chapter 15

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Words count:926
~no one's pov

Y/N lay in bed, tossing and turning as the events of the night replayed in her mind. The threat of All For One loomed over her thoughts, casting a shadow of fear and uncertainty.

Her heart raced, making sleep an elusive comfort. She glanced at the clock: 2:00 AM. The night seemed endless, but eventually, exhaustion claimed her, and she drifted into an uneasy sleep.

Her dreams were vivid and unsettling. her dream

She found herself standing in a dark alley, the air thick with a foreboding sense of dread. The walls were stained with a deep, pulsating scarlet color that seemed to pulse with life. As she walked through the alley, her footsteps echoed, and a cold shiver ran down her spine.

Ahead of her, a scene unfolded like a holographic projection. A woman with dark black curly hair stood in the center, her eyes closed in deep concentration. She held a reddish-black book, its pages glowing with an ominous light. Her lips moved, but the words were incomprehensible, drowned out by the agonized screams of people bound by glowing, scarlet ropes. Their eyes shone with the same red hue, and Y/N recognized the telltale signs of mind control, a power she herself wielded.

The scene shifted abruptly. The same woman, now clearly a dark witch, was barking orders at Venom. Y/N’s breath hitched as she realized the woman was ordering Venom to kill a newborn baby girl—the true owner of the Darkhold Grimoire.
Venom stood before her, silent and defiant. His refusal was palpable.

“Why aren’t you killing the girl?” the witch screamed, her voice laced with fury and desperation.

Venom’s voice was calm yet firm. “She may be my host, but she is also the one who gives me life and joy. I will not harm her. Instead, I will protect her with my life.”

A fierce battle ensued between Venom and the dark witch, their powers clashing violently. Venom, despite his strength, was clearly at a disadvantage, his form weakening as the fight dragged on. The scene shifted again, showing Venom approaching an elderly woman with green hair. Y/N’s heart ached with recognition—it was her grandmother, Inko Midoriya, older and more fragile, yet her presence exuded warmth and wisdom.

Venom handed the dark book to her. “Keep this safe and away from everyone’s reach, except Y/N. If this book falls into the wrong hands, she will be in grave danger.”

Inko’s eyes softened with understanding. “You care deeply for her, don’t you? You even fought and defeated the dark witch, knowing it would weaken you forever.”

Venom nodded solemnly. “I will do anything to keep Y/N safe. She is more than my host; she is my friend and protector, just as I am hers.”

Y/N woke up from the nightmare, her heart pounding and sweat glistening on her forehead. As she tried to catch her breath, Venom immediately emerged beside her, a tendril offering a glass of water. She took it gratefully, her hands trembling as she sipped. The cool water helped, but it wasn’t enough to stop the tears that began to spill from her eyes.

Setting the glass aside, Y/N turned to Venom and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. Her body shook with sobs as she cried her heart out, the emotional toll of the nightmare overwhelming her. “Venom…” she wailed, her voice muffled against his form.

Venom’s tendrils wrapped around her in a comforting embrace, gently rubbing her back in soothing circles. “It’s okay, Y/N,” he murmured. “I’m here. Everything will be okay.”

After a while, Y/N’s sobs began to subside. She sniffled and pulled back slightly, looking up at Venom with red, puffy eyes. “Venom, I’m so sorry,” she said, her voice shaking. “Because of me, you lost half of your power.”

Venom’s eyes widened, and he let out a huff of exasperation. “Y/N, it’s not your fault. What happened was my decision. I chose to protect you because you are important to me. I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

Y/N nodded, though her tears continued to flow. “But Venom, in my dream… I saw a black-haired woman and my grandma. The woman was using a dark book, and she wanted to kill me because I’m the true owner of the Darkhold Grimoire. Venom, is this all true?”

Venom sighed, his eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and resolve. “it’s true. There are things about your past and your power that I have kept from you, to protect you. But it seems I can’t hide it any longer. Tomorrow, I will explain everything in detail, not just to you, but to the other students of Class 1-A as well. They need to understand what we’re up against.”

Y/N nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. “Okay, Venom. I trust you.”

Venom’s tendrils gently guided her back to bed, wrapping around her protectively. “Now, sleep. You need your rest. I will always protect you, Y/N. You are never alone.”

With Venom’s comforting presence enveloping her, Y/N closed her eyes. The fear and anxiety that had gripped her began to fade, replaced by a deep sense of security. She knew that with Venom by her side, she could face whatever challenges lay ahead. As she drifted off to sleep, her breathing evened out, and for the first time in a while, she felt truly safe.
Thanks for reading (^-^)/

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