Chapter Fifteen

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Penny pov:
It had been four months since I became small. Ever since the store incident with that little girl, I've been a little more okay with staying home most of the time. It's lonely sometimes, but a lot safer. Sometimes I would go to the office with Amy, and sometimes I would stay home, depending on how we feel and what was scheduled to happen that day. And still, Kamal and Gemma were the only other people who knew about me.

Amy installed teeny little ladders made out of wood all around the apartment so I could get around easier when she is not around. Though she would watch me closely every time she saw me use the ladder, telling me to be careful and instinctively holding her hand out below me incase I fall. It was part of her sweet nature to be so protective of me. Perhaps, overprotective. I could tell it made her feel uneasy letting me be a little more independent, but it gave me a goal to work on, which made us both happy. I've gotten a lot stronger, and I'm pretty sure I've given Amy a heart attack every time I climb the ladders or appear somewhere she didn't expect me to be.

These ladders made my life a hell of a lot easier. I could roam around the apartment more freely, walking along the walls of course, to avoid any accidents. I had the flu and was not feeling so well, so Amy avised me to stay home instead of going to the office with her. It was a good call. I was feeling super dizzy and nauseous, and barely had any energy at all. I stayed in my t-shirt bed until I started to get hungry. Since I'd been too sick to eat, the gnawing hunger was getting the best of me.

I slowly dragged myself out of my t-shirt bed, and started towards the edge of Amy's dresser I was on. I sat down on the edge where the ladder was located, and stared down. The dizziness was making the room spin and I had a hard time focusing. I could see two and three of everything. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. My stomach growled again, reminding me that I need to eat before the hunger causes other issues.

I turned around and took my first step on the ladder. Slowly took another and another as I held on tight to the sides of the ladder with white knuckles. Then I lost my balance from the dizziness, my foot slipped and I was too weak to hang on. I fell all the way down the ladder, hitting a couple steps on the way down. I landed on my stomach and my wrist, and let out a loud scream. I felt excruciating pain. I tried to get up but the pain was too intense to bear. My ankle was hurt, too. I was here all alone, with a probably broken wrist, and there is absolutely nothing I could do for myself at this point.


Tears ran down my face as all I could do was sit here on the floor. I just sat and cried while I tried to come up with a plan. I had to think outside the box.

"Hey, Siri!" I shouted. I looked up and saw my giant phone light up in response. "Call Amy!" I commanded.

"Calling Amy." It repeated my command. Then I heard the dial tone and felt slightly proud that I could at least do that from the floor.

"Penny?" Amy answered.

"Amy! I fell down and I think I broke my hand." I struggled to say.

"I can't hear you, honey. Can you speak up? Is something wrong?" Amy asked. My heart sank.

"I said, I think I broke my hand! I fell off the ladder!"

"Are you okay, Penny? I still can't quite hear you." Amy said with a hint of concern in her voice. I was starting to get frustrated and overwhelmed, and started sobbing.

"I need help!" I cried, hoping she would hear me.

"I'm just about to go on lunch break, I'm coming home. Hang on." Amy said as she hung up the phone. I felt a tiny bit of relief that she was coming home.

Amy pov:
That was weird. I had just gotten a phone call from Penny, and I could barely hear a word she said. She sounded like she was in distress, but I couldn't hear why.

"Kamal, I have to go. I don't know if I'm coming back after lunch. I'm sorry." I said.

"Why? You okay?" Kamal asked with worry.

"No, it's Penny, I think she's is in trouble. She called me, she fell down, or something. I couldn't hear her but now I'm scared and I have to go check on her." I explained.

"Oh, my god. Do you want me to come with you?" She offered.

"That's sweet, but I don't think she would want other people to see. I'll call you later with an update." I explained as I hurriedly ran off to my car. The anxiety made the drive home feel like an eternity.

Penny pov:
I heard Amy's keys as she unlocked the door and felt a bit of relief after the agonizing wait. I heard the front door fly open and Amy came rushing in.

"Penny?! Where are you?" She asked in panic.

"In the bedroom!" I called out. She came in and immediately spotted me on the floor. She ran over to me.

"Penny!" She dropped to her knees, causing the ground around me to shake slightly. "Are you okay?" Her features were soft and filled with worry.

"No." I mumbled looking up at her with tears streaming down my face. "I fell down the ladder and hurt my ankle, and I think my wrist is broken."

"I told you to be careful!" Amy scolded me. That was the last thing I needed and I choked back a sob. She gave me a look of pity. "I'm sorry. Let me see, I promise I'll be gentle." She said. I lifted my arm for her to see. She held my hand in between her enormous thumb and index finger, squinting her eyes to focus. She ever so slightly tilted my hand as she examined it and I winced in pain.

"Ow!" I involuntarily yelped. Her eyes widened and she quickly let go of my hand.

"I'm sorry! Can I pick you up so I can see you better?" Amy asked. I weakly nodded and she slowly and carefully scooped me off the ground.

Amy then rushed me to the kitchen, trying to keep her hands as steady as possible. She gently placed me on the kitchen counter and examined my wrist once again, trying to feel for broken bones. She also used a magnifying glass to see better. She was no professional, but we can't see a doctor with me looking like this.

"It's hurt for sure, but I don't think it's broken. You'll be okay. I'll bandage it for you just to be safe, okay?" Amy gently explained.

"Thank you, Amy." I said, truly thankful for everything she does for me. Amy found an old tensor bandage and tried to cut it into pieces small enough to wrap around my wrist and my hand. She was very gentle and attentive during the process of wrapping my small hand.

"Is that too tight?" Amy asked before taping it with bandage tape.

"No, it's perfect." I said. Amy taped it up as best she could. She did a great job, considering my tiny hand in her enormous fingers.

"That should last a little while. Now that you are on the mend, may I ask what you were doing wandering around and exploring when you're sick?" Amy asked sternly.

"I wasn't exploring, I just wanted something to eat because I was hungry. I'm still hungry." I explained. Amy once again gave me a look of pity and worry.

"Aww, now I feel bad. Let me get you something to eat." Amy said as she went to rummage through the fridge. She gave me a grape. A single grape was all it took and I was full. Then she scooped me up again and walked back into the bedroom. "I'll take you back to your bed, too. I don't want you to hurt yourself again, or injure your ankle or wrist even more. Don't put too much pressure on your ankle."

"Yes, mom." I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. Amy glared at me.

"I mean it. You really scared me with that phone call, I don't want to have to come back here again because you weren't careful." Amy said.

"I'm sorry." I said, feeling a pang of guilt. "Are you mad?" I asked as she gently placed me into my bed.

"No, I'm just glad you're okay. I'm going back to work, I'll see you in a few hours. You better be good." Amy said, pointing at me.

"I will. I won't leave this bed." I assured her. She gave me a nod of approval and then disappeared back to work.

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