Chapter One

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Penny pov:

"I put your new wardrobe inside this jewelry box." Amy said to me as she placed the large jewelry box on her dresser beside where I was standing. It was significantly taller than me, about scale to what a kitchen pantry would look like.

"Wow, thank you! I love it!" I said with excitement, putting my hand on the door of the jewelry box. Amy smiled.

"I'll be right back, okay? Don't go anywhere." Amy informed me as she stood to her full height. She turned around and walked to the other side of the room, most likely to get something for me to use as a make-shift bed. Amy is my best friend, but since I some how became only three inches tall, her enormity intimidated me. I knew she would never hurt me on purpose, but it was still scary to see how much power she really had over me. Even if it was an accident, any wrong move could be fatal.

  Starting to feel sleepy, I thought maybe it was time to change into my pj's. I tugged on the door of the jewelry box, but the door wouldn't open. I tugged and pulled with all my strength but it seemed to be jammed. I pushed my foot against the baseboard of the box and pulled the door open, but I pulled too hard and the whole jewelry box tipped forward onto me. It came crashing down and crushed me, pinning me to the top of Amy's dresser. I heard Amy gasp and call my name but I couldn't move or talk, and I felt my reality disappear. Everything faded into quiet darkness.

Amy pov:
  I searched my closet and everywhere else to see if I could find something for Penny to sleep in. Even if it's a shallow little box or something, I can make her a small pillow and a blanket, and cushion the floor of the box with a folded cloth or something to make it at least a little comfy. She could sleep in my bed with me, but I was afraid I would roll over and squish her. It's too dangerous, I just want her to be comfy and safe. Then I heard a loud crash and let out an audible gasp as I quickly turned around.
  "Penny?!" I shouted as I ran towards her. There she was, on my dresser, stuck underneath the jewelry box I had foolishly lent her. "Penny, are you okay?!" I asked as I frantically lifted the jewelry box off of her teeny little body and pushed her spilled clothes out of the way. But there was no response. Penny's eyes were shut and she wasn't moving. My concern for her grew the longer she was unconscious.

  I carefully nudged her little arm to try to wake her. I moved closer for a better look. I felt a wave of relief when I saw her tiny chest moving up and down with each breath she took.

"Penny, please wake up... please say something." I pleaded. I brushed her light brown hair with my finger. I carefully nudged her again and this time her eyes slowly fluttered open. I had never felt so relieved in my life.

Penny pov:
  I felt a giant finger poking at my arm as I slowly regained consciousness. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a teary-eyed Amy standing over me with worry. She wrapped her fingers around my back as I tried to sit up.


"W-what happened??" I asked. I was so confused and everything was hurting.

"The jewelry box fell on you. Are you okay?? Are you hurt?" I could hear the panic in her voice.

"A little, but I think I'm okay." I answered, still feeling a little hazy.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for you to get hurt. The jewelry box was a bad idea."

"Amy, it's okay. It was a great idea, the door was just jammed." I explained. I tried to get up but I was feeling weak.

"I can take the magnet off, or just take the whole door off so this doesn't happen again." Amy suggested.

"Good plan." I replied.

"That was scary, Penny. I couldn't wake you up." Amy said as she lightly stroked my arm. She carefully held my hand between her huge thumb and index finger and gently pulled to help me stand up.

"I was scared, too." I admitted.

"Are you okay now?" Amy asked with concern.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I promise." I tried to reassure her, but I don't think she fully believed me.

  She decided not to question me any further and left her reply as a simple "okay." It warmed my heart that she cared so much. "Would you like some water?" She offered.

"Yes please." I replied. She got up and quickly left the room, coming back with a bottle cap of water. I drank the water while she set up my little bed on her dresser. I was sore but I didn't want to make her feel bad, so we called it a night and went to bed. But not before she told me twice to call her name and wake her up if I needed anything. She catered to my every need. As much as this situation sucks, I'm glad that it's with Amy.

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