Perfect (SoKi)

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I'm honestly in love with this ship. Every fiber of my being believes that at least Kid is gay for Soul.


Death the Kid always had to be perfect. Yet perfection could never be achieved.

Death the Kid, or Kid, knew this. He knew, and yet still felt like a disappointment when it couldn't be achieved. He loved symmetry because he thought that it would make him closer to perfection. But after the recent events, it just made him feel self-conscious about his unwilling obsession.

That wasn't the only imperfection he had. He felt as though living was a sin, being here was a sin, because he had strong feelings for a guy. And not just any guy, the most asymmetrical guy ever. Soul Eater Evans.

And, god, did Kid want him to love him back.

But that's where Kid's luck just gets worse, because he knew Soul was straight. I mean, even if he was gay, he'd just love Black*Star. The one that would soon surpass god, which means he would soon surpass Kid. What's the point?

Thus, Kid fell into an unwitting state of depression.

It just started out as Kid not trying to be symmetrical. He bought a new wardrobe, rearranged his room, anything just so he word sit in misery and get rid of one imperfection.

The Thompson sisters just thought that Kid was getting over his obsession, and didn't step in to do anything.

But, oh, how much Kid just needed someone to take away all his worries, all his pain, all his imperfectness.

But, by now, all reason Kid had was down the drain. He needed Soul, yet he couldn't have him.

When he heard Maka talking to Soul in the hallway, and heard the words "I love you" fall from Soul's lips, Kid lost it.

It was over. Kid's sanity was gone, and so was the last bit of hope he had.

Thoughts flowed through Kid's mind, things like they were all pretending to be my friends just because I'm Lord Death's son and symmetry shouldn't matter when I can't do anything else right.

But one thought rang the loudest; what if I just died? One step, one pull, one thrust, a few swallows, and, poof, the world would be better.

This thought was eventually what led Kid to think deeper. What should I do? Live and be a disappointment, or die and make everyone happy?

Kid lost it, and chose the latter. He set the date, August 8th, and got ready. Luckily, August 8th was the next day.

Kid had the knives for cutting, and the pills ready.

Yet he didn't know the sisters brought the whole gang over to talk about how Kid was acting. They started by asking, "Has anyone else noticed that Kid is acting kinda weird?" Liz asked. Soul was the first to speak up. "Yeah. Do you know anything about it? I'm getting really worried." Everyone knew about Soul's crush on Kid, hence him saying those three words to Maka where Kid overheard. He meant that in a sibling way, not romantically. He's been really worried about Kid not being symmetrical or coming out of his room.

"Well, we were kinda hoping you had an idea. We don't know what to do, and we don't know what he's doing in his room. He's our meister, so obviously we're really worried about him. What do we do?" Patty said, unusually serious, and when Patty is serious, the situation is really bad.

"We should talk to him. Maybe he just needs someone to talk to? And who better than his best friends?" Maka spoke up.

They all agreed, and Soul happily volunteered to get Kid.

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