Gimme That Girl (SoKi)

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AN: Just heard this song and sparked childhood memories and like the lyrics and thought of this but put my own depression spin on it oops
Soul was undeniably in love.

He didn't try to deny it to be "cool". He would shout it out from the middle of Death City of he could. He was absolutely, positively in love with Death the Kid.

He loved the little shoulder touches, or discreet arm-around-Kid's-waist thing he always did. Surprisingly, Kid got flustered very quickly. Even with just short little pecks on the cheek.

Soul loved the public teasing, but his favorite part of Kid was when he opened up to him.

When he told Soul about his, let's say, problem, Soul was beyond devastated. It hurt him so much to know the one he loves is in so much pain he would physically harm himself. He hated that that was what Kid turned to when he felt there was no way out.

But he never wanted to show Soul his scars until a couple months ago.

And there were so many. They covered his arms and legs. Soul hated seeing that it was so many.

But one, one really caught his eye.

"Kid, why is that one so big?" He asked.

He saw Kid visibly tense, and start shaking.

"I-It happened after a r-rough time in my l-life," he responded, leaving the conversation at that. Soul was curious, but didn't push the subject.

After that, Kid was more comfortable wearing short sleeves and shorts around Soul. When they cuddled, Soul would absentmindedly trace Kid's scars. But whenever he would meet the big one that continued to bug him, he would rub it quite a bit. A couple weeks ago, Kid felt comfortable telling him what happened.

"Do you really want to know why that one is so big?" He started.

All Soul responded with was a nod of the head.

"A couple weeks before I showed you all my deformities-" this earned him a squeeze and a voice saying "you're not deformed, babe," he continued with, "I was walking home alone without Liz and Patty because they were hanging out with Maka and Tsubaki. So, as I was walking home, these three drunk m-men came out of nowhere and cornered me. Th-They said that with the way I walked I must be a s-slut. So they continued to make moves on me with me trying to politely tell them off. They were obviously drunk and not in their right minds. But all of a sudden, one of them pulled out a gun and forced me against the wall where th-they proceeded to g-gang r-rape me." At this Soul practically pounced on Kid and started holding him really tight while whispering sweet nothings in his ear. Kid was shaking, as he hated reliving those memories. The names they called him, and how long it lasted. It wasn't quick, oh no, it lasted 2 hours. It was terrible.

"Kid, baby, are you okay? You shouldn't go through the that alone. Do you want me to find them? I can make sure they never walk again. What do you need? I'm here for you. I want to see you be comfortable around me, even if it's only when we're alone. Okay?" Soul said, still tightly holding onto Kid.

"S-Soul, it's okay. They were drunk. Really drunk. I can almost still taste it so-" "What did they do? Tell me it was only a peck or something! Nothing would be best though. Oh please tell me it's nothing!"  Soul interrupted. "Soul, calm down. I don't want to go into details. But don't go after them. I didn't get to see them a lot anyway. I-I don't know if you want to see the after effects, so until those g-go away, I need to wear covering clothes. But after, I'll be more comfortable, okay?" Kid explained.

Soul just nodded, but asked a question. "Babe, can I just see the marks? Just once? Just so I know what they did. I'm not going to judge you, okay?"

Kid only nodded and started taking his shirt off. Soul was doing his best not to smirk, because damn, was Kid super hot when doing this. And he was biting his lip, oh my lord. Soul was doing his best, but a little smirk made its way onto his face. "Sorry, but you're so damn sexy when you're doing that," Soul said. He just heard Kid sigh.

"And I wouldn't have you any other way."

After that, Kid finished taking his shirt off, and covered his face. He was blushing like crazy. Soul slowly leaned down and pecked his neck to calm him down. "Hey, it's not like I haven't seen you shirtless before."

Kid just blushed and started pointing things out. "T-The bruises on my hips are from where they g-grabbed me and t-those are h-hickeys. Let me f-flip over so you can see m-my back but I don't want to show you the down-low injuries."

Soul nodded and moved so Kid could flip over. He did, and Soul hated the sight. There were so many bruises, and scratches, and it was terrible. He felt so bad for Kid.

As he was lost in thought, he unconsciously started tracing over the scratches and bruises. He didn't realize what a number this was doing on Kid. Kid was feeling hot, and blushing, but the feather-like touches were driving him insane.

Gradually, his hands moved lower, and Kid let out a girlish moan of pleasure. This snapped Soul out of his daze, and he saw how low his hands were. So, moving down to squeeze Kid's butt a little before, he took his hands away. Kid was panting, and blushing like mad. "Well, that moan sure made my day."


It had been a couple weeks ever since Soul found out, and Kid and him were currently having an at-home day. Kid told Soul he was going to get into some more comfortable clothes, so Soul was left sitting there while Kid changed.

But when he came out, he was not disappointed.

Kid was wearing a baggy t-shirt and oh god are those spandex??

Kid was super happy he could finally wear comfortable clothes. He was ecstatic that Soul was happy.

Soul was so happy his love was more comfortable.

Kid was content with his appearance and was slowly getting more and more comfortable in his body. He turned to start making them breakfast. He was lightly humming along to a song he has had stuck in his head for a while, when he felt arms slowly wrap around his waist and a head dig into his shoulder.

"You look so comfortable baby," he heard Soul say into his neck. "And I can't believe you're wearing spandex oh my god your ass looks amazing."

Kid only let out a quiet laugh. He shut off the stove, and turned around in Soul's arms. "I wanted to see your reaction." He said as he wrapped his arms around Soul's neck. Soul slid his hands to kids thighs and picked him up while Kid wrapped his legs around Soul's waist.

He definitely loved Kid in spandex.

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