Chapter 4

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Manik's pov

There are times I wish I wasn't this fucked up in the head, but then I remember how fucked up the women who gave birth to me is so basically she passed on her worst qualities to me.

My brain runs about a billion miles an hour, it never stops, not even when my body is resting. It's almost like there is something or the other going on and I hate it

"Manik" I hear cabir's voice making me sigh

I already know he is going to lecture me about what happened at that girl's house, she is on my list and not the good kind, that's for sure

"In my room" I yell back

a minute later he jogs in my room, he obviously doesn't waste even a second before he frowns at me and no not just a random frown, if looks could kill, I'd be dead

"Yes cabir"

"Fuck you" he yells at me

"Okay relax, why are you yelling?"

"You tried to give Nandini money to not sing, manik thats fucked up"

"Alia wants to do a solo opening with her piano or whatever but Miss shrivas wants some classical shit" I explain

"And I want to buy an airline, the fuck kind of explanation is that manic?"

"Well what airline?" I ask

"Fucking asshole dude" he yells making me chuckle

I like irritating him sometimes, it's actually a nicely weird feeling when he yells at me, it gives me some type of warmth and a feeling that someone cares

"Okay fine, what's wrong" I ask seriously this time

"You can't act like that with Nandini, she is the sweetest person ever and even if she wasn't, you an't go around giving people money and bribing them for something you want"

"Yeah but it's not that big of a deal, and alia really wants to do her solo thing"

"Okay then alia can go ask nandini, you do not need to come in between manik. She is a fully grown women and she can handle her battles, just because she is your ex and a good friend, you can't go around taking on her battles for her"

A frown forms on my face hearing him, he has never really liked alia well okay he likes her as a part of fab 5 but he never liked her when her and I were dating.

I mean I get what he is saying but fab 5 is my family so if any one of them ask for anything I don't think twice before making it reality.

"Manik you were disrespectful towards her" he sighs

"How so?" I ask

"Okay imagine a guy coming up to mukti and offering her money to not do something or to do something"

Instantly anger starts building up because there is no way anyone could ever do that and be alive. Mukti is like my younger sister, she is a badass but also I would snap anyone's neck who talks to her like that

Just thinking about someone doing that to mukti makes me angry, cabir is right, I crossed a line and I should have never even have gone to her room, but alia came to my sobbing.

"You were wrong" he mumbles again

"I know, I shouldn't have done that but"

"But alia came to you crying and sobbing like a bratty child yeah I know, she does this every single time. Manik come on man, you know what you did was wrong and I want you to understand that if anyone of us come up to you crying or asking for something, it isn't your responsibility to give us what we want. We are all adults and can get what we need by ourselves" he sighs as he explains

Ever since I was 15, cabir has explained right from wrong to me because my anger tends to overpower my sane side. He is a brother, a best friend, a sister, a mum, a dad, he is everything for me

"Manik you have to apologize to her"

"Okay no, I get I was wrong but there is no need for me to beg for her forgiveness"

"Shut up man, no one is asking you to beg, just go and say sorry"

I chuckle hearing him, he is talking to me like he doesn't know me. I rarely say sorry to anyone let alone saying it to someone who has an attitude


"Manik for me"

There we go, every single time he needs me to do something he uses this 'do it for me' card

"Cabir that's so unfair, you always use that card on me"

"Sometimes a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do"

"Asshole" I mumble

"Right back at ya" he chuckles throwing a pillow at me as he makes himself comfortable on my bed

"Food?" I ask him

"Mhm Chinese" he answers

I nod ordering us both food, I feel like out of fab 5, cabir and I are the ones that chill together the most.

"Whats going on with the album?" He asks

"It's going" I reply

He knows that there is a part of this one song that needs a timid yet strong voice which neither mukti nor alia can provide so I have been trying to change the song and stuff but it's not working out great I suppose

"How about you ditch the song for now and maybe sing with someone special in the future?" He suggests

"If by someone special you mean yourself than no thanks"

"I knew you liked me" he grins

"Shut up"

"You wanna cuddle till our food comes?" He asks running his hand over my bicep

"Get away from me, eww cabirrr"

My words only make him laugh like a god damn maniac making me shake my head.

"Oh heyyy boys, how is it going?" Mukti runs into my room like she always does, this girl has wings or some shit

"Great now that you other boy is here" cabir answers making me smile

"Boy? What other boy?" She asks looking around

When she doesn't see anyone she glares at cabir realizing he was referring to her.

"Want me to show you my"

"Mukuuu" I mumble grabbing her arm before she blurts our what she was sabot to

"What? He is so rude, why would he even call me a guy"

"Muku I mean you are a bro, our bro you know" he covers up

"Oh yeah yeah, shut up" she smacks him

"Our food is here" I mumble before the two can start arguing like kids

"Oh food" they both yell running downstairs

I couldn't help but shake my head at the two, they are so psychotic but also my life. I can never live without the two.

"Manikkkkk he took the noodles" mukti whines running to me, cabir behind her with food in his hand

"They were mine, she didn't say she wanted some"

"You never asked me, give me, it's mine" she yanks the noodles

"It's mine" cabir yells yanking it back

"Shhh both of you need to stop it and come share, muku look what I got you" I distract her opening the side drawer

hearing me she leaves the noodles walking to me, I hand her a chocolate bar making her smile. This girl is such a a badass, like people are scared to talk to her but with cabir and I, she is a child

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