Part 43

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"The emperor is planning to hold a large gathering in two weeks. There he plans to rub his title in the prince's face and announce his fiancé. I don't know who she is or if she exists but I know that the prince is putting a large sum of money into this event. I also know that he plans to humiliate the princess. I don't know how but I recall him saying such. If you wish to see him dead, that's your chance. All security will be focused on the outside as the emperor has become increasingly paranoid about the exterior of the palace. That's all I know. Please spare me. I'm the only successor to my duchy." Hayley looked only at the table as he spoke. He felt pathetic. Erno tapped his finger on the table a few times before standing. "Well," He began. "If it were up to me, I'd kill you right here and now. But once again, Luci is so benevolent. Since you have spoken and I assume it's the truth, you are free to go." He watched Hayley's face brighten before he interrupted his happiness. "But only after the emperor has been replaced." He began walking out, ignoring the protests from Hayley.

The plan had been explained in full detail to Lucienne. She sat back in awe. Erno stared at her expectantly. Though it had been the final opportunity to back out, numerous of time. This was the real last moment. After she said yes to this she was officially a traitor to the emperor. Erno made sure to explain in great detail why it was completely fine if she backed out. She closed her eyes to think. She opened them after a bit and stared at Erno. "Can you promise your safety? Everyone's safety?" She finally asked. He stood and knelt in front of her. "I swear, no harm will befall anyone. I will stake my life on that." He held her hand to his heart. She pursed her lips together. She exhaled and brushed Erno's hair behind his ear. "Then let's be rid of the emperor." She made her decision. His eyes widened and a smile formed on his face. He got up from kneeling and leaned over her to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him onto the sofa with her. He was on top of her now, licking and planting kisses on her neck. She held his head close to her as she felt his hands undoing the laces of her dress. Suddenly she stopped him."Is the door locked?" She panted. He glanced over before nodding. She sighed of relief and they continued. In what seemed like an instant, they were doing it in his study. He panted over her as he energetically pushed into her. He could feel her scratching at his back. They both sensed the bliss and Lucienne bit her lip as Erno made his final throw. They both panted in relief. Abruptly there was a knock at the door and Lucienne startled as she heard it. Erno didn't even turn to face the door. "What." The aggravation was evident in his voice. "Your highness, you've received an invitation from the emperor-" Eline was cut off. "I don't care. Leave. Now." Erno ordered. He heard Eline's footsteps receding before they were no longer audible. He looked back down at Lucienne who had a bright red blush across her face. Unconsciously he grew again as he stared at her. She clenched her fists and bit her lip. He smirked and bent over her once more.

Colvette, Rudnine, and Kalin all sat across from Lucienne and Erno. They were sharing glances as they thought about what had just been described to them. Lucienne had decided it would be for the best if her brothers helped with the plan and Erno agreed. "And you're sure this is what you want, Luci?" Rudnine asked. She nodded and smiled. "How do we know you'll be safe? This is risky. Especially in front of all those people." Kalin sounded worried. "I swear on my very existence that she will be safe. The people cannot say anything and they cannot rebel." Erno firmly nodded. Lucienne looked at Colvette. He seemed deep in thought. He sighed and interlocked his fingers. "I'll do it. But only under the promise that if anything were to happen, you would take full blame and die on her behalf." He pointed at Erno. Lucienne gasped and opened her mouth to object but Erno had beaten her. "I swear." He held out his hand and Colvette shook it. "And to be clear, I am not doing this for you in the slightest." Colvette glared at Erno. "I'm doing this so my dear sister can live lavishly as empress." He softened his expression as he looked to Lucienne. Rudnine and Kalin finally spoke up after much deliberation on their own behalves. "We will also help, under the same terms of course." Kalin stated. Lucienne's eyes lit up and she basically lunged across the table at her brothers. She planted a kiss on each of their heads. Colvette stood and held her hands in his as he stared into her eyes. "I can't believe it. My baby sister is going to be empress." He patted her head and she smiled at him. Suddenly she felt a tug on her waist and she was in front of Erno. "Yes it suits her perfectly, doesn't it?" He slyly smiled at Colvette. Colvette of course glared back at him. As they prepared to leave, Lucienne turned to her brothers. "Don't tell daddy, ok?" She put a finger up to her mouth as if she was shushing them. They all nodded and she entered the carriage. She sighed in Erno's arms. "Are we really doing this?" She asked as they began pulling off. "Yes I suppose we are." He chuckled. She looked up at him. "Would you truly die for me?" She looked concerned. He smiled. His eyes began to glow. They always did when he spoke about her. It was like his soul was speaking instead of just his body. "I swear I'd kill for you. Dying is no different. I'd die a thousand excruciating deaths if it meant just one more second that you'd live." He leaned over her and they melted into a kiss. A kiss so sincere. Just like every other kiss.

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