Chapter Four

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Penny pov:
  Amy crouched down and slowly placed her hand on the couch, palm up, and I carefully walked off her hand and onto the cushion. Her squishy palm, and the soft cushion made it difficult to keep my balance. It also made Amy laugh a little, I guess she thought it was cute.

 "Wait here, okay? I'll be right back." Amy said. She stood up to her full height and left the room.

 I walked over and jumped to the middle cushion of the couch where the remote was sitting. I was just about to start picking a movie when Amy came back into the room. She must not have seen me at the remote because she practically snatched it away from me. Then her shadow cast over me. I looked up and saw her massive butt above me, plummeting down to crush me. I didn't have time to run. She sat down on me, practically letting herself fall onto the couch. I had no choice but to lie there on my back and struggle underneath her heavy buttocks. I tried to yell for her to no avail. I tried to squirm under the weight of her massive body, but she was crushing my whole body, and then some. I felt her weight shifting as she tried to get more comfortable. I seriously thought I was going to die, everything was going numb. I was losing circulation. If she doesn't get up soon, I'm going to be crushed to death without her even noticing.

Amy pov:
  I returned to the couch, picked up the remote and plopped down to pick a movie. I started scrolling through but couldn't decide.

 "What would you like to watch, Penny?" I asked. I thought her opinion would help. After all, it was her idea to watch a movie. She didn't respond. "Penny?" I asked again. I looked over where I had left her and my heart stopped when I saw that she wasn't there. Where did she go?? Then I felt small squirming underneath me and started to panic. I quickly jumped up and turned around to see her, lying there on her back. She started gasping for air.

Penny pov:
  She finally noticed. Suddenly, her weight was lifted off of me as Amy stood up. Light spilled over me and I could finally breathe. I took a few deep breaths.

"Oh, my god, are you okay??!" Amy asked as she was freaking out. She frantically dropped to her knees in front of the couch to be closer to me. I didn't have enough air to answer as I was still gasping for air. I sat up with my arms behind me to support myself. Then she put her palm behind me to lean on. "I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to sit on you! Did I hurt you?" Amy looked genuinely concerned.

 "A little, but I'm fine. I just couldn't breathe." I said between breaths.

 "I'm so, so sorry! I didn't see you at the remote, I should have looked first."

 "It's fine." I said, trying to wave her off.

 "No, it's not fine. You almost gave me a heart attack. You could have been seriously hurt, or worse." Amy rambled on.

 "I'm okay now, I promise. Aren't I supposed to be the anxious one here?" I retorted.  She gave a small smile.

"Yeah, you're right. But I get anxious when you're in danger." Amy reminded me. "I'm supposed to be keeping you safe and I'm screwing it all up." She said.

 "I think you're doing great. Anyone else and I would have been dead in the first ten minutes." I said. She chuckled at that comment.

 She gently picked me up off the couch so she could sit down, this time not crushing me. She placed me on her lap and picked out a movie. Then her warm hands scooped me up and she held me near her chest. We watched our movie together and it was the most relaxed I felt since all this happened.

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