chapter 18

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Words count:917
~no one's pov

Y/N ran as fast as she could back towards UA, her heart pounding in her chest. The red barrier loomed between her and safety, but she was determined to break through.

Izuku stood just beyond it, his arms open, ready to catch her. She was so close, almost there, when suddenly a black glowing rope wrapped around her waist, yanking her back.

Her eyes flared with rage, glowing a deep, intense red. "No!" she screamed, her voice echoing with power.

She turned, seeing more villains emerging from the warp gate. They wore twisted smiles, clearly reveling in the chaos they were causing. Y/N's anger boiled over, and she felt a surge of power unlike anything she had ever felt before.

"You won't stop me!" she roared, raising her hands. Scarlet energy crackled around her fingers, and with a furious swipe, she sent a wave of telekinetic force towards the villains. They were thrown back, crashing into the ground with bone-shattering force.

One villain, with the ability to manipulate shadows, lunged at her, his tendrils of darkness reaching out. Y/N narrowed her eyes, focusing her energy. The shadows disintegrated before they could touch her, and she flung the villain aside with a flick of her wrist.

Another villain, wielding a sword that glowed with a dark energy, charged at her. Y/N dodged his strikes with ease, her movements fluid and precise. She caught his blade in her telekinetic grip, snapping it in half. The villain stumbled back, fear in his eyes, and Y/N blasted him with a burst of energy, sending him flying.

The fight was a blur of motion and power. Y/N was a whirlwind of scarlet energy, her rage fueling her strength. She blasted, threw, and crushed every villain that dared to approach her. The ground around her was scorched, the air crackling with residual energy. The students of Class 1-A watched in awe and horror, unable to believe the sheer power she wielded.

Suddenly, Y/N sensed another presence—a powerful one. She turned and saw a woman stepping out of the shadows. This woman radiated a dark, malevolent energy, her eyes glowing with the same red light that Y/N's did and she was also holding a dark scarlet red book--darkhole grimoire.

Y/N knew immediately that she is a witch and realize that whatever happen in her room earlier was nothing but just an illusion to lull her out of ua.

Looking at the darkhole grimoire she realize that she is the one who had set the barriers and tried to control her, and definitely working with All For One.

The witch sneered, raising her hand to cast another spell, but before she could, Venom took control of Y/N's body. The witch's eyes widened in fury. "You!" she spat, her voice dripping with venom. "You dare interfere!"

She yelled towards the warp gate, "Venom is getting in the way! Stop him!"

From the warp gate emerged a villain with the power to manipulate sound. He closed his eyes and unleashed a piercing, high-pitched scream.

Venom howled in agony, the soundwaves tearing through him. Y/N clutched her head, feeling Venom's pain as if it were her own. The symbiote detached from her, falling to the ground in a writhing, slimy mass.

The witch seized her chance, hitting Y/N with a powerful mind control spell. Y/N's eyes glazed over, and she started walking towards the warp gate, her movements stiff and unnatural.

"No!" Venom croaked from the ground, trying to pull himself together, but he was too weak.

Y/N reached the warp gate, her body engulfed in its dark energy. She turned back one last time, her eyes meeting Izuku's. For a brief moment, clarity returned, and her eyes softened. "Dad..." she whispered, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

Then she was gone, the warp gate closing behind her.

The barrier around UA shattered, and Izuku fell to his knees, his face pale with shock and fear.

"Y/N!" he screamed, tears streaming down his face. He tried to get up, to run to her, but his legs wouldn't obey. Bakugou and Todoroki grabbed him, holding him steady, their own expressions grim and determined.

"Come back, Y/N!" Izuku's voice broke, filled with a raw, desperate anguish. "Please, come back!"

Uraraka was sobbing, her shoulders shaking as the other girls tried to comfort her. "We have to do something!" she cried, her voice choked with tears. "We can't let them take her!"

The ground where Venom lay was silent, the symbiote still and unmoving. The students of Class 1-A were frozen, their faces etched with shock and despair.

Izuku collapsed, his sobs echoing in the night. "No... no... no!" he cried, his voice hoarse. Bakugou and Todoroki held him, their own eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Dammit!" Bakugou cursed, his voice thick with emotion. "We have to get her back!"

Todoroki nodded, his expression steely. "We'll find a way," he said quietly, though his heart ached with worry.

In the distance, Aizawa watched with a heavy heart. He clenched his fists, his mind racing with plans and strategies. "We will get her back," he vowed, his voice low but firm. "We will bring her home."

The night was filled with the sound of sobs and the quiet resolve of heroes who would stop at nothing to save their friend.
Thanks for reading (^-^)/

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