Chapter 11

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By the time dad showed up for dinner at 6:30, Derek and all the guys from school had already left. He called ahead of time to tell me when he was coming in so I could have his food ready for him.

"Hey dad" I said as I brought his food over. "I have a break now so I'm just gonna grab a drink and come sit with you" smiling at him I went over and grabbed myself a cup of iced tea.

Sitting back down I seen that dad had already put half of his burger and some of his curly fries on a separate plate for me. Just because I let him eat the greasy food, doesn't mean he always eats it all, he always shares it with me.

"So, how was your first day back at school today?" Dad asked as he was munching on his burger. Swallowing the food I had in my mouth I slightly cringed.. "Uh, it was as good as it could get I guess" I was a little nervous talking to my dad about it because he would want to try and punish the people who picked on me.

"You sound upset hun, is everything okay?" He put down his drink and grabbed my right hand. "You know you can tell me if something is wrong right?"
"Yeah dad I know" I squeezed his hand and smiled at him. "Just a few kids bring jerks, saying stupid things. But don't worry, nothing too bad happened and Jackson told them off" squeezing his hand one last time I went back to eating my food. Huffing dad went back to eating as well, "We will talk about this later." He mumbled. I just chuckled at him.

The diner was slow after the dinner rush that my boss actually let me go home early. Getting home was probably the best feeling, until I walked into my room and seen Scott sitting on my bed. "Great" I mumbled under my breathe. Just what I needed.

"Just get on with it Scott, I'm not in the mood" I sneared as I started to change out of my work clothes. He's seen me naked before so I don't care if I change in front of him. "You know you made Allison cry right?" Scott asked as he looked up at me, "It's not right to take your anger out on her"
Turning around sharply I glared at him, "It's not right? Are you sure? Because ever since she has gotten here things have been different! Ever since you got bit, things have changed! You left, became distant, and I had to find out from someone else about her! I barely get to hang out or see Lydia because she is always with Allison! Why am I not allowed to be mad at her? She ruined everything!!" I snapped. He looked pissed, but I don't care! "Not everything revolves around you Riley did you ever think about that? Huh? There are other people besides you that I care about! It's not my fault that Allison moved here and I happen to like her better! She doesn't have drama or sticks her nose in everyone's business unlike you! I'm glad she came because I didn't have to tolerate you anymore. The sex was great don't get me wrong but I'm over it, now it's your turn!" He yelled and stormed out of my room, slamming my door and making me jump. What he said had hurt, it was probably one of the worst things he could have ever said to me, but that wasn't what scared me. No. As he started yelling louder and getting closer, his eyes changed colour. His eyes were gold.

Still shaking from what happened I crawled into bed and started to cry. I hated crying myself to sleep, but that is exactly what I did tonight.

Riley StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now