Chapter Eleven

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Penny pov:
  "I hate doing dishes." Amy mentioned as she filled the kitchen sink with soapy water.
"Me too. I'm glad I can't do them anymore because I'm only three inches tall." I replied to her and then chuckled. I excitedly hopped along the countertop to keep Amy company while she did the dishes.
"Yeah, lucky you." She said, sarcastically. "I can't wait for you to try on some more pjs I made for you. Making things for you is a lot of fun." Amy admitted.
"Ooh, that's exciting!" I said. It might sound lame, but having proper fitting clothes that are comfy is a huge treat compaired to the itchy doll type clothes I've been wearing. I was using the middle wall of the double compartment sink as like a balance beam while we were talking.
"Yeah, I just want you to be comfy." Amy stated, as I walked back and forth along the middle edge of the sink.
"I can't wait to see these new pjs." I said. Amy smiled at me, then started to show concern.
"Please don't play on the sink, I'm scared you're going to fall. I know you can't swim." Amy expressed. Embarrassing fact about me, I just never learned. And it's probably even harder at this size.

"Meh, I'll be fine." I dismissed her. She didn't like that too much, she reached over and gingerly wrapped her fingers around me and lifted me to the other side of the counter, near the drying rack. She gently set me down and her wet soapy hand let go of me.

"Sorry. That was making me nervous." Amy said.
"Why would you do that, Amy! Now my clothes are all wet and soapy!" I came out with as I was clearly annoyed. Amy giggled a little.
"Well. Maybe next time, you will listen." She muttered. She turned around and dried her hands, then started putting some of the dishes away to make more room on the drying rack.
I walked to the edge of the sink to ring out my shirt. One of the giant plates on the drying rack shifted onto another plate and made a deafening crash. That frightened me and I flinched. I lost my balance and fell into the dish water. I heard Amy gasp and call my name as she frantically searched the soapy water for me. I had to close my eyes as the soap was making them burn. I flailed my arms and legs in the water, in an attept to rise to the surface. That failed, and I just seemed to sink to the bottom.

Amy pov:
  Oh, my god, Penny fell into the dish water, that still had dishes in it. I had to act fast or she will drown, but at the same time, I have to be careful not to squish her with any dishes. The soap suds made it very difficult to see what I was doing. I diligently moved the dishes around to try to see her, to no avail. I had to blindly feel around for her. Trying so hard not to hit her with dishes, I finally had my hand on something that felt soft. I moved the soap suds and sure enough, it was her. I pulled her out of the water and gently put her on the counter. Surprisingly, she was still conscious.

Penny pov:
   After what felt like an eternity, I could feel Amy's hand touch me. Thank Christ. She quickly, but gently held me in her fist and pulled me out of the water. I gasped for air as she set me down on the counter standing up, I was coughing and rubbing my eyes profusely.

"Oh, my goodness, are you okay?!" Amy asked with panic. After I was done coughing, I was able to answer her.

"Yes, I think so. But the soap is burning my eyes." I announced.
"I'm sorry." She said. "But are you sure you're okay? Did I squish you with any dishes? I couldn't see you at all." Amy admitted, as she was clearly very worried.

"No, I'm fine." I said, then coughed a couple more times. "Now my clothes are really wet and soapy, haha." I joked, but Amy didn't find that as funny as I did. She started to look even more worried.
"Honey, you're shivering. Hang on." Amy said as she turned around to dig through a drawer. She pulled out a clean, dry cloth and folded it in half. She then wrapped it around me like a cape to keep me warm.
"Thank you." I said. The cloth was plenty big enough for me to keep warm.
"Your lips are blue, I don't want you to get sick. Your tiny little body must be having a hard time regulating your temperature." Amy said as she wrapped her hands around me to help warm me up. Her grip was firm but not too tight. "Is that helping?"
"Yes." I nodded. Amy could still see my hair shaking as I shivered.
"Good. That was so scary, Penny. I couldn't find you." Amy said.
"It was scary for me too. I couldn't reach the surface, I couldn't see, hear, or breathe. I was stuck." I explained. My shivering started to dissipate and she let me go.
"Maybe some day, I will teach you how to swim. But for right now, I want you to stay away from the sink. I'm going to finish up quickly then we can get you out of these wet clothes and into something dry and comfy." Amy explained.
"Can I keep my cape on?" I asked, still hanging onto it to keep myself warm. That made Amy giggle.

"Yes, of course! I won't be long." Amy said. She quickly finished up, then took me to the bedroom to change into some pjs.
"This is much better." I said as I put on my soft, new pj's.
"Good. Are you still cold?" Amy asked with a bit of concern.
"No, I'm nice and cozy now. And starting to feel sleepy." I admitted.
"It's been a long day, I think it's time for bed." Amy declared as she gently scooped me into her cupped hands.
"I agree." I said, followed by a yawn. She walked over to my t-shirt bed, and carefully let me slide off her hand onto my bed. She then gave me a gentle kiss on my head.
"Goodnight, honey." She said to me as I laid down and covered myself up. She hopped into her own bed and turned out the light.

"Goodnight." I mumbled, almost immediately falling asleep.

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