Chapter Five

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Penny pov:
   Every day when Amy went to work, I stayed home and watched tv on my phone, which was now considerably bigger than me. It was like going to the movies. It was fun at first but got boring after a while. I could text people too but I never kept the conversation going, it was exhausting. Amy made me promise I wouldn't leave her dresser while she was gone.

   I was scrolling through my gigantic phone, trying to find something to watch, when I saw a huge centipede on the wall. They scared me at my original size, but now, I was down right terrified. I took a few steps back.

  "Don't come near me!" I shouted at it. It was bigger than me! "Get away!" But actually, it started to approach me, coming down the wall. "AMY!!" I called out, even though she was not here to save me. I staggered back in fear, not realizing how close I had gotten to the edge. My foot slipped, I lost my balance, and next thing I knew, I was plummeting towards the floor. I flipped in the air as I fell and smacked the floor with a belly flop. It knocked the wind right out of me.

  A few moments later, I woke up lying on the floor on my belly. I looked up and realized I had fallen for my death off of Amy's dresser. I got up on my hands and knees, eventually standing up on my feet again. I felt very sore. The centipede was gone, and I was surprised I survived that fall without breaking any bones. I had to try to figure out how to get back on the dresser.

  I started to make my way around Amy's bedroom, trying to find anything I could possibly use to climb. I could see under Amy's bed, nothing there. She was a neat freak, kind of annoying in this situation. Then I heard the door unlock and Amy entered the apartment. Thank god. I heard her set her things down and make her way to her bedroom to find me.

"Penny? I'm home! You'll never guess what happened at work!" Her voice boomed and so did her thunderous footsteps. Oh god, she doesn't know I'm on the floor and I have to run for my life before I get stepped on. I ran for the bed and hid behind the leg post, and just in time, too. Amy almost stepped on me as she walked by, headed towards the dresser. I had never seen her from this angle before. She was taller than me to begin with, by five or six inches. Now I hardly make it to her ankle.

Amy pov:
  "Penny, guess what happened today!" I said as I quickly approached the dresser. But my heart started beating out of my chest when I saw she wasn't in her bed. "Penny?!" I called her name and scanned the floor, trying to find her. I had never been more aware of each step I took in my life, I hoped to god I didn't just stomp her to death. "Penny, please come out... before I start to cry." I said as I searched around the dresser, getting increasingly worried. Did she run away? Did she fall? Did she get stuck somewhere and can't call out to me? Did she get crushed? The horrible possibilities seemed endless and I was getting more anxious by the second.

Penny pov:
  I wanted to come out from behind the bed post and call out to her, but I didn't know if it was safe, or if she would even hear me. Either way, I had to get her attention somehow.

 "Amy!!" I called out. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked around. "Amy! I'm down by the bed post!" I yelled. She looked towards the bed and we locked eyes. She looked so relieved as she ran to me and placed her hand, palm up, for me to climb on to. I was happy to be in the safety of her hands again.

 "Penny, what happened? Why were you on the floor? That's so dangerous!" Amy warned me.

 "I know. There was a centipede and I tried to get away, but instead, I fell on the floor." I explained to her. She stood to her full height.

"Oh, god... did you hurt yourself?" She asked, as she inspected my body.

 "Knocked the wind out of me. My ribs hurt but nothing broken." I said. "That fall should have killed me." I added. I think she realized I was right, all she could do was hold me to her chest and hug me.

  The next day Amy was more hesitant on leaving me for work, but I convinced her she has to go. We need money.  And as bored and stir crazy I was becoming, she knew I was right.

"Be careful, okay?" Amy told me as she was headed out the door. This became routine and she started coming home for lunch to check in.

  One particular morning I found a paperclip jammed under my jewelry box-dresser. I worked at it and eventually yanked it out. I thought maybe I could use it to my advantage. I also found a really long loose thread on my t-shirt blanket. Yanked that out too and thought, this is my lucky day.

   I sat cross-legged on my make-shift shirt bed and carefully tied the thread to the small curve of the paperclip. I carefully bent the larger curve out a bit further, creating a fish hook type thing. I tied the string a couple more times to make the knot stronger. I smiled, satisfied with my work. I successfully made a grappling hook, so I could get around easier.

   I hooked the paperclip into one of the handles of Amy's dresser. I tightly gripped the string in my hands and jumped down, dangling in mid-air. My goal was to slide down the string and get to the floor. That is when I realized that I had no upper-body strength, whatsoever. I also didn't realize how much the string was hurting my hands on the way down.

Amy came home for lunch that day. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! I was stuck half way down the string, hanging on for dear life. I didn't want to slide down and hurt my hands, and possibly get stepped on, but I also couldn't climb back up. I was too weak. Anxiety settled in and my eyes filled with tears. I squeezed my eyes shut and let the tears spill down my face. Then I saw Amy in the doorway of the bedroom.

 "Amy, help!!" I cried in desperation. My feet were kicking and swinging in mid-air as I struggled. I started to lose my grip but Amy came running to catch me, just in time. She threw her hands out to catch me as if she was catching water from a faucet. I landed on my back inside her cushiony palm.

 "Are you okay??!" She asked me as I made a few dazed blinks. I slowly sat up.

 "I think so. Thank you for saving me." I wiped away my tears.

 "Why must you engage in such dangerous activities?! You're going to get hurt!" Amy started yelling at me. I was not expecting that and I cowered against her fingers in her massive hand. She held up the string and paperclip and told me it made her nervous.

"I was just trying to figure out ways to do things on my own." I explained, still cowering a bit. Her expression softened.

 "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I just don't want you to get hurt." Amy said apologetically.

 "It's okay. Can we talk about something else now?" I asked, feeling embarrassed and upset.

 "Let's just go eat lunch." Amy said. She pocketed my string-and-paperclip contraption. I don't think I'm ever going to see it again. After we ate lunch, Amy carried me back to her dresser.

"I don't want you to go." I said to Amy.

 "I don't want to go either, but I have to. Please be careful, okay? And please, please, please, no more dangerous behavior." She begged me.

"Fine." I said weakly. She kissed my head and left the bedroom. She put her purse back on and went back to work.

I love how much Amy loves me and cares about me, but honestly, I'm starting to feel very isolated and depressed. I decided to just stay in my t-shirt bed and go to sleep.

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