Chapter 14

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Nandini's pov

My head hurts, my foot is stinging and my arm is sore all because of alia and that stupid doctor. Mukti forced me to come to this doctor and of course navya came with because she knows I am stubborn, and like I was afraid, the doctor gave me 3 injections and then at the end he gave me a lollipop.

A lollipop doesn't do shit if half your body parts hurts like you have worked out for years and it sure as hell won't be good if I can't walk and run around in the manali trip. I love manali trips and I absolutely love Maggie so it's twin win

"Stop laughing at me" I yell at mukti and navya who were continuously giggling at me

Mutki was driving us back to the house and I hate it so much, she keeps looking at me from the rear view mirror and giggling. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing mukti giggling and laughing but not when I have had 3 needles stuck in my and I'm in pain.

Navya was no less, she kept turning back from the front seat and chucking at me because I was laying down in the back seat. She is mean and rude, yeah she is annoying.

"Stop laughing at me, I will complain to cabir and that monster who pissed me off this morning" I warn them

"We are so scared" mukti says with a smile

"Arghh I am an injured person and this is so not nice"

"It was 3 injections and he even gave you two lollipops"

"Oh yeah right, let me stab you with a knife and then get you a pizza. IT DOESN'T MAKE IT BETTER" she laughs hearing me

"But pizza is yummy" she states

"Yeah but, arghh shut up"

My arm is better but my foot kills and not to mention I have the worst headache probably cause some witch woke me up form my slumber this morning with the loudest fucking bang on the door.

I really wonder if alia is really in love with Manik or if she is just territorial about him because she thinks she will lose him not that she has anything to lose, he cares a lot for her. Maybe I am the problem, I mean people have called me a carp ton of things but I have never had anyone call me a slut

"Let me carry you" mukti says when we get to the house

"No, ill walk" I mumble

I actually hadn't gotten back home to get my shoes so I was walking around barefoot, well mukti offered me her sandals but they were way bigger than my feet, I am tiny

"Ohh its silent, does that mean a bomb went off in here?" I whisper as we walk in the house

"Fuck you" we hear cabir's scream

"They are playing Fifa" navy says

"Oh hell na, he is having fun after making me suffer, no thanks" i mumble walking up to the source fo the voice

manik was laying on his stomach on the bed, cabir laying beside him with a frown on his face.

"You suck" manik chuckles looking at cabir so im assuming he was winning

"You suck more" I mumble catching both their eyes

manik 's eyes wander down to my foot and then glares at me like I had killed his pet or something, though I doubt this man is capable of keeping a pet alive, maybe a lizard or something, it suits his personality

"Why the fuck is she not wearing shoes?" He snaps

"She is not wearing any because someone brought her here before she had the change to put her sandals on so her not wearing shoes is your fault, you big big monster" I mumble back pushing cabir and sitting in between him and manik

"Why didn't you just get some when you went to the doctor?" He asks

"Why would I do that?"

"Oh right, I completely forgot you don't have a brain" he mumbles beside me

"I will kill you" I threaten

"I'd like to see you try it"

"You are a sore loser and if I win then you will cry like a baby so no thanks" I tell him

Of course I'd win

"What did the doctor say?" He asks mukti

"He said I was a very good girl" I say nodding

"You yelled at him" navya says making me glare at her

"Noooo I did not"

"You threatened to cut off his eye lashes if he came close to you" mukti giggles

"Okay no, I do not like you two. Bad humans" I mumble getting up from the bed

"Where are you going?" Manik asks


"Oh right back home you mean" I hear him

"Shut up you monster" I yell back as I make my way out of that room

I wasn't particularity going anywhere, I was wandering actually and I am starving.

I didn't even know this house was this big, I mean last night shit went south obviously so I didn't get to see the house. I found myself walking towards the kitchen  because I smelled something yummy

"Mhm that's yummy" I whisper seeing aunty making something

"Right on time, I'm making some chicken curry and rice for dinner" she tells me with a smile

"That sounds perfect" I giggle when she hands me an orange

"I can make you moggie" she suggests probably because I downed that orange faster than I ever should have

"Gosh yess thank you, only if it's not too much trouble" I whisper not wanting to trouble her

Here is the thing, she is so sweet but I do not want to overstep especially because I am just a guest

"It's no trouble silly girl. Go on and enjoy yourself, ill bring some snacks as well"

"You are perfect aunty" I smile kissing her cheek

"You are just buttering me up"

"Nope, I am being very honest, you are perfect"

She chuckles with me.

"Nandini" I hear the monster's voice while I was wandering

"Yeahhh?" I answer

"Stop wandering like a bird, come here"

"stop being a gorilla" I mumble back but I do eventually walk over towards the room they were playing games in

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