I Know Im A Wolf (Ereri)

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So, first off, this is totally on my phone. No idea if the video works, and stupid YouTube on here, the video I wanted didn't show up. Look up EREN X LEVI // IT'S COLD OUT THERE word for word on regular YouTube and it's number one. Just listen to the song while reading.
Warning::: Yaoi ahead.
Be forewarned: this was written on my phone at 4 AM and I have no fancy stuff, nor do I have patience. So bare with me on these. I edited this a little but not much. And I'm not writing lyrics, you have to listen to the song at the same time.
Shit. 110 word author note. Didn't you miss me?
Let's start.
"Levi, I don't care if you say you're over her, it's obvious you're not! Do you think I don't see you two looking at each other? Because I do Levi, oh I do. And believe me when I say that I don't know what to think anymore. I forgave you once, but now I know I can't." Eren shouted. He had just pulled Levi aside so he could talk about how Levi zoned out while staring at Petra.
Saying Eren was upset is the biggest understatement of the year.
He felt betrayed. And not only that, but the depression he finally managed to get rid of is seeping back into his brain.
/Am I ever going to be enough?/ he asked himself.
"Eren, don't you dare think I would leave you for her. That will not happen." Levi responded.
"Oh, but you already have." Eren retorted. "You do each time you stare at her like you want her. Every day you stare at her! Every. Damn. Day! Levi, you should stop messing with me. Stop this stupid game and fucking choose. And by the way you zoned out today, I think you've already made the decision. So go be happy with the one you really love, and not the one that youre using as a damn toy. Just fucking leave. Goodbye, asshole." Eren ranted.
Eren just needed to get to his room.
God damnit, Levi just broke him.
And no one could pick up the pieces this time.
Eren just needed to be with his very few friends. His Lighter and Razor.
Some how, he won't turn into a Titan harming himself when he was depressed. Maybe it was because he felt not anger, but sadness, or that he had finally done something right in his miserable life.
So Eren turned around and left. He left Levi just standing there, doing nothing. Nothing at all. /Great,/ Eren thought. /I can go fuck up my body in peace./
When Eren reached his room and locked the door, he felt nothing but dread overwhelm him. And then nothing.
Nothing at all.
So he grabbed his 3DMG blades, and marked his body with those. He started counting.
He counted until he got to the point he was going to pass out. So he stoppe at lucky number 44, and wrapped some bandages tightly around his arms, stomach, and thighs.
He layed down, and finally lost consciousness due to blood loss.
"Oi, Brat, get up. You have training today." Eren heard a familiar voice say from the side of the bed.
That bastard still had the nerve to go anywhere near him.
"Did you hear me you little shit? Get your ass up!" He shouted again.
What the fuck does he think he's doing?
"I fucking heard you, but maybe you should get the fuck out of my room." Eren finally responded.
And Levi, being the cocky asshole he is, read pounded with, " I've already seen you're ass, so what's the fucking problem?"
That short bastard.
"And you're not seeing it now. So leave." Eren responded.
Eren hadn't moved, in fear the bandages would show.
He never did sleep in pants. He was lucky enough to put a god damn shirt on.
And Eren knew he was royally screwed when Levi pulled the covers off him.
"I'm not leaving til you get that pretty ass of yo-"
Silence. Dead silence.
Somehow, Levi knew. He fucking knew, but didn't listen to his gut instinct.
"Eren fucking Jaeger, why the hell are your thighs wrapped up in bloody bandages?" Levi asked, hoping it wasn't what he thought it was.
But he knew that under those bloody bandages were a bunch of cuts.
Eren just didn't want to have Levi kick him out of the Survey Corps. Eren didn't give a shit about anything else. Just that.
"Get the fuck out Levi. You have no right to invade in my god damn-"
"I don't give a shit about your fucking privacy! I give a shit that you were so immature to fucking cut your legs! What the hell were you thinking, Eren?! You could have fucking died and left me all alone!" Levi responded cold fully.
Saying Levi was pissed is even more of an understatement than the first one.
"Why do you have to be fucking bitchy about everything? Immature, huh? Maybe I wanted to fucking die, what about that?! Just get the fuck out! Now you inconsiderate asshole!" Eren shouted. He was just trying to cover up his mistakes, but didn't realize that he just made it worse.
See, Eren never told Levi about this problem in the first place. Levi noticed the scars when they were doing the do, but Eren just said it was from training accidents. So Levi was never suspicious.
Until now.
Levi had finally cracked.
"What do you mean, you wanted to die? Why the fuck would /you/ breaking up with /me/ make you so depressed as to want to kill yourself? You can't just fucking think you can leave me like that! I was going to explain everything today brat! I wasn't staring at Petra on fucking purpose. I zoned out thinking what our fucking kids would look like and Petra just happened to be sitting there! I went to see Mikasa of all fucking people to ask what you would want to do for a simple date! I was going to make it up to you! And then you fucking do this! I love you so fucking much Eren Jaeger, don't you even think about leaving me!" By the end, Levi was full on sobbing. Eren sat up and just stared at him, ignoring the pain in his stomach and legs. He immediately wiped off the tears on his face while shedding a few of his own. "I wasn't thinking Levi. I'm sorry. I just heard rumors Petra really liked you and I just freaked out when it looked like you were staring at her. I just can't do anything right. Levi, go be happy with someone who isn't half titan, and a depressed and suicidal person. You need happiness. You'll forget about me as soon as I'm gone. Don't worry. Be happy and live a long life with someone you can love more. Okay? Promise me. Promise me you'll love after I'm gone. I'll just leave and you won't have to deal with a fuck up anymore. Hell, humanity will probably be safer. This is for the good of everyone-"
"No goddamnit, NO! THIS ISNT GOOD EREN, AND YOURE NOT LEAVING ME! I LOVE YOU EREN, SO DONT FUCKING LEAVE ME. Please Eren. You're not a fuck up. You're amazing and beautiful and the only one I'll ever love. You're not fucking dying on me. I'm not making that god damn promise. So I swear you better stay with me. I love you, Eren Jaeger." Levi was now looking Eren straight in the eye. They were both sobbing.
Silence filled the room after Levi's speech. No one talked. Until...
"The middle drawer in my desk. That's where all my blades are. Please, Levi, help me. Do something with them. Just help me. There's also cuts on my stomach and arms. The ones on my stomach are deep. Help me. Please." Eren spoke up. Levi stared at Eren before saying two words with a shaking voice.
"Thank you."
Levi helped Eren heal and stay away from sharp objects. Levi made Eren stay in his room while he was healing so he wouldn't cut again or purposely open up his wounds.
Eren was finally gaining some trust. He finally trusted Levi, and loved him with all his heart.
A man was walking in the dirt and grass before stopping in front of a stone. He knelt down and smiled down upon it. He started talking to it, while completely crying. He sat there for hours, talking to nothing more than a mere rock. People would give him strange looks, but he didn't care, for he knew he would see his lover again soon.
His last words?
"Wait for me, Levi. I'm coming, don't worry."
Well that was fucking depressing.
Anyway, this is dedictated to NerdsWearOddSocks for completely making my year. Amazing stories, go check her out.
And don't worry, I'm updating this. And not every single one will have self harm. Some might actually be happy.
Don't quote me on that.
Anyway, byeeeee

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