Part 18

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Fatima walked out of the bathroom and sat in her desk chair Zac was still in a daze! He's never seen pussy that pretty before and he's had his fair share!

Fatima, "You should sit down before you pass out!"

Zac, "Well shit! I see we both were blessed!"

Fatima, "Beyond measures but I'm glad we were able to have this conversation!"

Zac, "Me too! I've never been able to engage in any form of playful conversation without fucking and it feels nice!"

Fatima, "So you've never had a proper conversation with a woman without fucking?"

Zac, "I mean other than my mom, aunts and Angela nah!"

Fatima, "Damn nigga!"

Zac, "Oh don't judge me because you had that churro looking nigga butt ass naked at your door let's not start!"

Fatima, "That nigga had no business doing that reckless ass shit especially because it could've been anyone but you had ole girl leaving with a new walk at the crack of dawn!"

Zac, "If I'm being honest, You were all I thought about while fucking her that's why she was walking like that! I wanted to rearrange your insides badly!"

Fatima, "Well if I'm being honest I fucked Paul as though he was you! I gave that nigga everything I had to offer that's probably why his ass was so damn comfortable opening my door!"

They started laughing!

Zac, "Hell he was a lil comfortable but hey I don't judge love!"

Fatima, "Well he's out of the picture so it doesn't matter!"

Zac, "I hear you! How long will you be working?"

Fatima, "I took up 24 hour shifts why?"

Zac, "Why would you do that? It just sounds like you're running from something!"

Fatima, "Zac running is my forte! I dive deep into my work when I have any sort of trauma it comes natural! I'm able to do something I love versus being at home sad and hurt!"

Zac, "In order to heal you need to let them tears flow!"

Fatima, "Are you taking your own advice?"

Zac, "Wym? It's different for me!"

Fatima, "How so?"

Zac, "You loved your sister and was in love with Ian! I NEVER loved Karen ass and my brother has always been a snake!

Fatima, "So you telling me you never loved your brother?"

Zac, "Of course I did! We used to hang out! Sling together! Break bread evenly and cover each other's back! In the midst of chaos Me and Jake found a way out! The opportunity was presented to him as well! He chose his own way! I'll never feel guilty for taking an opportunity he refused! That lifestyle only leads people to Jail or Hell and I wasn't ready for either! I made a sound decision and I stood on it!"

Fatima, "Why is it so hard for them to love us the way we love them?"

Zac, "Now that's a hard question with an easy answer! They believe deep down that we abandoned them! We made something of ourselves and they had the chance and blew it! They'll always believe we owe them something or we think we're better than them because of the lifestyles we live! I could've continued to be a dope boy just like you could've been a stripper but what would we have accomplished? Would we be sitting here together or would we be broke and broken?"

Fatima, "It makes so much more sense when you say it! It's like you have a way with your words and they're definitely captivating that's why I enjoy talking to you!"

Zac, "I enjoy talking to you as well but you're at work so I won't hold you up!"

Zac got up to leave and Fatima grabbed his arm, "I'm about to go back to the on-call room! Will you join me? No sex just sleep!"

Zac, "That sounds like a plan!"

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