04 : 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝

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I want to breath, I hate this night.

I want to wake up, I hate this dream.

I'm trapped inside of myself and I'm dead.

Save me - BTS


Sunghoon's eyes flutter open, he wakes up in a dark room, he tries to move but realises this isn't his bedroom.

His wrists were chained that were attached to the ceiling making his hands raise up in the air.

He looks around the room, seeing no one, there was only a table that was covered with a long cloth and a few chairs surrounding it, he gulpes, fear is raising in his chest but he doesn't show it, he knows that he's being watched and acting scared would only give encouragement to the enemy.

But how did I even get here?


Sunghoon was checking all the investigated material for the seventh time now, Seungkwan was walking back and fourth.

Riki and Jungwon were not here, there was another robery case and they needed their team so as the team leader, Sunghoon sent the two of them.

"Something is going unnoticed, we all know that they might've made at least one mistake" Soobin says stressing out, Wonwoo takes his glasses off and keeps them on the table massaging his forehead slightly.

Sunghoon sits down and his eyes caught a shiny blue light in Wonwoo's glasses, he frowns picking them up.

He then realises what it is,  a GPS tracker.

"Hyung, can you see clearly without these?" Wonwoo frowns. "Yeah, these are reading glasses, I swear them cause I like to, but why are you asking?"

"It has a tracker in it" the three others becomes surprised, Wonwoo checks his glasses and finds it out after a few minutes.

"thats a very clever trick, whoever did it is really sharp minded" Soobin says making Sunghoon nod in agreement.

"Hyung remember you went to Busan a few days ago?" Sunghoon says to Wonwoo, "yeah, what about it?"

"How many bodyguards were with you?" he questions the older, "surprisingly 16"

"I bet one of them was wearing a different uniform" wonwoo nods, his eyebrows twitched together in shock and confusion.

"They were sent by Kim Mingyu"


Sunghoon looker at his wrist watch waiting for Heeseung who was his close friend, they were supposed to hang out today but there were no traces of the older.

Sunghoon sighed about to walk back to his car to drive home, thats when he felt sting, sharp pain at the back of his head and everything went blank infront of his eyes.

Flashback over-

He suddenly hears sounds of footsteps, his eyes subconcsiously move to the sound and he saw a tall raven haired guy entered, he had slighly tanned skin and a resting bitch face or maybe thats what he thought.

Three more people entered with bodyguards behind and he hears the door being shut and locked, the three men sit on the chairs present and the bodyguards split standing in different corners of the room while the guy was still standind a few steps away from him.

I looked at the four identified humans with a stoic face that had no traces of emotions cause I didn't know what to do or act.

I recognised them, first one was Tall and tan, his muscles were peaking from the shirt he was wearing, Kim Mingyu

Second one was tall as well but shorter than Mingyu, he had an unreadable expression on, Jeon Jungkook

Shock raised in his nerves when he saw Jungkook , he was Wonwoo's younger brother and Jimin's friend, he was involved with them?

Third one was the same height as Jungkook, he had pale skin and brown hair, Choi Hansol.

"scared already?" said the unrecognised man in a Flat tone of voice.

"The fck you talking about huh?!" He almost calmly said, Sunghoon had always had this one habit to turn fear into anger and he successed always.

"Fierce much I see" Hansol stood up coming closer to him as he stared into his eyes trying to scare him off but he showed no signs of fear, before standing next to Jay with an intimidating look on his handsome- face.

"You got a problem with that?!" Sunghoon replied, Mingyu stood up and  walked closer as well, "Where the hell is Wonwoo?"

"Why don't you check your tracker-oops! you don't have it" a sinister smirk spreads through his left cheek, Mingyu frowns in surprise.

"You took it out?!" Mingyu asks gritting his teeth trying to compose his anger.

"Yes ,and?" Sunghoon replies, Jay slowly pulls Mingyu back and steps forward himself.

"I don't like puzzles, I'll come straight to the point" he takes a short pause, "who was the one behind it all?"

Sunghoon frowned, having absolutely no idea of what he was talking about,

"Don't act all innocent, I know that you're acting and you do not have amnesia!" Sunghoon frownes again, how did he know about his amnesia but he wasn't acting, he didn't remember a thing for real.

"Boy, I don't even know you"

"so you want it the hard way..guards beat him up till he fcking speaks"


Hope you liked it, this story is a bit confusing right now but it'll get clearer ahead, if you're curious then you can ask whatever question is going on in your mind, I'll answer it ;)

Love ya <3

𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 || 𝐉𝐚𝐲𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now