7. The Limits of a Loving Heart

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Someone from the team told Rivaan that Bela wouldn't be able to make it to tonights party and Rivaan calls Bela to find out whats wrong. Bela answers the call and it goes,

"Hi Bela, hows it going?"

"Hey Rivaan, *pauses and sighs* good, how about you?"

"I'm good, someone just told me you're not coming to the party? whats wrong?"

"yeah, *thud sound on the background* I-I think its best to stay home, erm a cozy night and all.."

"oh, *a long pasue*"

"*sid whispers something inaudible* Um, uh- actually I have a favor to ask, would it be possible to bring a plus one, i know these are strictly team only and reserv-"

"Sure, ofcourse. Lets do it differently this time. See you tonight then."

"sa-sure, thanks."

*Later everyone gets the notification that tonights party is also open to closest ones to team-member, they can bring anyone they'd wish to*

Rivaan agreed knowing that Belas plus one is Sid. At this point Rivaan doesn't care if its Sid or anyone, all he knows is, he needs to see her. Take her out of her apartment and make her laugh for a little while. He would do anything to take off her burdens, even though just for a while.

Bela was never felt so embarrassed, it was Sid and his wishes against world. He really liked the place they're hosting party, one because it has games another because its a VIP only place. He decided to tag along with Bela without asking her, when the conversation started Bela was shocked to know that Sid invited himself and was not ready to take a no. Hence she decided she would skip the party to avoid any drama. However, when Rivaan himself called, Sid compelled Bela to ask the favor, she did and regretted. But its too late to do anything except getting ready for the party.

*At the party*

It was indeed a lavish bar, this time they made last minute changes and shifted the party location from an indoor hall drinks night to a pool party with little games. Everyone introduced the people they accompanied, conversations broke and people were exchanging contacts, interests.

The games were indeed fun, there was a host specially arranged, Rivaan planned this to spend some time having fun with Bela, but he ends up watching Bela and Sid doing them together. There was a paper salsa challenge, she utilized it to the fullest. It looked as if his hands were glued to Bela's waist the whole time and even when there was a lot of space on the paper, he just pulled Bela closer and closer. Everyone knew they'd win because Sid was too competitive. Everyone liked Sid looking at his obsession for Bela. "She's soo lucky" someone said, while others said "I wish my boyfriend did that for me."

*Interpretation of Bela dancing with Sid*

*Interpretation of Bela dancing with Sid*

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