamper that was placed nicely in the corner by my door. The glass was still everywhere so I started to sweep it up. I could feel Derek's eyes on me, watching my ever move and it was kinda hot, yet creepy at the same time, I almost felt like he wanted to say something to me but he just didn't know what to say.

"What was that thing?" I asked, which seemed to startle him out of his daze. He coughed a little and took a sip of the water before replying back. "That was the Alpha". Shocked at what he said, I turned around so fast I swear you could hear my back crack. "That.. that thing was the alpha? But how? It looked nothing like you or Scott. He looked like a giant bear with rabies, not a wolf." Shaking my head back and forth I just couldn't believe that that thing that crashed into my room and tore up the place was the alpha, nope, there's not possible way. "It was" he said, interrupting my thoughts. "He looks different because he is the alpha and is able to change forms from human to wolf. I will agree with you on the fact that he does kind of look like a rabid bear, but he is much scarier and much angrier than a bear."

Still not really believing what I was hearing, I started to sweep up the glass again. What could the alpha possibly want with me? Why would he be interested in stalking me or attacking me. I mean, I don't think I taste good, and I don't have as much meat on my bones as other animals might have, so why go after m- "ouch" I looked down and noticed I stepped on some of the glass I was trying to sweep up. "Fuck" I mumbled. I was too lost in thought to watch what o was doing.

I heard sniffling and turned around to see Derek with his nose in the air. His head whipped right around to face me and I swear it should have given him whiplash or something. Next thing I knew he was picking me up and setting me down on my bathroom counter. "What are you doing?" I questioned as he grabbed the first aid kit that was sitting on the sink. "I can clean it up myself you know." He just looked at me and gestured me to give him my foot. Seeing as how he wasn't going to back down I just gave in and lifted my foot up so he could clean it.

"You should be more careful and watch what you're doing next time." He grumbled to me as he pulled the piece of glass out of my foot. "Well sorry, I wasn't planning on stepping on the glass and I told you that I would have cleaned it out, you didn't have to do it." I sassed back while crossing my arms over my chest. If he wanted to be rude about it, then I will to. He didn't have to clean up my foot, I'm more than capable to do it myself. "I was just trying to help, no need to bite my head off" he slightly snapped back as he finished cleaning up my foot. Rearing back, and moving my foot away from him before he could fully finish, I crossed my let over the other one, snatched the gauze and tape out of Derek's hand and started to wrap my foot myself.

I could feel his glare on my face but I ignored him as I continued to finished wrapping my foot. He tried to help but I smacked his hand away from mine and grunted out a "no". Derek just sat back and watched me without saying anything.

Once I was done, I cleaned up the mess, hopped down off the counter and walked into my room without even sparing a glance at Derek. He didn't have to be so rude and snap at me. I didn't mind that he wanted to help, but again, he didn't have to be rude.

I started to pick up some of my clothes that were spewed all over the floor and made a pile of them outside of my door. I heard Derek cough to try and get my attention but I didn't listen to him, I'm still slightly mad at him. "So what? You're not gonna talk to me now because I wouldn't let you clean your own foot? Really? Do you have to act like a damn child?" Derek remarked as he stood leaning against my bathroom door frame. Whipping around so fast that I swear you heard a crack from my neck or back, "if you forgot, I am 16 years old so technically I am still a child, but no, that's not the reason why I'm not talking to you, that's not why I'm mad! I'm mad because of how rude you were in the bathroom. Yes I appreciated that you wanted to help me because yes I was stupid enough to step on a piece of broken glass, but you didn't have to snap at me and be rude!" I roared as I walked slowly towards him. "My room just got destroyed because of this so called Alpha who for some reason has a hard on for my ass. So excuse me for being a bit of a snarky bitch, but you didn't need to snap back." By now I am face to face with Derek and breathing heavily.

Being this close up to him, I notice how green his eyes really are and the guilt/grief that is in them. I could tell that it wasn't from today, but it has been there for years, many years. I kind of feel bad and sorry for him, nobody should have that much grief and guilt inside of them, that's a lot to put on yourself.

Without realizing what I was doing, I leaned forward and kissed him.

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