Chapter 13

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"Heyyyy sexy" cabir smirks walking in the room

"Did mukti take her to the doctor?" I ask

"Haha don't get me started on that" he laughs

"Why? Is she being all bratty and not wanting to go?"

"She obviously didn't want to go to the doctor so she grabbed your blankets and tied one end to the headboard and the other end to her arm"

"the fuck?"

"Haha that was her way of making sure no one will take her but eventually mukti and navya convinced her after tons of chocolate and candy bribes" he laughs as he tells me

She is such a drama queen, it's also kinda funny

"She also took your t shirt that you left on the bed because she said you were mean to her and she is stealing that t shirt to make you suffer"

I absolutely love how she thinks taking a t shirt of mine is going to make me suffer but yeah whatever.

"of course" I mumble shaking my head

"Are we practicing?" Druv asks coming in

"No, actually we all need to chat"

"But mukti isn't here" alia says shutting the door behind her

"It's fine, this isn't about her anyways"

"Then what is this about?"

"Your behaviour from this morning and yesterday, even yours druv" I mumble sitting down

"My behaviour? Manik you are the one who is changing, not the other way around"

"How am I changing alia?" I ask curiously

I do think I am slightly changing but not in a bad way

"You hate taking anyone to your room, even us but here is that girl who you let sleep on the bed with you. Never, in the past 15 years have I seen you be this friendly and caring about anyone but fab 5 but as soon as that girl walks in you care. You have never argued with any member of fab 5 but yesterday you screamed at me for that immature so you tell me if thats change or not"

She isn't wrong, everything she has said is true but I feel like it's not a bad change

"You should have yelled at that girl instead of alia" druv says

"Cut it guys! Fab 5 isn't about strain, you can't force him to not do something he feels like" cabir says standing up

"He shouldn't be feeling this for a girl who called me a bitch" alia spits in his face

"You shouldn't be calling her names either alia, I made it very clear that nandini and navya mean the world to me yet you bring her down every chance you get so I don't see how it's fair that you expect her not to say anything back and defend herself"

"She is a grown ass women and she can defend herself but manik is the one standing there yelling at me for her"

"You were squeezing her arm alia, she is petite and you gripping her with that force is going to hurt her" I find myself uttering and instantly I realize something

I do care about nandini, I don't know why or for what reason but it's true, I care for her.

"See thats the fucking problem, who gives a shit if she is hurt, she shouldn't matter to you"

"And why do you think you have the right to tell me who I should and shouldn't care about?" I ask

"Fucks sake manik, if you wanna get laid do it with someone else"

Hearing her words my anger reaches it's peak and thats never good, this is exactly why I don't get in arguments with fab 5.

"Alia thats bullshit"

"Cabir hold on" I whisper

"Yeah cabir don't get in the middle of this" alia mumbles

"When I dated you I thought you'd be someone who I'd spend a very long of my life with but eventually we grew apart and thats okay. We were kids when we dated and it's okay that we are no longer together, people move on but you can't and thats fine too. I have always loved you as a friend and I always will but you have to realize that you and I are not dating"


"I'm not done yet! You and I are just friends alia and thats how its going to be, now if you wanna accept that then great but if you don't, then it's your problem not mine. If you have concerns and you are worried about my decisions then come up to me and talk to me about your concerns but you do not get to make decisions for me. You never had the right to make a decision for me when we dated and you won't get to now. When it comes to my care for nandini, it is something that is very new to me and I myself am not sure on why I do half the things I have done for her but thats not something I need to explain to you"

"Right" she snaps

"Do not interrupt me alia. You words and behaviour towards nandini was uncalled for and better not happen again and by no means am I saying don't defend yourself if she says something but don't start something thats not necessary"

"What have I done thats not necessary?" She asks being oblivious

"Banging on my door at 1 am, bolting into my room and calling nandini a slut, insinuating that her and I slept together, breaking glass leaving it all over the floor which ended up hurting nandini and squeeing her arm. All of it was not necessary and it shouldn't occur again. I mean it alia"

"Fine, but know that you are lecturing the wrong person and the only reason she is so sweet to you is because she wants you" she mumbles leaving the room

I couldn't help but chuckle at her words knowing they couldn't be further from the truth.

Nandini and I fight more than I have argued or fought with anyone but our fights always come with a banter which is something alia won't ever get so why bother explaining it to her

"Damnn you do care about her" cabir mumbles as druv also leaves the room

"For some reason, yeah I guess I do" I admit

"She is sweet"

"Well im not"

"She is someone I can see you with"

"Shut up cabir, stop playing matchmaker"

"I don't need to, not with nandini, she is special"

"how so?" I couldn't help but ask

"you'll figure it out by yourself but I am so glad you stood up to the two"

"I only did because nandini was involved and because her arm was green this morning, not to mention she cried like she has lost a limb last night" I tell him

"She cried?" He asks

"Yeah? Why is that shocking?"

'She is always so happy, I have never seen her cry well I mean she did when she got hurt I guess"

"It was a different cry, mhm whatever. Where is mukti?" I ask

"They are probably on their way back, you wanna play Fifa?"

"Yup" I mumble following him out of the room and into the game room

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