Fix You (Ereri)

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Eren was extremely sad today. His boyfriend, Lance Corporal Levi, had to go to a meeting without him.
Life wasn't fair.
Yet, he didn't know that life was going to be even less fair.
Out of nowhere, Reiner comes out and says, "Corporal came out of the meeting early and wanted to meet up with you." Eren instantly agreed, having missed his boyfriend a lot.
Reiner took him to the Corporals office, but came in after Eren and locked the door. Eren tensed, and immediately became scared.
"R-Reiner? W-What are you d-doing?" Eren asked, shakily.
"I'm taking what's mine. The Corporal doesn't deserve you. You're mine now." Reiner responded, immediately tackling Eren to the ground. Eren struggled, but it wasn't enough. Eren then tried to scream, but it seemed like Reiner was expecting that. So, he cuffed Eren's hands to the headboard of Corporals bed, and put a ball gag in his mouth. Eren was a sobbing mess. He was trying to kick him and trying to wiggle out of the cuffs at the same time. But Reiner was having none of that.
"Oi, Eren, if you struggle, the less fun this will be for you and me, so stop. Now." Reiner growled.
Eren never stopped. He was kicking desperately. "That's it."
Reiner seemed pissed, but Eren wouldn't stop. He needed to delay this, he had to keep him from taking his virginity. This wasn't the way he wanted to lose his last bit of innocence left. So he struggled, screaming and kicking, hoping and praying that Levi would get out of the meeting soon.
Then Eren remembered something Levi gave him.
Thank god Levi was way too overprotective.
Levi gave Eren a button made by Hange, where you pressed it if something bad happened, and Levi's button would go off. Eren always had his, and he hooked it around his necklace. So, if he could get a hold of his necklace, Eren could be saved. He just had to press that button.
Eren immediately started pressing his chest down on the bed, hoping it would press while Reiner was distracted, looking for something.
He didn't know how long he had left.
"Now, Eren, where were we?"
Eren froze.
Oh god, oh god, oh no no no not yet. I still have to hit the button.
Reiner brought out a whip. Where he got that, who knows.
"Now, if you struggle, you get five hits. Does that sound fair? Since you were struggling before, I'll give you ten. Okay? Now, this is going to hurt even more without clothes on, so I'll just take them off." Reiner said.
No I'm not losing my virginity like this. It has to be with Levi, and when I'm ready. Oh god, I'm not ready.
Then, Reiner took out a 3DMG blade, and cut off all of Eren's clothes. Eren started shaking out of fear. "Oh, come on Eren. Don't be like that. We haven't even gotten to the fun stuff yet. Soon, you'll be all mine." Reiner said.
I have to press that button. Now.
Eren started hitting his chest against the bed, hoping somehow he would press that button.
Then he felt the first whip hit.
Hit after hit came upon Eren, immediate pain surging through his back.
Until, finally, he heard Reiner say, "Ten."
Eren curled in a ball, trying to hit the button with his knee. Until finally, he heard the little click.
I'm getting out if this! I won't lose it just yet. I'll be okay. Levi's coming.
"What the fuck was that?"
Unbeknownst to Eren, Reiner heard the little click of the button, and he knew hat it meant.
"Well, I guess I'll just have to cut the foreplay and get right to the best part."
Eren's eyes widened.
No no no Levi please hurry.
Reiner didn't even wait to immediately take the one piece of innocence Eren had left.
Levi felt the little button in his pocket vibrate uncontrollably. He knew immediately what it meant, because it was a part if Eren's safety.
Ignoring the calls of "Are you okay?" And "Hey, where are you going?"s, Levi took off after Eren. He had to find where Eren was.
If what I think is happening is happening, it has to be a secluded spot where no one can find them, and Eren has to be restrained somewhere with a bed. Oh my god, Eren, the only way someone could have tricked you.
You're in my room, aren't you?
Levi ran as fast as he could to his room/office.
He heard his muffled screams so clearly through the door.
Levi went into imma-fucking-kill-you mode and busted down the locked door.
His eyes widened when he saw the predicament Eren was in.
Eren, gagged and tied to the bed, a whip hitting him and his bleeding back,and Reiner not even stopping his attack when he heard the door bust open sent Levi over the edge. Levi jumped on Reiner, and grabbed a blade to his throat.
"What the fuck are you doing you bastard?"
Reiner had the audacity to come back with a snide remark.
"Taking what's rightfully mine. You don't deserve him."
Levi cut off Reiner's arm and threw him at the door. "He's not fucking yours. He's mine. Don't fucking come near the Survey Corps ever again. You are out. And don't think about getting your stuff. You don't get it. Out if this headquarters. Now."
Reiner saw the fury in his eyes, and didn't even argue. He left immediately.
Levi turned to Eren, who was shaking and sobbing, and quickly broke the cuffs and unhooked the ball gag.
"Eren, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner. I'm so sorry this happened. You didn't deserve it. You deserved none of this. Shhhh I got you. It's okay. You're safe now." Levi just held the sobbing Eren in his arms, whispering sweet nothing is his ear.
"I'm so sorry Levi."
Levi stopped rocking. Why the hell was Eren apologizing? He did nothing wrong. It was that bastard's fault, not his.
"I'm sorry I could protect myself. Now my backs going to be covered in scars, and I'm not even a virgin for you anymore. I'm disgusting. I mean, I was raped! And now you're here, and I feel even worse because now you're going to be all dutiful and still be with me when you shouldn't be with trash. I'm not good enough for you anymore. I'm not going to stay here. I have to leave. Because that's the only way you'll get over me. Goodbye, Levi."
Levi was in shock. He thinks he should leave? While Levi was thinking, Eren went over to the blade that cut off Eren's clothes and held it to his heart.
Levi finally snapped out of his thoughts, and grabbed the blade from Eren.
"Shut up. Shut your big, beautiful mouth. Why wouldn't I want to be with you? You're still perfect to me. Just a little crack in the most beautiful vase I've ever seen. All you need is just a little glue. Don't think about leaving me. You're not going anywhere without me from now on. I'll fix you. I'll put you back together. This doesn't make you any less if what you were before. I love you, Eren Jaeger. Never forget that."
Levi was looking into his eyes and holding on to his shoulders. Eren could only nod his head and hug Levi. Levi hugged back, being careful of the marks from the whip.
Levi was going to stuck to his word. He was going to fix Eren.
And I will try, to Fix You.

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