9. Love From Afar

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Bela is all set to leave for her first ever solo trip, its new and exciting but at the same time it is making her anxious and scared. Her mind says, "Bela, can you really do it? Why do want to risk your life. Take someone with you, maybe wait for Akiran to return from her hometown. It feels like rushing away from reality.. Oh and what if I get kidnapped or something who would protect me. I don't even know French yet, what was that duo lesson I took, hmm it goes something like je suis cheval no no no doesn't cheval means cat oh no chat is cat.. What am I going to do"

Just then Rivaan appears, almost like an angel, Bela almost asks him if he is coming with her, but then he starts saying, "Oh! no don't be scared. I am NOT. I'm here to give you a send-off. I've been there thrice, so if you need any help, I'm a call away. Ah also, French people know English, almost everyone understands it. So you don't have to be scared about language and all. And the men there are sexy and hot, you can see there are a lot of fish in the sea, not just sea-dart." and grins a little. The pun made Bela laugh a little, she looks at him and sighs, realizing the relief a few words from Rivaan took all of her worries away and made her all excited-happy for the trip. 

She thinks to herself, "He loves me, he really does. This love is something I can see, listen and feel. Love is real. I am feeling a warmth, like an invisible tunnel sending heat towards my cold heart. It is feeling like I am standing under a peach-blossom tree with mild-hot breeze blowing my hair away. This was love, this has been love all along, but I haven't felt this before. Does that mean no one ever loved me, not even Si-.." and she doesn't realize that she is staring Rivaan all the this time thinking all of her thoughts. Rivaan is looking at her too, as her smile faded away, as her thoughts started going from happy to sad and as her cheeks were wet with tears. 

He then comes closer and gives her his hanky saying "Its time for you to move-on Bela", listening to this Bela gives him a stare which looked like anger mixed with helplessness, it was as if her eyes were saying him "do you think I want to hold-on to this pain", just then Rivaan continues saying, "Uh, I-I meant the flight, its time. Have a good one." and hugs her briefly. 

*Interpretation of Bela and Rivaan Hugging*

Bela hugs him back, she holds him in her arms a little longer than casual hugs, Rivaan, who tried to let her off his arms, tightens his hug

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Bela hugs him back, she holds him in her arms a little longer than casual hugs, Rivaan, who tried to let her off his arms, tightens his hug. They stay there for a moment and Rivaan senses Belas tears on his shoulder, this made his heart burn, not because she is crying for another man but because he couldn't stop her tears. But somehow he understands the torture, the pain and the separation of love, even though briefly, he was well-aware of this very feeling, which is why he doesn't wish the same for her. He tries to think something, a word, a poem or a sentence which would give her relief. Just then, Bela looks at him and says, "thank you for everything. I'll come back soon" and releases him for the hug. Rivaan does it too and waves bye to her as she leaves for the check-in area. 

Rivaan never felt this feeling, he is not sad like he thought he'd be once Bela leaves, he didn't expect her to say it, not this soon, he kept thinking what is it that made her say those words, his thoughts go on confusing him, "Did I hear her right?" he says to himself and rings one of his closest friends, Tamang. Tamang and Rivaan are buddies from University, they had same struggles and passions, Tamang and Rivaan usually call each-other when they need others opinions or support, they're very close and almost well acquainted with each-others worlds. Tamang answers the call, as always within three rings, 

"Haan, Bhai. All good? What do you need? a brain? or a bicep this time?" says Tamang speaking first

"Perhaps, a heart this time Bhai" replies Rivaan

"Oh! is it Bela again? Shall we kill that Sid then?"

"I wish we could, but he removed himself from her life recently so.."

"Oooh, expected but still surprisingly fast behavior

"Mhm, Alright I need a suggestion real quick"

"Tell me, I am all ears."

"So, she left just now for a trip, we spoke and all... for sometime.. she cried a little... we hugged for a while... and... w-while leaving s-she said.."

"Arey, Bhai, your pauses are killing me, she said what??"

"thank you and I'll comeback soon" Rivaan replies at once. 

"Ooohhhh" *in a surprise mixed with question tone*

"See, that is what I heard, what does that mean?"

"Bhai Rivaan, it literally means.. "

"I know what it means literally.. I- I"

"Achaa, so you want me to feed your delusions?" Tamang laughs a little

"tch..*sighs* its the look she gave, Bhaai I teelll youuuu, it meant more"

"I get it Bhai, happens in love, you exaggerate..."

"wrong person.. shouldn't have asked you in first place....alright..lets..end the ca-al--"

"Areyy wait. Yeah, it means she is asking you to wait for her return. But now you don't go all--" and continues to say how Rivaan should control his feelings and not act desperate or like a simp. But Rivaan's ears stopped listening anything after, "she is asking you to wait.."

Thats the first thing Bela ever asked Rivaan, first thing for herself, for them. How could he not make a big deal out of it. How can he stay cool and control his feelings. How can he stop the pleasant music inside his head. Its like his organs are hosting a party inside and his heart is running for a marathon with no destination. 

"Rivaan, BHAI. You there" asks Tamang after giving Rivaan all the mini guide to be a cold guy. 

"Haan, Haa.. I am here. Thanks Bhai. Lets meet sometime, maybe next time I'll introduce her to you." replies Rivaan

"But, remember everything I just sai--" adds Tamang 

"Yeah, yeah sure." and Rivaan ends the call grinning, blushing and smiling slowly. 

He stays the same for the rest of the day, all bubbly happy and cheerful. Everyone at work notice him a little less strict at work, someone missed a deadline, someone made a mistake, someone submitted faulty documents, but, nothing made him angry. Instead, he was sweet, surprisingly cool and less strict at work. People wondered the reason but none figured out that it was that one sentence from Bela, that has bought this huge change in him. 

The next few days, Rivaan spent waiting, it started to feel like it is his new hobby. Strangely he is liking it, maybe because he knows at the end of this wait is a very cute result. He kept planning what and how he'd do things later, he thought, "So she'll be here in next 7 days, thats a week, thats kindof lot but less if I have to impress her. What does she like, she goes to the coffee store, maybe I should take her on a coffee date? But isn't that too basic. I should bring her a new apartment. The current one is very siddish, he knows that place and she lived with him there. It might cause her more pain to come back and stay there, yeah! Let me rent one. But, wait. Why can't I ask her to live with me? We can do that..." *starts grinning coyly* "Oh Bela, this smile you've given me is worth every risk. Yeah! just be back and I'll give you the love you deserve. Can't wait to live a life with you." and then he proceeds to plan a ton of good dates, future goals and conversations with Bela. 

*Interpretation of Rivaan grinning imagining a future with Bela*

*Interpretation of Rivaan grinning imagining a future with Bela*

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