Chapter 1

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Nandini's pov

It's weird that space academy, our college is so crowed at 5 in the morning. There are no parking spaces even on the street in front of the main gate and people are flooding in the building like there is money being distributed or something and now I think that coming early to study was a big mistake.

I usually come to college around 5ish if we have exams going on just to study and it's perfect but today it seems like it is 2 in the afternoon or something. As I make my way in the college someone bumps into me hard enough to make me trip.

"Watch where you're going" the girl yells at me snootily

"I'm blind" I reply frowning at her

The fuck is wrong with people like seriously, if you bump into someone you apologize instead of being rude but hey these days people be pissed off about absolutely nothing

My phone rings in my bag so I walk to a corner trying to dig it out, it was my best friend navya calling me which is very rare because this girl never wakes up before 9. There are times I have to call her about 50 times for her to wake up for lectures in the morning.

"Hello? Navya are you okay?" I ask

"Oh im great, where are you?" She asks

She seems happy.

"I just walked to college, im about to go study int he library though I doubt I'll be able to get any work done just because our college looks like a bachelor party right now" I let her know as I make my way through crowds and towards the library

"Noooo don't go into the library, meet me by our usual bench' she says

"Wait what? You are here?" I ask

"Yup, and I secured us some damn good seat, ahh less talking and more walking" she yells the last part cutting the call

What seats is she talking about and how is she awake at this time? There was this one time I couldn't understand this science thing and it was maybe 8 in the morning so I called navya so she could explain it to me. It took me about 40 minutes to get her to wake up and even then she mumbled a whole bunch of nothing and went back to bed so her being awake, ready and in college at 5 is very very surprising

As soon as I reach the bench we sit at in the backyard of the college, navya runs to me with the biggest grin on her face.

"NANDINIIII" she screams in my ear hugging me making me laugh

"Hahaha navyaaa" I yell back

"I can't believe this is happening nandu" she mumbles when I pull back from the hug

"What are you taking about? Also how are you up at this time" she grins in response

"Fab 5 is performing today" she says making me frown

"This crowd is because of fab 5?" I ask and she nods

Well, now everything makes sense, the crowd, the parking being full, navya waking up early, everything is starting to make sense.

Fab 5 is a band that performs a few times in a year, it's a group of 5 friends that write, compose and sing their own songs. It sounds like every other band but people are obsessed with them, not just because of their voices or their skills, but also because of how the physically look.

All the girls are head over heals for manik who is the band's lead and I mean I see it, he is handsome but he is also rude, stupid, overall a dick. I don't just say that, I have felt it because this one time manik and I were in the same music class.

I didn't know who he was at that time not that his status or popularity matters but I accidentally grabbed his guitar instead of the one the class provides and this man was furious. He got so pissed off that he broke a chair and also never came back to class for he next few days s in short I am not a big fan

"Nanduuuuu" navya yanks on my arm

"Yeah what?"

"You didn't hear anything I said"

She was right, I genuinely didn't hear anything she was saying up tunnel she yanked my arm

"Im sorry" I pout

"It's okay, come on lets go, I got us front row tickets and I am hella excited. I heard that they have a special announcement for the end of the year cause it is their last year well all of ours but you know" she mumbles

"Is he getting a brain? Is that the special announcement?" I ask referring to manik making her giggle

Everyone in the college is aware of how angry of a monster manik is, he literally glares at people instead of smiling.

"Who knows man, I don't think he ever will"

'So then why are we even going to their performance?" I tease

"Nanduuu" she whines making me laugh

Navya is obsessed with cabir who is the band's drummer, she keeps tabs on him and yeah I know it sounds like she is a stalker and she is. This girls knows where the band lives, she knows cabir's clothing size, yeah that's how obsessed she is with him.

We made our way to the gymnasium where the concert is taking place, it took us about 20 minutes to make it to the very front. I have never seen any of fab 5's concerts because I am usually studying and I am not interested in watching the main lead of the band be a fucking jerk

"Navya how did you get these tickets?" I ask because we were standing right by the stage

She doesn't say anything but her cheeks were tinted red.


"Cabir gave them to me" she mumbles softly making me giggle

"He gave them to you? How?" I ask knowing they don't talk much

"A few weeks ago I ran into him in the hallway and his water bottle was open so it ruined some of pages in my notebook so him and I got to talk for a bit"

"Ohhhhh" I tease, she smacks my arm when I start laughing

"He handed me one ticket for me and then he said I could bring a friend" she tells me

"Have you two talked since then?" I ask

"A few times but nothing major"

"Awww navu"

"Stop it"

"Hahaha you are so cute"

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