Chapter 2 - Beginning Of The End

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We had so much fun in the mall, Merick and I went home, we ate dinner in the mall. Merick opened the door while I was texting my mother, I always update her on what's happening in my life. We went inside and I looked for my pet, in her cage, her eating plate and her water tumbler hasn't been moved, I don't think she barely eats her food.
I told Merick about what happened, he suggested that we should bring her to the veterinarian, since neither of us have work or class tomorrow. It was Saturday that night.

'Morning, Shan.' Merick said as I was coming from the stairs. He was cooking, such a good boy. We ate the food that he made, after that, yes I again washed the dishes, this was always my work here in the house, he cooks, washes our clothes, repairs every broken thing, he was so talented, while I'm here washing the dishes, he's smarter than me, I'm gonna contrast that I am the most coward and talentless boy in the whole world, so sad to think, but I doesn't matter anyway, 'Hey, what's with all the noise there, don't say your stupid, just a little' Merick replied to me while I was talking to myself, 'Don't bother me, have a girlfriend first' I also replied to him, he was taking a bath, while after I washed the dishes.

I sat in the balcony and read the book Merick recommend to me, Merick likes to read books, such a smart man, he told me to read it, I tried it, that was my very first time to read a novel book, sheesh, the title caught my attention, it was, I think, it's scary, so, I put it in Merick's study table and went back to the balcony. When Merick was finished taking a bath, I told him that, I don't want to read that book, and he laughed at me, 'Such a scared-y pants'.

I went to the bathroom to take a bath because it was nine, we didn't check the time, I hope we were not late to the vet. I got dressed up then Merick and I left the house.

We arrived at the vet, there were so many people, one with a cat that sneeze repeatedly, another, a dog that barely even stop to move, and there was a snake, oh my god, I was so scared that I hid in Merick's back, it was bloated, I think what that ate was not digested.

People were decreasing, we were the last in line that time, when suddenly, a man with a black suit entered the vet, he sat on the bench and barely even said a single word. It was creepy, his shoes were full of dirt, like he was from a funeral, no offense, he was also wearing a hat, I guess I'm correct. Though, he doesn't have a pet to be cured or whatsoever, it's kinda creepy.

When our number was called, we got up and walked across the hall, suddenly, that guy with a suit called my name, it struck into my head, how did he know my name? The hell? As me and Merick were walking in the hall, I asked Merick if who was the guy in a suit, I think he didn't hear what I had said. When I asked him again, he looked at me in the eye and asked me what was going on, I told him that the guy on the bench called my name even though I didn't know that guy, then suddenly, when we both looked on the exact bench that guy have sat on, neither of us saw the man, it's like he just vanished in thin air. Merick told me that I was just hallucinating, but I wasn't, I know that it was real.

We went inside the checking room and made my pet get checked up, I didn't think to the man too much, it would just make me crazy and scared. We finished getting Mimi checked up, I felt better because it was just mild, there was nothing to worry about, they injected something in her and done, they just suggested that we should always check up on her. We went to a fast food chain near the vet, since we couldn't bring Mimi to the mall. I was relieved because the chain allowed my pet to be brought inside. We sat at the table, ordered food and waited for it.

I told Merick everything but he didn't believe me, he thought that I was just paranoid because Mimi was not eating her food, yeah, I get that but what was his point?

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