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"Awww, look at you!"

Crooned Mingyu, the moment Wonwoo stepped out of the bedroom, where he'd just changed. He stood in the doorway, wide-eyed and flustered, for a moment, staring at Mingyu, his hands frozen in the midst of pushing his phone into his pocket.

Unable to keep himself from blushing, Wonwoo distracted Mingyu from the fact by rolling his eyes and indifferently walking past him.

He was grabbed at the wrist before he could make a turn and reach the door, causing him to turn around to see Mingyu looking at him with a little grin.

"What is it?"

"Your outfit," Mingyu sang.

"What about it?"

"It's fuckin' adorable,"

Shrugging, Wonwoo countered. "It's just the crossbody bag, I guess,"

"It's the first time I've seen a pop of colour on you,"

And that was right – if he remembered correctly – since Wonwoo never really liked to sport anything other than blacks, greys and dark blues. Seeing him in a yellow sweater had definitely gone unmissed by Mingyu.

"Omg, I never noticed,"

Mingyu narrowed his eyes. "Did you just- Say 'Omg' out loud?"


"That's stupid,"

Wonwoo shrugged, glancing at a non-existent watch on his wrist. "Aren't you getting late?"

"Oh fuck, right, I am,"

While Wonwoo proceeded to put on his shoes, Mingyu yelled from somewhere in the house, "DO YOU HAVE ALL YOUR STUFF?!"

"Everything except you, let's go!"

Wonwoo didn't realise what he'd said, until some time later.

The walk was pretty much silent, as Mingyu chose to interlock their hands together and swing them back and forth.

"Never seen you in a barista outfit," mumbled Wonwoo, absentmindedly. Mingyu twisted to the side to see if he really did say something.


"I said, I've never seen you in a barista outfit,"

"Glad you haven't,"

"No but, last time I checked, baristas looked hot,"

Mingyu burst into laughter. "That's- That has to be the most bookworm-ish thing you've ever said,"

Wonwoo shrugged.

"I've specifically requested the manager to not let me work at the front, though,"

Wonwoo's eyebrow shot up in confusion. "Why?"

"I never know when something might get me triggered. I prefer staying at the back and not make a fool out of myself,"

The swinging of his and Mingyu's hands slowly came to a halt.

"You aren't that bad when in headspace. I feel most people think it's weird because seeing an adult not act their age is a bit- You know..."

"But it still gathers a lot of unwanted attention,"

Mingyu looked sullen, with his shoulders drooping, and him looking at the ground, pretentiously, as the conversation ended. That was when it hit Wonwoo: Mingyu would never be comfortable in public places, just out of fear that he'd get triggered, and mess up.

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