Chapter 10

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When school was finally over I had to go home and get changed for work.
Yeah unfortunately I have to go back, but I need the money and the people there are nice so I guess it's not all that bad.

Before I clock in at work I give dad a call just to remind him where I am and that he should stop in for dinner and I'll give him a bacon cheeseburger with curly fries because we both know Stiles would hate it.

My shift started off kind of slow, just a few elderly people and some couples grabbing something to eat and chatting away. It actually was not bad until a couple of guys from school showed up and unfortunately one of them was Greenburg. There is a reason why everybody, especially coach, hates him so much. He thinks that because he's on the lacrosse team (bench warmer) that he's better than everyone else and that's he's the most popular guy ever and everyone loves him.

"Hey guys look, it's scar face!" He laughed as they all sat down. A couple of them laughed but the rest just sat there and looked at him like he was an idiot.

Rolling my eyes I still had to take their order. "What would you all like?" I asked putting on the fakest smile that I could. "I'll have the steak, medium well, and a side of you" Greenburg tried to flirt, "although I'd have to put a bag over your head because I wouldn't be able to look at your face with that nasty ass scar" he laughed so hard I thought he was going to piss himself.

"You keep talking to her like that I'll make sure to give you a matching scar, except it will be across your whole face and nobody would recognize you!" A deep rough voice threatened behind me. Greenburg looked like he just shit himself and literally ran out of the place while the rest of the guys laughed at him. "Thanks Derek" I whispered without turning around. I heard him turn around and walk away but didn't hear the ding to the door so I assumed he went to sit down.
After taking the rest of their orders I put them through to the kitchen and walked over to where Derek was sitting with a cup of Coke in my hand. I put it in front of him and sat down across from him. He looked at me confused but didn't say anything. "Thank you, for what you did back there. That guy goes to my school and he's a total jerkoff! Jackson had already told him off today but he still does it. He actually thinks it's funny and that he has a chance because I'm and quote "not as hot as I used to be" it's kind if pathetic but then I think that maybe that's what everybody thinks of me now so it kind of hurts. I'm sorry I'm ranting now, I just wanted to come over and say thank you." I rambled and started getting up. "You're welcome Riley. No person let alone a guy, should treat you that way or say things like that, he had it coming to him." Smiling down at him I nodded and went to place his order in. I know it's weird that I know it off by heart but he comes in here a lot and orders the same thing so I don't have to even ask anymore.

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