
985 48 46

March 13th
Location: Her apartment

I've known for a couple days know that I might be pregnant but never had the guts to tell Flau'jae until today.

According to my tracker I was supposed to get my period two weeks ago but with being an athlete sometimes it's late so I didn't pay it any mind.

Imagine my surprise when I seen it's been over two weeks.

I didn't want to start panicking but I couldn't hold on to the thought alone anymore. I needed to tell Flau that we might be having a baby.

I know that i've already made my decision to go to the draft, just haven't told anyone but this could change everything. There might not even be a draft for me if im finna have a baby.

That don't even sound right.

I'm finna have a baby?

When I told Flau on the way to my hair appointment that my period was late, I wasn't exactly happy with her response.

I know she thinks we're not ready to be parents but i'm also not opposed to being a mom.

I haven't put too much thought into it cause of the plans I have for the next year are already set in stone but if a baby came along to derail that I wouldn't mind it.

Even if i'm not okay with the timing of it I know i'd make a great mom, we'd be great parents so the thought of us having a baby together isn't a terrible idea.

I feel like she didn't take what I said serious at first so when I dropped the word pregnant, I let her have her silence.

She still has two years left in school and she's already busy as hell so of course I wouldn't want to mess up her plans but it take two to tango.

I'm not even sure why she's surprised like this wasn't a consequence of our actions.

After I got done with my hair appointment we went home and I headed straight for the bathroom to go take these tests.

Flau got like 30 tests and got it in her head i'm about to use all of them tonight. She's crazy as hell plus we gotta keep some just in case.

I started opening a box that had four tests in it when she tried to open another one. I had to kick her out cause the two I was about to use would be enough.

She doing too much, adding on to my stress.

I closed the bathroom door and locked her out while I took the tests out the packaging.

She wasn't even out there for 30 seconds before she started bothering me

"You done?"

I didn't even respond cause I haven't even started yet.

I got the tests ready while also preparing myself both mentally and physically to pee on these sticks.

"Angel" She said again but I still didn't respond

I almost yelled for her to shut the fuck up but I wasn't gone do that.

Once I was done, I set the sticks down putting on a timer like the instructions said.

Waiting was the worst part for sure.

It's like time couldn't go any slower.

It didn't even take the entire time for the results to show up.

I had to do a double take.

I was looking back and forth between the paper just to be sure.

I wasn't so sure so I opened the door and looked at Flau who immediately walked towards me.

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