Superman (Leico/Valdangelo)

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Sorry for the repeating ships.
This one took for fucking ever to write so it better be fucking good.
I'd also like to talk to people on here. I'm going through some shit so writing is kinda my blissful escape. That and music. Hence all the song-fics. And this is an amazing cover, listen to it as you read. I'll actually have the lyrics written at certain time.
Lyrics will be bold.
Sorry if it sucks.
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naïve
I'm just out to find
The better part of me
Leo Valdez was always the seventh wheel on the Argo II. And he hated it. He hated it with a burning passion.
What more could make him self conscious?
He recently discovered that he was bi.
Like,seriously? Two options, and no one liked him.
Yet he leaned more toward guys.
I'm more than a bird
Leo hated feeling left out. Feeling like he couldn't be there for anyone. Seven was an odd number, and it seemed as though Leo got the short end of the stick.
I'm more than a plane
Leo was more than this. He was more that just someone there.
I'm more than a pretty face beside a train
It's not easy to be me
Leo hated life. He hated being left out.
But suddenly, it changed. Life changed.
It all changed when a cutie named Nico di Angelo was saved by the Seven.
Nico joined the ship, and suddenly, there was an even number.
And to Leo, it seemed as though they saved the best for last.
I wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
'Bout a home I'll never see
Nico di Angelo didn't want to join the Seven. Nico didn't even want to exist.
Who would bring him?
His dad's the God of Death and the Underworld, his sister died when he was a kid, he was gay, and worst of all, he was covered in scars.
No, not battle scars. Not scars he got while fighting monsters, or being down in Tartarus all alone, but from cutting and self harm.
They were on his stomach and thighs. Places he could easily hide from prying eyes.
Not that anyone would care. He could just jump off the boat and end it all now. Have his last words being "I'm in love with a certain Latino elf. Care to guess?"
Yes, Nico was quickly falling in love with Leo Valdez.
Someone destined to love another.
It may sound absurd but don't be naïve
Even heroes have the right to bleed
Yes, every night Nico would drown away his pain. What better way to do it than inflict pain he deserved onto himself?
Even heroes have the right to dream
And it's not easy to be me
He kept on wishing Leo could be his. That he would finally be happy and get over this gods damned problem. But he knew telling Leo would only result in more heartbreak.
He knew, deep inside, that Leo wouldn't love him.
But oh, poor Nico, he was too oblivious to see that Leo noticed all those little flinches when he touched his leg, or the quietest little whimper when Leo hugged him super hard.
And Leo was worried.
So, Leo put his theory that Nico was cutting to the front of his mind and make a plan.
And it was probably the worst plan ever, but if it worked, it would be amazing.
And it would be worth it anyway.
So, the next day, Leo put his plan into action.
"Nico, can I, uh, talk to you a-alone?" Leo asked timidly.
He was seriously starting to rethink this plan.
That was a stupid plan.
So Leo resorted to plan B: just be blunt and ask.
So he went with that.
As soon as they were in Leo's room, Leo asked quietly, "Why? Why do you do this?"
Nico immediately got nervous. Did he know? What was he going to do?!
"W-What do you m-mean?" Nico responded, shaking with nervousness.
"What the fuck do you think I mean?! I mean cutting, Nico! Why?! Why do you do it?! Why do you hurt yourself?" Leo asked, fists clenched and tears in his eyes. He was pissed, scared, and worried.
Nico could only fidget and flinch.
"I-I k-know you d-don't care L-Leo. You don't have to p-pretend." He finally stuttered out.
"Damnit, Nico! Of course I care! I'm in fucking love with you! Gods damnit, just let me help you!" Leo yelled.
He just confessed.
Nico was dumbstruck.
How can he love a screw up like me? Is this some kind of joke? Of course it is. I'm never this lucky.
Now Leo was confused.
"What do you mean how?"
"How do you love me? I'm broken, yet I'm supposed to be a hero! I'm such a fuck up! I cut, and I think about suicide every day. Every. Fucking. Day. And yet, you claim to be in love with me! What the fuck is you're problem, man?!" Nico finished his rant with a stone cold glare.
Leo wasn't backing down.
"You fucking asshole. How can you say I don't love you? Yea, you cut. So? I can fix you. Unlike me, you can get help from someone! My gods, just let me help you! Heroes aren't perfect, Nico. And guess what? Neither are you. So suck it up and be with me and let me help you. Oh my gods, just let me help you. Please." Leo was on his knees at this point. He even had tears in his eyes.
Nico was in awe. He was so confused.
No one has loved me like this before. Besides, I love him too. Might as well have him help me.
"Wait, what?"
"I said okay. I'll be with you. I'll let you help me. I-I love you too."
Leo was ecstatic ((did I spell that right?))
He just said yes!
Leo had a boyfriend. The amazing Nico di Angelo.
Every thing was going as good as it could.
You know, with Annabeth and Percy being Tartarus.
But Nico had Leo, and he was getting better.
But then Khione attacked.
And you know what happened with Leo after that.
And Leo was scared.
He tried to cover it up, but he had to tell someone.
So, why not Jason? Another guy, not to mention, not Frank.
"Jason, I need to talk." Leo started.
"Uh oh. Relationship problems?" Jason knew that look.
"I don't know what to do. I mean, I love Nico, but Calypso has me so confused. I need to know what to do. I know I have to get her off that island, but what about after? What do I do?" Leo said, already shaking.
"Haven't you people ever heard of, closing the god damn door?" ((Who gets it?))He heard a familiar voice say.
"I guess you won't have to wonder anymore, huh? You can be happy. You can be happy with her? Because I guess I'm not an option anymore, right? I was just a toy to hold you over until you met a girl, right? Now you're going to laugh at me, call me a faggot, even after you took my virginity, huh? Thanks for everything, but goodbye Leo. You just need to be happy. I love you." Nico's voice cracked on the last sentence.
Up,up and away, away from me
Well, it's alright
You can sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy or anything
Nico left. Immediately, he ran for the edge of the boat. He knew it would always come to suicide, from the start. Leo would never be happy with him. He knew that. He didn't deserve happiness. Heroes got happily ever afters, but apparently, he wasn't a hero. He only caused people pain.
He ran, as fast as he could. The wind was blocking out the sounds of Leo and Jason following him.
He was there.
He jumped.
I can't stand to fly
He was flying. He wasn't falling, no, he was flying.
Because Jason fucking Grace had to be a hero and save him.
Nico was done with Heroes.
He wasn't stupid, he just needed to be gone.
I'm not that naïve
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees
Nico got on board and left.
He didn't cut, because he knew it wasn't his time.
But it would when this war was over.
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me, inside of me
The war was over. They won.
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
Maybe he should apologize to Leo. Maybe he should stop shutting people out.
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
Leo knew everyone thought he was dead. He was freaking out for Nico's sake. So he decided to get Calypso, then get to Nico and apologize endlessly.
But Nico had snapped when he realized Leo was gone.
And it's not easy
He slit his throat. Fastest way for him to do it since he didn't have a gun.
But if he waited less than a minute longer, he would have seen Leo come in his cabin.
But he was long gone.
And Leo joined his happiness in the Underworld
It's not easy to be me.

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