Chapter 22

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Ruhi is sitting by the window, lost in thought. There's a gentle knock on the door, and Armaan enters, looking troubled.

Ruhi : what happened Armaan, you look so tensed?

Armaan: (softly) Ruhi, can we talk?

Ruhi: (looking up) Sure, Armaan. What's on your mind?

Armaan: (sighing) I spoke to Dadisa about stopping the remarriage, but she wouldn't hear of it. She's determined to go through with it.

Ruhi: (calmly) I see. It's understandable, given her traditional views.....

 It's understandable, given her traditional views

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Armaan: (frustrated) But Ruhi, this remarriage... it feels like a charade. I don't want to go through with it, but I don't see a way out.

Ruhi: (thoughtfully) Armaan, sometimes we have to do things for our family, even if it's not what we want. You have always been the one to put the family's needs first.

Armaan: (desperately) But the contract ends soon, Ruhi. This remarriage is unnecessary.

Ruhi: (gently) Maybe God has a different plan. Maybe He wants Abhira to truly be your wife.

Armaan: (shaking his head) I don't believe that. Our relationship is built on a lie. How can this be God's plan?

Ruhi: (smiling sadly) Sometimes, life takes unexpected turns. We don't always understand the reasons behind them. But if this remarriage brings peace and happiness to the family, then maybe it's worth considering.

Armaan: (looking into her eyes) Do you really believe that, Ruhi?

Ruhi: (nodding) Yes, Armaan. If this is what it takes to maintain harmony in the family, then it's a small price to pay. Besides, the contract ends soon. Things will fall into place eventually.

Armaan: (sighing) I wish I had your strength, Ruhi. This whole situation feels like a never-ending nightmare.

Ruhi: (comforting) You'll get through it, Armaan. You're stronger than you think. Just trust that everything will work out as it should.

Armaan: (softly) Thank you, Ruhi. Your words mean a lot to me.

Ruhi gives him a reassuring smile. Armaan leaves the room, still troubled but somewhat comforted by Ruhi's perspective.

Ruhi's Mind Voice: (reflective) Maybe this is how it was meant to be. Perhaps Abhira is destined to be Armaan's wife and for me Rohit. I have to focus on my own journey now.

Armaan is pacing back and forth in his room, his mind racing with thoughts. He stops by the window, looking out at the night sky.

Armaan's Mind Voice: Even though initially I was okay with it, after talking to Ruhi, I realize that I'm not happy. I feel like I can't marry Abhira in front of everyone. What kind of fate is this, God? I loved my Ruhi, but I forced her to marry my brother because I couldn't bear to break Rohit's heart. And now I'm trapped in this marriage with Abhira because it was her mother's last wish on her deathbed. Then Rohit disappeared, and now this remarriage. Why do you play with our lives like this?

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