Chapter Ten

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Penny pov:
"You look so exhausted, is everything okay? Are you still having nightmares?" Amy asked me with concern. We were sitting at the kitchen table, just finished breakfast and I was so tired I could hardly stand up on the table in front of her as I rubbed my tired eyes.

"Yeah, a little, but that's not it." I replied.

"You miss your bed, don't you?" She asked. I nodded slowly and scratched my shoulder.

"I miss my pj's, too." I shamefully admitted.

"Oh yeah, I guess doll clothes aren't very comfy, are they?" I shook my head. "I'm so sorry. I should have thought of that before."
"No, it's okay." I said.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Amy asked.
"I don't know. I was embarrassed. You've already done so much for me, I didn't want to seem ungrateful or difficult." I explained.

"Are you kidding? I want you to be comfy, I could figure something out. I love sewing, maybe I can make you something!" Amy said with enthusiasm.
"Wait right here!" Amy's sudden movement as she stood up frightened me and I took a step back, but I don't think she noticed. "I think I have some soft fabric I can use." She said as she excitedly ran to the next room.

I heard her rummaging through her closet. She came back with various fabrics, scissors, measuring tape and a pen and paper.
"Feel this." Amy said as she brought over the fabrics. They had cool designs on them and I fell in love. I reached out to feel.

"Oh, my god. That's so soft." I said with a smile.

"Right?! I can make them into nice comfy pajamas for you. Or at least try to." Amy said.

"I would love that." I said.

"Hold still, I'm going to measure you, okay?" Amy said.
"Okay." I agreed. Amy picked up the measuring tape and carefully and delicately started taking thorough measurements. She measured my waistline, my height, my armspan and width, and my legs. She cracked a smile like she was enjoying herself.

"Oh, my god. You are SO small." Amy stated as she carefully wrapped the measuring tape around my little-bitty arm with her enormous hand.
"Yeah." I smiled back and felt my face turn red as I blushed.

"I feel so bad, but you are so cute!" Amy admitted as she gingerly set the measuring tape down beside me.

"Noo!" I said smiling as I awkwardly covered my face with my hands.
"Aww, don't hide your face, you're beautiful." Amy complimented me as she carefully pulled my arms down away from my face.

"I'm glad you think so." I said.

"It's true! I really hope these pj's turn out for you. You deserve to be comfy." Amy said.

She started sewing that day and successfully made one longsleeve shirt and matching pants. I was amazed. I couldn't believe the talent she had and how fast she was able to make a pj set. All this time I've known her, I never knew she could do this.

"What do you think?" Amy asked me as I just stared, mesmerized by the fact she actually made me clothes. I was standing on the desk in her bedroom.
"I love them. Can I try them on?" I asked.
"Yes, of course!" Amy happily handed me the pjs. I took them out of her enormous hand and ran behind the picture frame she had with a picture of her family in it. I got changed behind it and they were a little big, but I didn't care. I came back out to show her.
"They are so comfy!" I said, just before I tripped over the pant leg and did a face plant into the desk. Amy gasped and threw her hand out to try to catch me. Unfortunately, her hand was too late. I grabbed her giant finger and she helped me stand up again.

"Are you okay?" Amy asked while trying to stifle a laugh.

"Yeah, I think so." I said. I looked down and saw my feet were burried in the extra length of the pants.

"I'm sorry, honey! I think they need to be hemmed a bit." Amy admitted.
"That's okay, I don't mind that they are a little big." I commented.
"I mind! I don't want you to trip and fall down again. Now, take those off so I can fix them." She demanded. It made me smile for some reason.

"Yes ma'am." I said in a sarcastic manner, then carefully ran back to change my clothes. I came back out from behind the picture frame and handed her the pj's. More like just placed them on her giant hand. She smiled and took them back to her sewing machine to fix.

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