chapter 10

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Words count:1086
~no one's pov

As the school day began, Y/N and Uraraka hurried to the classroom, arriving two minutes late.

The classroom was already buzzing with activity as students settled into their seats, but all eyes turned towards them as they walked in.

Aizawa, standing at the front of the room, raised an eyebrow, his gaze shifting from a visibly embarrassed Uraraka to a sheepish Y/N, who was scratching her head with a guilty smile.

"You're late," Aizawa said flatly, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Y/N quickly thought up an excuse, putting on her most innocent expression. "Well, you see, Mr. Aizawa, it's Venom's fault," she started, pointing a thumb at herself. "He said he was about to eat my beautiful, tasty lungs if I didn't feed him."

Right on cue, Venom's guttural growl emanated from within Y/N, making everyone in the room aware of his presence.

The students exchanged amused glances, and a few chuckles could be heard.

Aizawa's eyes shifted to Midoriya and Kirishima, who were both trying to suppress their snickers. He knew something was up, and their reactions confirmed his suspicions.

"Is that so?" he asked dryly, clearly unconvinced.

Before he could ask Uraraka for her version of the events, Y/N piped up again, pouting dramatically. "And poor innocent Uraraka here had to go out and buy chocolates for Venom. So, really, it's all Venom's fault."

The class couldn't help but snickered at Y/N's creative storytelling. Uraraka blushed, looking down at her feet, clearly mortified by the attention.

Aizawa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I saw Midoriya and Kirishima feeding Venom chocolates earlier. So, unless Venom has developed a sudden insatiable appetite, I don't think that's the real reason you're late."

Izuku and Kirishima couldn't hold back their laughter any longer, and the rest of the class joined in. Y/N, still pouting, looked at Aizawa with wide, innocent eyes.

"Alright, alright," Aizawa said, holding up a hand to quiet the class. "Just take your seats. And next time, try to come up with a more believable excuse."

Y/N grinned, relieved that Aizawa was letting them off the hook. She and Uraraka quickly found their seats, and the classroom returned to its usual buzz of activity.

As the lesson began, Y/N glanced over at Uraraka and whispered, "Sorry about that."

Uraraka smiled softly, shaking her head. "It's okay. Just try to wake up on time next time, okay?"

"Deal," Y/N whispered back, feeling a surge of gratitude for her new friends and the strange but wonderful life she was now a part of.
Aizawa told Y/N and Uraraka to settle down. He then directed Y/N to take the empty seat beside Bakugou. She nodded and walked over, plopping down in her new seat.

In front of her was Shoji, to her right was Kaminari, and behind her was Jiro. She glanced to her left and grinned at Bakugou, whom she affectionately called "Uncle Baku."

"Hey, Uncle Baku," she whispered with a mischievous smile.

Bakugou rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of a smirk on his face. "Don't call me that in class, brat."

As Aizawa began his lecture, Y/N quickly grew bored. Her mind drifted, and she decided to entertain herself. She flipped to the back of her notebook and started doodling. She sketched a version of Venom with his teeth bared and tongue out. Her drawing skills were far from professional, and the result looked more like a giant black donut with teeth and a tongue. She labeled it "Bald Parasite."

Y/N was so absorbed in her drawing that everyone around her assumed she was diligently taking notes. Izuku, watching from across the room, smiled to himself. He had been smiling since yesterday, thrilled to have his daughter in this timeline.

Suddenly, Venom's voice echoed loudly from within Y/N, making everyone flinch. "I am Venom, not parasite!"

The entire class turned to look at Y/N, and even Aizawa paused mid-sentence. Venom's head emerged from behind Y/N's back, glaring at the notebook.

Aizawa sighed deeply. "Out. Both of you."

Y/N stood up, Venom retracting slightly but still grumbling. She walked to the door, and Venom muttered, "Can't believe you labeled me as bald parasite."

As they stood outside the classroom, their voices carried back into the silent room.

"So, you agree you're bald?" Y/N asked, crossing her arms.

Venom growled. "I am not bald! I have no hair because I'm an alien symbiote, not because I'm bald!"

"Sounds like something a bald parasite would say," Y/N teased.

"Your artistic skills are terrible," Venom shot back. "I look like a lumpy donut with teeth."

"Well, if you didn't keep interrupting, maybe I'd get better," Y/N retorted.

Venom huffed. "You should be taking notes, not drawing me."

"I would, but you're just so inspiring," Y/N said with exaggerated admiration.

Venom snickered. "Inspiring enough to make me look like a toothy pastry?"

"Hey, at least I gave you a tongue," Y/N replied, sticking her tongue out.

"I could devour your entire chocolate stash," Venom threatened, his voice a low rumble.

"Touch my chocolate and I'll draw you with a tutu next time," Y/N shot back.

Inside the classroom, the students struggled to hold back their laughter. Kaminari's shoulders shook, and Mina had to cover her mouth to keep from giggling. Even Bakugou was having a hard time suppressing a smirk.

Aizawa sighed again, realizing that Y/N and Venom were creating quite the distraction. He stepped outside to address them.

"Alright, that's enough," Aizawa said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Get back inside. And Y/N, try to keep Venom under control."

Y/N nodded, looking sheepish. "Sorry, Aizawa-sensei."

Venom grumbled something unintelligible, but he retracted back into Y/N. As they walked back to their seats, Y/N glanced around and whispered, "See, Venom? Now we both get to stay in class."

Venom's voice rumbled in her head, "Next time, draw me with more muscles."

"Sure, if you promise not to eat my lungs," Y/N whispered back with a grin.

As they sat down, Venom added, "And maybe give me a cape. Capes are cool."

Y/N stifled a laugh, and the class finally settled back into the lesson, with a few students still chuckling under their breath. Even Aizawa couldn't completely hide his amusement as he resumed teaching.
Thanks for reading (^-^)/

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