chapter 13

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Words count:845
~no one's pov

A week had passed since Y/N's arrival at UA, and with each passing day, she grew more comfortable and integrated into the life at the school.

She had adapted to the daily routine, made friends, and even Venom seemed to be getting along better with the other students, though he still had his moments of mischief.

It was dinner time in the UA dormitory, and the dining hall was filled with the clatter of utensils, chatter, and laughter. The Class 1-A students were enjoying a hearty meal when Kirishima suddenly brought up an intriguing topic.

"Hey, Y/N," Kirishima began, leaning forward with a curious look. "I gotta know... in the future, do I become a pro hero?"

Y/N chuckled, shaking her head. "I can't tell you that, uncle Kiri. If I reveal too much about the future, it might never happen."

Kaminari perked up at this. "Come on, Y/N! We know that Class 1-A will always be friends, right? So tell us, who’s your favorite uncle?"

Without missing a beat, Y/N answered, "Uncle Baku."

Bakugou smirked proudly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Damn right."

Kaminari whined. "You didn't even think before answering! That's not fair."

Y/N grinned mischievously. "That's because in the future, Uncle Bakugou always tells me to say he's my favorite uncle."

The dining hall erupted in laughter and playful protests. The Class 1-A boys began to argue, accusing Bakugou of brainwashing Y/N.

"You trained her to say that!" Sero accused, pointing a finger at Bakugou.

Bakugou rolled his eyes. "I didn't train her to say anything, idiots. She just knows quality when she sees it."

Y/N laughed loudly, enjoying the chaos she had stirred. "Guys, you're all my favorite in different ways. Uncle Bakugou is like my second best friend after Venom. And Uncle Todoroki is also really close to me in the future."

Todoroki, who had been quietly eating his dinner, looked up in surprise. "Really?" he asked, a small smile forming on his lips.

Y/N nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, Uncle Todoroki. You and I have a really strong bond. You’re always there for me, just like Uncle Baku."

The boys settled down, intrigued by Y/N’s words. Iida adjusted his glasses, looking thoughtful. "It’s interesting to hear how our relationships evolve in the future. Could you tell us more about each of us?"

Y/N smiled warmly. "Sure. Uncle Kiri, you're always so supportive and encouraging. You have this way of making everyone feel like they can be the best versions of themselves. Your positivity is infectious."

Kirishima grinned, his eyes lighting up. "That’s awesome to hear. Thanks, Y/N."

"Uncle Kaminari," Y/N continued, "you're like the comic relief. No matter how tough things get, you always find a way to make us laugh. But you're also really brave when it counts. You have this hidden strength that surprises everyone."

Kaminari beamed. "I knew I was awesome!"

Y/N turned to Sero. "Uncle Sero, you're like
the glue that holds everyone together. You're always there to lend a hand, literally and figuratively. You're dependable and calm under pressure."

Sero gave her a thumbs-up. "Thanks, kiddo. Good to know I’m holding things together."

"Uncle Iida," Y/N said, "you're like the big brother of the group. You keep everyone in line and make sure we're all on the right path. Your sense of responsibility is inspiring."

Iida smiled, adjusting his glasses. "I appreciate that, Y/N. It means a lot."

"As for Uncle Shoji," Y/N added, "you're always looking out for everyone. You're like the silent protector, always keeping an eye on things and making sure we're safe."

Shoji nodded, a soft expression in his eyes. "Thanks, Y/N."

"And uncle Mineta…" Y/N hesitated, trying to find the right words. "You're... uh... unique. You always find a way to keep things interesting, even if it’s in your own weird way."

Mineta puffed out his chest. "I’ll take it!"

The room was filled with laughter and smiles. Y/N felt a warm sense of belonging as she looked around at her new friends. They had welcomed her with open arms, and despite the looming threat of All For One, she felt more at home than ever.

"Alright, everyone, back to your meals," Aizawa said, breaking the moment. "We have a lot of training to do tomorrow."

As they resumed eating, Y/N couldn’t help but feel grateful for the bond she had formed with Class 1-A. Venom’s voice echoed in her mind, a rare tone of contentment in his usually gruff demeanor.

"You’ve got a good thing here, Y/N," Venom said. "These people... they’re your family now."

Y/N smiled to herself, feeling a sense of peace. "Yeah, they are."

The rest of the evening was filled with more conversations and laughter. The future might be uncertain, but with her new family by her side, Y/N felt ready to face whatever came their way.
Thanks for reading (^-^)/

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