Chapter Two

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Penny pov:
Watching Amy butter her toast was making me hungry. She cut a small piece for me to have for breakfast. Her phone started to ring, but she ignored it and continued preparing food. The phone vibrated as it rang, making an awful noise against the shelf it was on.

"Penny!" Amy yelled in a panic. Before I had time to respond or even react at all, she snatched me off the kitchen counter, causing me to yelp, and she held me in her fist. Then I heard the loud crash. Her phone fell off the shelf and onto the counter, almost crushing me in the process.

"Oh, my god. That was so close." Amy said.

In the stress of that moment, I don't think Amy realized how hard she was squeezing me in her fist. My arms were pinned to my sides, and her grip was tight. Actually, it was way too tight. I could hardly breathe!

"A-Amy, you're... hurting me." I struggled to say.

"Oh, god!" Amy loosened her grip and quickly but carefully set me back down on the counter. I gasped for air as I could breathe again and dropped to my knees and sat down. "I'm so sorry!! Can you breathe now? Did I squeeze you too hard?" Amy asked in worry, keeping her hands close by me incase I fall or faint.

"Why didn't you just grab the phone?!" I hissed angrily as I still struggled to breathe normally.

"I'm sorry! I panicked! I had to do something!" Amy explained. "I thought of the jewelry box all over again and had to save you. I didn't mean to squeeze you so tight." Amy's face was sympathetic. Her dark eyes and long black curly hair, it's hard to stay mad at her.

"I'm sorry, too. I know you were just trying to protect me." I said, realizing I shouldn't have yelled at her. It was an accident, after all. She didn't mean to be so rough with me.

"It's okay." She said. I smiled. "Are you hungry? Breakfast is ready." Amy mentioned.

"I'm starving." I said, holding my growling belly as I stood up. Amy reached out for me and I back-pedalled in fear of being squeezed to death again. Her face softened.

"I promise, I'll be gentle. I'm not going to hurt you, just holding my hand out for you to climb onto." Amy said, holding her hand out, palm up, as she explained she would. I hesitated and my eyes watered. "Honey, I know this really scary for you, but I want you to remember that I'm still me. I'm still your best friend and I still love you. I would never do anything to hurt you. At least not on purpose. I promise to always be gentle and careful." Amy reassured me. I sniffled and wiped my tears away.

"Okay." I said softly. I slowly and carefully climbed onto her warm squishy palm. Her hands were super soft. She slowly carried me to the kitchen table, taking each step with care, trying not to jostle me around too much. It was kind of nice.

Amy pov:
I couldn't believe I squeezed Penny half to death. I needed to be more careful, I could have broken her ribs or her arms had I squeezed any harder. I felt like such an idiot. I was trying my best to protect her and make her feel safe but instead I hurt her. It scared me how fragile she was.

I carried our toast to the kitchen table where Penny was sitting patiently, and I sat down on the chair to join her. I carefully picked up her tiny piece of toast and handed it to her. She inhaled it in a few bites and drank some water from her bottle cap.

"Was that enough to eat?" I asked her.

"Can... I have some more?" She asked.

"Of course." I ripped off another small piece and handed it to her. She really was hungry, she inhaled that one in seconds too. She drank some more water.

"Thank you. I feel so much better now." Penny said to me. Hearing her say that made me happy.

"Good. I'm so sorry for hurting you, I hope you know that was an accident." I said to her apologetically.

"It's okay, you don't have to keep apologizing." Penny assured me.

"I just feel so guilty." I said. She stood up and walked over to me, placing her little hand on my arm. She looked up at me with her bright blue eyes.

"I forgive you. It was an accident, it happens. I'm okay."

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again. I carefully scooped her up into my hand and held her at eye level, inspecting her tiny little body for any bruises or signs of injury.

"I'm okay, Amy. Really." She tried to reassure me. I held her to my chest and gently hugged her. I felt her little arms trying to hug me back, and it made my heart so happy.

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