Chapter Three

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Penny pov:
  Amy typed away on her computer, working and researching. I was on the desk by her hand, watching her type and click the mouse.

  "What if I lose my job? I'll be homeless on the streets." I said, starting to panic.

 "Calm down, I would never let that happen." Amy was used to me worrying about everything, and she always knew how to calm me down.

 "I love my job. I don't want to get fired."

 "You're not going to get fired, I'm handling it. You're on sick leave now until we fix this. Kamal will understand." Amy informed me. I felt relieved. It's a good thing we are roommates as well as coworkers. "And it's nobody's business why. As far as everyone else is concerned,  you're dealing with personal issues. Everyone at the office sends their love." Amy explained.

 "Aww, that's sweet." I said. I just want my life back more than anything else. I miss my job, I miss my friends, I miss my bed. I've been sleeping on a folded up t-shirt on Amy's dresser for a week, with a tiny little doll pillow, and another shirt used as a blanket. And as comfy as it is, it makes me sore sometimes.

 "I didn't tell Kamal either, just so you're aware. Even though she's the boss, she doesn't need the details." Amy said. "The less that people know, the safer you will be." She added.

  "Thank you. What are you doing now?" I asked out of curiosity.

  "Researching. I want to find a cure for whatever it is that made you so little. Do you know what may have caused it?"

 "I have no idea. I don't remember anything. I just remember waking up in my bed that morning and everything was way huge. I was scared." I explained.

 "I can't think of anything either." Amy said. We both thought about it.

 "I mean, unless you poisoned me or something." I said jokingly and chuckled. She laughed a bit too but then her smile disappeared.

 "Wait, you think I did this?" She looked at me sharply with her dark brown eyes.

 "No?" I answered quickly, suddenly very afraid of what she might do next. She showed me nothing but kindness and I just accused her of a serious crime. Even though I was kidding, I think I upset her.

 She looked so serious, I couldn't tell if she was kidding or not. I took a step back and accidentally bumped into Amy's glass of water. Amy gasped. The glass tipped, and fell off the coaster, spilling water everywhere, including on her phone. The glass shattered on the floor. I looked at Amy and her jaw was on the floor in shock. I felt the anxiety and the tears coming, knowing I messed up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!" I cried in one breath. I sounded like that kid on Zathura. I clenched my eyes shut and felt the tears spill down my face.

 "Oh, Penny..." Amy cried. She reached out for me, but I flinched because I thought she was going to hit me. She retracted her enormous hand. I've always been jumpy, but it seemed to be worse now.

  "I'm sorry." I repeated with my head down.

  "Penny, stop. Look at me." But I couldn't. I couldn't look at her, I was too scared and upset. She reached out for me again and lightly wiped my tears with her gigantic thumb. I looked up at her, still with tears in my eyes, surprised how gentle she was. Though I shouldn't have been surprised, she is my best friend after all.

"That phone was garbage anyway. Now I have an excuse to buy a new one." Amy said, trying to cheer me up.

"Y-you're not mad?" I asked.

"No. And if I was, I'd still love you." Amy said sweetly.

 "But... what about the broken glass? And your laptop?"

 "My laptop is fine. And I don't care about any of those things, I only care about you." Amy said. My heart skipped a beat, I was totally speechless.

Amy was so calm and composed, and I was an anxious mess. She rubbed my back and shoulder with her fingers to comfort me. Then she stood up from her chair, picked up the three shards of glass and brought them to the kitchen. She returned with a bottle cap of water.

 "Drink some water, it will help you feel better." Amy said as she carefully sat down and passed me the bottle cap. I took a drink and she continued researching.

 "Are you upset? You know I was kidding, right? About the whole being poisoned thing?" I asked. I've always been so awkward about everything.

 "I know. I'm not upset, it just caught me off gaurd. That's why I reacted like that. I didn't mean to scare you." Amy explained.

  "I just want my life back." I muttered. Amy completely focused on me, giving me a sympathetic look.

  "I know, I'm trying to help you, we will figure this out. I promise."

"What if I'm stuck like this? What if there's no cure?" I asked.

 "I don't know, honey. Just know that I will be right here with you, every step of the way." Amy assured me.

Amy pov:
  I feel so sorry for Penny. She is scared she will be stuck like this forever. It kind of bothered me when she said she thought I poisoned her. What kind of person does she think I am? I would never do that to her or to anyone. I knew she'd always had anxiety problems, so I just brushed it off as that. I could tell she was scared of me too, whether she knew it or not. I truly didn't mean to scare her, I just felt a little hurt. But I could never hurt her, especially not now... I love her too much.

 "Amy?" Penny asked quietly.

 "Yes, honey." I answered.

"Can we watch a movie? I'm super tired now."

 "Yes, we can. I could use a little break." I said. I gently scooped her up and headed over to the couch.

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