Chapter 3: It Was All A Dream

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Instead of continuing, I am going to include one of my fictional short stories I wrote back in 2019.

To spice this up, Ill include another after every 2 chapters. I hope you enjoy them!

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It Was All A Dream

Youll meet your match one day, Im not wishing bad luck upon your life but Im just reminding you of what you already know but choose to be ignorant about. Karma catches up with everyone. Have a good life, thank you

I said this to Sizwe in a text message. I waited seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and months for his reply until a year and 3 months went by and I eventually healed.

It took me a year and exactly 3 months to heal completely and he dares to come back a month later, call nonstop, and want us to get back together. A friendship at least but where was he when I was drowning in the love SHIP? Where was he when I cried countless nights, missing him? Where was he when I was craving his existence, at least? Where was he when I hoped he would stop showing up at the mall with the girls he said, I shouldnt worry about? Huh?

You might be wondering why I hate him so much. Well, let me take you back to when I thought I was in love with the guy; sadly, I was in love with the balaclava he had on. Im Siphosethu Zulu, born February 4, 1998. Yes, I am a born free, but if you were to see what Ive seen, youd probably go blind.

I have wonderful friends who call me Siphoh to tease and cheer me up, & I love them for that. Well, my family-lets say they know nothing about me. I met Sizwe Ntanzi in one of my criminology lectures at the University of KwaZulu Natal, Howard College campus, where I attended. He was quiet as a mute button. I was the one who started the conversation; before you even said anything, I didnt have much of a choice. I was running a bit late and needed a briefing on what had been covered so far in the lecture.

Uhhhm Hi, have you been here since the lecture started? I asked

Well Hi there Miss and no, I just got here too, like a few minutes ago, Im Sizwe by the way

His voice quickly won me over, but I didnt want to reveal my identity to him, so me being me, I just said,

Okay, ngiyabonga (Thank you)

Smart, right? (hahaha)

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We only had criminology on Tuesdays and Fridays, so I only got to (sometimes) see him occasionally because the campus was always busy and I wasnt the always walking around type, not because I was smart, no, quite the opposite. I was simply lazy, (hahaha) very typical, I know.

Well. I wasnt lazy completely; I was just into walking with my mind rather than my feet. I usually get home, put my books in my wardrobe, lay in bed for a few minutes, and think about my day while I wait for the water to boil and make myself a cup of coffee. Yes, thats how quickly I fold my day. The rest is history. So thats how I didnt have time to think about boys, for that matter.

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(Days Later)

I noticed you didn't tell me your name the other day, hi

Startled by this whispering voice in my ear, I turned to face him.

Sizwe am I right? I asked

I asked as we both entered the lecture doorway, and he just chuckled and went to find an aisle adjacent to mine but sat apart from me. Smh. Moreover, he was on the steps outside the lecture hall as soon as the lesson ended.

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