Chapter 16

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It doesn't take too long before nandini falls asleep, her head rested on my shoulder, she had two lollipops in her hands because she was playing with them while watching tv

i couldn't help but pull her slightly closer to me, I wrap the blanket around her and she cuddles closer in my chest, the candy in her hand drops in-between us making me smile

"Manik" I hear cabir's voice

"Yeah?" I answer back

"We gotta talk, woah is she okay?" He asks coming in the room

"Sleeping" I reply

"Ah okay, mhm so nyonika called and obviously I didn't want to pick up but I did"

"I have told you not to pick her phone calls up, she makes me want to throw up" I mumble

"Yeah well, she wants to talk to you but I told her we aren't in town so deal with it when we get back from manali?" he asks

"Nope, ignore it" I say

"She cried a lot today" he whispers caressing Nandini's head and that only makes her curl into my chest more

I didn't think of nandini as the type to be a cuddley person, in the past few months I have not seen her cuddle even with navya so this is new

"It was 3 injections and this girl made it seem like an operation or some shit" I mumble making cabir chuckle

'She is different' he says and I nod

"Yeah she is"

"You are growing fond aren't ya?" He teases with a smirk on his face

"Cabir" i warn

In the past month, I have heard cabir talk about nandini and I as something multiple times. He does it to get under my skin but also he knows I can't do relationships, I have way too much on my plate plus the last time I ended up getting in a relationship things went south

"Why are you so argh, Manik you and alia didn't work because it wasn't meant to be plus you two were so young when you started dating, it's different now"

"How so? If you think that her and I are good for each other well im sorry to break your bubble but we aren't" I mumble looking down at nandini

It's fucked up that I'm even saying that but it's true, I am not good for nandini and hell she is the worst for me because ever since she and I have been cordial, she calms me down, she is someone I got to when I don't know where else to go.

As if those reasons weren't enough, there is another one and probably the biggest one, my mother who will destroy anything and everything good that is going on in my life

"If you think nyonika will ruin it for you, well fuck that, she tries and fails so don't give me that bullshit Manik"

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore"

"So you don't feel anything for her" he asks

i couldn't help but look at her, her forehead clear of any frowns, her cute button nose, her pouty lips, her chubby cheeks, i do feel something for her but I not that fucked up in the head to start ruining lives because of my feelings and especially not hers

"No" I reply hesitantly but firm enough to let him know I am lying

"Okay then"

Before I even realize what is going on, he places his hand on Nandini's head

"Hey wake up kid" he whispers caressing her head

"What are you doing? She is a sleep" I mumble

"You don't feel anything for her, and she well I don't know if she does right now but this behaviour of yours will definitely make her feel something so she isn't going to stay here with you' he says shaking nandini a little

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