Chapter 1

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The air in the Poddar mansion was tense as Dadisa's stern voice echoed through the hall.

Dadisa : "Ruhi, how many times do I have to remind you  that Rohit is not dead and will come back and where is your mangalsutra? It is a symbol of your marriage, of your respect for our family traditions.

"Ruhi stood there, her eyes downcast, feeling the weight of Dadisa's words.

Ruhi : "I'm sorry, Dadisa," I didn't mean to disrespect anyone.".

(Dadisa's expression softened slightly, but she remained firm)

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(Dadisa's expression softened slightly, but she remained firm)

Dadisa : "Ruhi, I understand your pain, but you must uphold our customs."

(Ruhi nodded, but the sadness in her eyes was unmistakable. After Dadisa left, Ruhi remained standing, the emptiness within her growing heavier by the second. She felt utterly alone, lost in the labyrinth of her sorrow.Just then, Armaan walked in. He had overheard the conversation and saw the despair etched on Ruhi's face. )

Armaan : "Ruhi, don't let this break you. Everything will be okay. It's going to be fine."

(Ruhi looked up at him, her eyes filled with unshed tears.)

Ruhi : "What is going to be fine, Armaan? Everything bad has occurred in my life since my childhood. I lost my father before I was even born. My mother, my poppy... everyone left me. And then you... I loved you, but fate had other plans. I was forced to marry Rohit, and even that was taken away from me. What is going to be right, Armaan? What more do I have to lose?"

Her words cut through the air, raw and filled with pain. Armaan felt a deep ache in his chest, knowing that he couldn't change the past, couldn't erase her suffering. He reached out, gently taking her hands in his.

Armaan : "Ruhi, I can't pretend to understand all that you've been through, but I promise you this: I will be here for you. You are not alone. We will find a way through this darkness."

Ruhi's tears finally spilled over, and she looked deeply into Armaan's , seeking comfort in his presence

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Ruhi's tears finally spilled over, and she looked deeply into Armaan's , seeking comfort in his presence. .  Unknown to them, Abhira stood at the doorway, watching the scene unfold . She admired Armaan's compassion, but seeing him so close to Ruhi stirred a turmoil within her. She turned away, feeling a mix of emotions that she couldn't yet comprehend.


(Armaan paced the length of his room, deep in thought. He couldn't bear to see Ruhi so despondent, weighed down by the sorrow of her past and the harsh judgment of the present. Determined to lift her spirits, he decided to do something special. He needed help, and there was only one person he could turn to: Abhira.Finding her in the study, Armaan approached with a mixture of hesitation and resolve. )

Armaan : "Abhira, can we talk for a moment?"

Abhira looked up from her book, curiosity and a hint of unease in her eyes.

Abhira : "Of course, Armaan. What's on your mind?""

Armaan : It's about Ruhi . She's been through so much, and today's incident with Dadisa only made things worse. I want to do something to cheer her up, to show her that there's still joy and hope left in life. I need your help to take her out, to give her a change of scenery and maybe a chance to smile again."

Abhira's heart softened as she listened to Armaan. Despite her own mixed feelings about his closeness with Ruhi, she couldn't deny the sincerity in his eyes.

(Abhira considered his proposal. She knew that helping Ruhi was the right thing to do,)

Abhira : "Alright, Let's do it. I'll help you arrange everything."

( A few hours later, Armaan and Abhira found Ruhi in her room, still reeling from the morning's events. Armaan knocked gently on the doorframe. ) 

Armaan  : "Ruhi, we have a surprise for you. We want to take you out for a while, just to relax and get away from everything. What do you say?

(Ruhi looked up, surprised by the unexpected invitation. She saw the hopeful expressions on both their faces and felt a flicker of warmth in her chest.)

Ruhi : "I... I don't know,"

( she hesitated, the weight of her grief still heavy on her shoulders.)

Abhira : Please, Ruhi," Abhira urged softly. "It might do you some good. Just for a little while."

After a moment's pause, Ruhi nodded. "Okay. I'll come."


Armaan  with a determined look on his face, guided Ruhi and Abhira through the lively market. They were trying to lift Ruhi's spirits, hoping a change of scenery would ease the burden she carried.As they wandered through the market, laughter and chatter surrounded them. Armaan pointed out vibrant stalls, while Abhira tried to engage Ruhi in light-hearted conversation. Suddenly, the lively atmosphere took a dark turn. A group of women, gathered by a flower stall, began to whisper and cast disapproving glances at Ruhi.

One of them, with a voice loud enough to pierce through the crowd, sneered,

"Look at her, still wearing her mangalsutra and sindoor. Her husband is gone, yet she clings to them. Such ill fate she brought upon him.

 Such ill fate she brought upon him

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Another woman chimed in

"It's her bad luck that Rohit died so soon after their wedding. What a cursed woman.".

Ruhi's face turned pale, her eyes welling up with tears. The cruel words sliced through the fragile calm she had managed to maintain. Armaan's jaw tightened, anger boiling within him. He couldn't stand by and let Ruhi be humiliated.Striding forward, Armaan faced the women, his voice steely with rage.

Armaan : "How dare you speak like that? You have no right to judge Ruhi. You don't know anything about her or what she's been through. Shame on you for adding to her pain with your heartless words. Ruhi has faced more than you can imagine, and she has the strength to rise above your petty gossip. If you can't offer kindness, then keep your mouths shut.

(The crowd fell silent, the weight of Armaan's words hanging in the air. Abhira stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Ruhi's shoulder. Ruhi looked at Armaan, her eyes filled with gratitude and sorrow. For a moment, it felt like the world had paused, acknowledging the depth of Ruhi's suffering and Armaan's unwavering support.As they walked away from the market, the tension slowly dissipated. Armaan remained by Ruhi's side, his protective presence a silent promise. Abhira glanced at them with confusion  in her eyes. )

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