chapter 2

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Words count:1030
~no one's pov

As the swirling vortex dissipated and All For One vanished, Midoriya felt a wave of emotions crash over him.

The shock of discovering he would have a daughter, combined with the chilling threat from All For One, left him feeling overwhelmed.

He excused himself from the group, his steps heavy as he made his way back to the dorms.

Inside his room, Midoriya collapsed onto his bed, his mind racing. The idea of his future daughter being targeted by All For One was unbearable.

He didn't know her, didn't even know her name, but the mere thought of her being in danger filled him with a profound sense of dread.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he gripped his pillow tightly, the weight of his emotions finally breaking through. He sobbed quietly, feeling a mixture of fear, helplessness, and a fierce, protective instinct.

"How can I protect someone I don't even know yet?" he whispered to himself, the tears flowing freely now. "I won't let him hurt you. I promise."

The night seemed endless, filled with restless thoughts and a deep, gnawing anxiety. When dawn finally broke, Midoriya felt exhausted but resolute. He knew he couldn't do this alone.

The next morning, an urgent meeting was called. All of Class 1-A, along with Monoma from Class 1-B and Shinso, gathered in the conference room.

The atmosphere was tense, everyone keenly aware of the gravity of the situation. Aizawa, All Might, and Principal Nezu stood at the front, their expressions serious.

Aizawa cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. Last night, All For One made a threat against Midoriya's future daughter. We are here to discuss how we can prevent that threat from becoming a reality."

There was a murmur of concern among the students. Midoriya sat silently, his eyes fixed on the floor. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Uraraka giving him a reassuring smile.

"We understand the urgency of this situation," All Might continued. "But rushing in without a plan would be reckless. We have decided to bring in someone who can help us gather more information."

At that moment, the door to the conference room opened, and a man with dark brown hair and an energetic demeanor stepped in. He radiated an aura of vitality and confidence, his eyes sparkling with intelligence.

Principal Nezu stepped forward to introduce the newcomer. "Everyone, this is Hiroshi Tanaka. He possesses a quirk that allows him to travel through time. Mr. Tanaka has agreed to assist us in this mission."

The room erupted in a mix of surprise and excitement. The idea of having someone who could navigate time gave them a glimmer of hope.

Bakugo, never one to mince words, stood up abruptly. "If he can travel through time, why are we sitting here? Let's go get her before All For One does!"

Aizawa raised a hand to calm the room. "It's not that simple. We need to gather all the information we can about Midoriya's future daughter before we act. We can't afford to make any mistakes."

Hiroshi nodded in agreement. "Traveling through time is a delicate matter. We need to understand who she is, where she is, and what kind of quirk she possesses. Any disruption could have severe consequences."

Midoriya felt a surge of frustration. "But every moment we wait, she could be in danger!"

All Might placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We understand your concern, young Midoriya. But we need to do this right. Trust us."

Principal Nezu chimed in, "We will be working around the clock to gather the necessary information. Mr. Tanaka will be coordinating with us to ensure we move as quickly and safely as possible."

The room settled into a tense silence, the weight of the situation sinking in. Everyone understood the importance of the mission and the need for careful planning.

After the meeting, Midoriya approached Hiroshi. "Mr. Tanaka, please... tell me what I need to do. I'll do anything to protect her."

Hiroshi smiled kindly. "Midoriya, your determination is your greatest strength. For now, trust in your teachers and teammates. We'll find her, and we'll keep her safe."

The days that followed were a whirlwind of activity. The teachers and students worked tirelessly, gathering intel and strategizing their next steps.

Hiroshi spent hours with Principal Nezu, mapping out potential timelines and scenarios. Midoriya found himself in constant motion, training harder than ever, driven by the need to be ready for whatever lay ahead.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Aizawa called another meeting. "We have enough information to proceed. Hiroshi has pinpointed the timeline and location of Midoriya's daughter. It's time to act."

The room buzzed with a renewed sense of purpose. Hiroshi stood at the front, a determined look in his eyes. "We're ready. We'll travel to the future, retrieve Midoriya's daughter, and bring her back to safety."

"We have also selected who will be coming with us amongst you all" principle nezu said.

"Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Uraraka, momo, jiro, Shinso and monoma. Prepare yourselves for the departure " Aizawa said.

Midoriya's heart pounded in his chest. This was it. The moment he'd been waiting for. As he stood among his friends and mentors, he felt a surge of hope and resolve. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.

The team assembled at the training grounds, where Hiroshi created a shimmering portal with his quirk. "Remember, stick to the plan and stay focused. We have one shot at this."

With a deep breath, Midoriya stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the portal. He could feel the support of his friends behind him, their confidence bolstering his own. As they entered the portal, the world around them shimmered and shifted, transporting them to the future.

They emerged in a cityscape that felt both familiar and alien. The skyline was dotted with towering buildings, some bearing the scars of battle. Hiroshi led the way, his eyes scanning the surroundings with practiced precision.

"We're close," he said, his voice tense. "Stay alert."
Thanks for reading (^-^)/

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