Chapter Seven

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Penny pov:
I feel a bit better knowing I'll be able to go back to the office soon, even if it is only to visit because I'm only three inches tall. Still, the stress of it all is making me sore and tense. It was early in the morning before work, and Amy and I were sitting at the table having coffee and finishing breakfast. I took my usual seat in the middle of the table with my bottle cap off coffee.

"Amy?" I asked.


"My back hurts so much. I don't know what to do." I admitted as I stood up.

"Oh no, what happened? Is your bed comfy enough?" Amy asked, concerned.

"Yeah, it just hurts sometimes though. And the muscles in my back feel really tight." I said to her as I was trying to massage my own back.

"I'm sorry about that."

"Can you massage it out for me? Please?"

"Um... I can try." Amy said hesitantly. I turned around and she put her hand in front of me for me to lean into her fingers. I waited for her to start massaging my back, but it never happened. I turned my head to look up at her.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't want to hurt you." She said. That is something she often worried about.

"It's okay." I said as I turned around again and waited for her to start.

"No, it isn't. I'm afraid I might hurt you, and I just can't. I'm sorry." Amy said. I turned around to face her completely.

"You can do it, Amy. I believe in you. And if it hurts then I can tell you and we'll know for next time. I'm not going to die." I explained to her. She thought about it for a second and bit her bottom lip.

"Well... okay. But if I'm hurting you, you tell me and I'll stop. Okay?"

"Okay." I turned around again to lean against her fingers. She gently massaged my back with her enormous thumb. It was amazing.

"How does that feel?" Amy asked. I was feeling too relaxed to answer her, but I think my silence scared her a bit as she stopped massaging. "Penny?"

"It feels great, keep going." I replied. She started again and subconsciously put more pressure into my back, which I loved. It was getting the knots out big time. My back cracked and it was exactly what I needed, but the cracking sound made Amy gasp and stop massaging.

"Oh, god! Did I hurt you?!" She asked with panic in her voice. I turned around to face her again and saw her face filled with concern.

"No, that's exactly what I needed!" I said to her. She sighed of relief and put her free hand on her chest. Her exhailing blew my hair slightly. "I feel so much better. You have no idea. Thank you!" I said to her. I truly appreciated her doing that for me.

"Well, I'm glad I could help." She said, smiling at me. "I'm just glad I didn't break you. That would have been awful."

"I knew you wouldn't, but can you imagine?" I asked with a smirk.

"Don't even say that! I would feel so bad, I don't know what I would do. I just know if I took you to the hospital, they would just send you away for lab testing like some kind of rodent." Amy said.

The thought of that made me shudder. It's exactly why I didn't want to go when all this first happened. Amy seemed very adamant about taking me to the hospital on the first day, but when I expressed my fear of this, she reluctantly agreed. As long as I wasn't showing any other dangerous symptoms, it was safer to just not go out for everyone to see.

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