Chapter 8 - Twice Isn't Enough For Someone

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I drank my bottle of water again and headed to the airport, Merick went to the restroom while I waited for him on the benches. We waited for our group to be called. Merick and I ate some junk foods while we were waiting.

When our group was called, we stood up and walked through the hall that was headed to the plane. As we were walking, I saw the guy that was on the same bus we rode on as we went to the airport. But he has a kid, his kid was like six years old or older, when the little boy looked in front, I saw his face, he was the kid in my dream on the bus earlier today. I felt a sudden twitch in my heart. How could I dreamt about the kid even though I just saw him now? I think it was a sign, I'm so scared inside.

I quickly said to Merick to move quickly so that I won't see the two anymore. We were inside the plane, I was holding Merick's hand, we were like a bisexual couple, yuck. But I didn't tell him what I was thinking, he may laugh at me. We found our seat and sat there as soon as I could. Merick wasn't doing anything so I told him everything, 'Hey, don't be bothered. It was just a coincidence, you'll get over it soon' he said and smiled at me. I think he was right, maybe? I hope so. Then suddenly the guy and the little boy passed by us, I secretly looked at them. Merick looked at them too, but he smiled, the guy also smiled while he was holding the little boy, the little boy waved at me, I waved back so that I won't be caught that I was scared at them, I realized that they're nice people,  I felt lighter. But I kept wondering, 'cause it was weird 'cause the kid was not with the guy when we were on the bus. I asked Merick if that guy was familiar to him, he said yes and he also said that we were on the same bus. 'But did you see the kid too?' I asked, 'Yes, and they have that weird statue of a little boy. Why?' he replied. I smiled at Merick and looked at the windows as we were leaving the country.

I woke up with a hungry stomach. I looked outside the window, it was evening. Damn, I slept so hard. When I woke up, Merick was sleeping, I think all of the passengers were sleeping at that time. I looked at the button above the window, the flight attendant said that if we needed anything, we can just push that button once and they'll be there with us. I pushed it, a couple of seconds passed, and there was someone that showed up,  Freaking hell, the man that always shows up in my every dreams at night, he was serving me, he was smiling, wearing the same suit as before, he was smiling continuously and ripping his mouth. I was in a panic attack, I couldn't move, 'Please don't kill me, I wasn't doing  anything bad, just please' I told him while I was out of breath and in tears but I, then I suddenly fainted.

I woke up again, and there were flight attendants and a doctor along with Merick in desperate faces, I stood up, they were not looking at me. When I looked in my seat, I was there, being revived. This isn't a dream, or is it? Wake up, please, I don't like this! I shouted.

I suddenly woke up, sweaty. Phew... it was just a dream, what a freaking dream, in just a day, I had two nightmares, I say. Merick was eating chips that had been handed to him by a gorgeous flight attendant. When he saw me, he was in a worrying face and asked me if she could help me. I refused and thanked her after. She left while I was there and was full of sweat. 'What happened to you bro? Are you chased by a hungry dinosaur?' Merick sarcastically asked and laughed at me. I felt a sudden full of my bag down there, I told Merick that I'll go to the toilet and flush it all out. I was on the door when suddenly a hand brushed my hair softly.

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