Chapter 38

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**Scene: Hospital Room, Day of Discharge**

*The morning sun filters through the hospital room's curtains, casting a warm glow on Armaan as he sits on the edge of the bed, ready for discharge. The air is thick with a mixture of relief and anticipation. Ruhi, meticulously arranging his belongings, moves about with a quiet efficiency, but there’s an underlying tension in her movements. Armaan’s eyes follow her every step, the anxiety bubbling up inside him as he notices her occasional distracted sigh.*

**Armaan:** (voice trembling) Ruhi, are you… leaving?

*Ruhi stops, turning slowly to face him. She can see the fear in his eyes, the same fear she’s felt since the accident. She walks over and sits beside him, taking his hand gently.*

**Ruhi:** (softly) Armaan, I’m not leaving you. But… I can’t come with you to the Poddar house right now.

*Armaan’s heart skips a beat, his grip on her hand tightening.*

**Armaan:** (desperate) Why not? Ruhi, please, don’t do this. I know I’ve made mistakes, but I’m begging you… don’t leave me alone. I need you with me.

*Ruhi’s eyes fill with tears, and she looks down, trying to gather her thoughts. She knows how much this means to him, but there’s a larger issue at play.*

**Ruhi:** (whispering) Armaan, it’s not about what you did. It’s about Dadisa. She hasn’t accepted our relationship yet. How can I come to your house when things are still so uncertain?

*Armaan’s face falls, his chest tightening with the realization of the situation. He feels the sting of her words deeply, knowing that despite their love, the road ahead is still fraught with challenges.*

**Armaan:** (pleading) Ruhi, I’ll talk to Dadisa. I’ll make her understand. Just don’t leave me.

*At that moment, the door opens, and Dadisa steps in, her expression as stern as ever. The room falls silent, all eyes on her. Armaan and Ruhi stand up, their hearts pounding as they await her verdict.*

**Dadisa:** (with authority) Ruhi cannot come to the Poddar house.

*Her words hit like a thunderbolt, freezing everyone in their tracks. Armaan’s face drains of color, his heart feeling like it’s shattering into pieces. Ruhi, though expecting this, still feels a pang of disappointment.*

**Armaan:** (voice cracking) Dadisa, please… I love Ruhi. We belong together.

*Vidya, who has been quietly observing from the corner, steps forward, her maternal instincts kicking in. She places a hand on Dadisa’s arm, her eyes pleading for understanding.*

Vidya:** (pleading) But, Maasa, please—don’t do this. They love each other. We can’t separate them now, not after everything they’ve been through.

*Dadisa raises a hand to silence Vidya, her gaze never leaving Armaan and Ruhi. The room is tense, everyone holding their breath, waiting for what she will say next.*

**Dadisa:** (sighing) Ruhi will not come to the Poddar house… before marriage with Armaan.

*A collective gasp fills the room, followed by a stunned silence. Armaan’s eyes widen in disbelief, and Ruhi’s hand flies to her mouth, trying to contain her emotions. The tension that once gripped the room begins to dissolve, replaced by a growing sense of joy.*

**Armaan:** (whispering) Are you… serious?

*Dadisa nods, a faint smile playing on her lips as she takes a step closer to them.*

**Dadisa:** (gently) Yes, I’ve thought about it. You both have shown me how strong your love is. I was wrong to stand in your way. But I want this to be done right, with all the respect and tradition our family holds dear. That’s why Ruhi will only come to the Poddar house after you’re married.

*The room erupts in joy. Armaan pulls Ruhi into a tight embrace, both of them overwhelmed with happiness. Ruhi’s tears of relief spill over as she holds him, their hearts finally at peace.*

**Ruhi:** (tearfully) Thank you, Dadisa. Thank you so much.

**Armaan:** (gratefully) You don’t know what this means to us.

*They rush to Dadisa, wrapping her in a warm, heartfelt hug. The rest of the family, who had been holding their breath, now joins in the celebration. Vidya and Madhav step forward, their eyes brimming with tears of joy. The room buzzes with excitement, laughter, and the sound of everyone talking at once.*

**Vidya:** (hugging them) Armaan, you gave us such a scare! But seeing you and Ruhi like this… it makes everything worth it.

**Madhav:** (smiling) We’re so proud of you both. You’ve handled everything with such grace.

*As the family gathers around, the atmosphere is filled with love and support. Harshvardhan and Manish, who had been waiting anxiously outside, also enter, their faces lighting up with smiles as they join in the joyous moment.*

**Manish:** (clapping Armaan on the back) This is the beginning of a new chapter, my boy. Take care of her well.

**Harshvardhan:** (nodding) You both have our blessings. May your journey together be filled with love and happiness.

*Armaan and Ruhi smile at their words, feeling the warmth of their family's support. It’s a moment of unity, where the past grievances and misunderstandings seem to fade away, leaving only the love that binds them all together.*

*Suddenly, Dadisa clears her throat, drawing everyone’s attention back to her. She looks around at the happy faces and smiles, her eyes twinkling with a rare warmth.*

**Dadisa:** (with a twinkle in her eye) Now, let’s talk about the wedding. We need to find an auspicious date and start planning everything.

*The room buzzes with renewed energy as everyone begins throwing out ideas and suggestions for the upcoming wedding. There’s talk of venues, guest lists, and traditions, each family member eager to contribute to the planning.*

*Ruhi, still holding Armaan’s hand, looks up at him with a radiant smile. They lean their foreheads together, sharing a quiet moment amidst the chaos.*

**Ruhi:** (softly) We’re really going to do this. We’re going to get married.

**Armaan:** (smiling) Yes, we are. And I can’t wait to start our life together.

*They close their eyes, savoring the moment of peace and joy. Around them, their family continues to chatter excitedly, the sound of laughter and love filling the room.*

*As the arrangements for their departure from the hospital are finalized, Armaan and Ruhi prepare to step into the next chapter of their lives, surrounded by the love and support of their family. The future is bright, and together, they are ready to face whatever comes their way.*

*Just as they’re about to leave the hospital, Vidya pulls Ruhi aside, her eyes filled with affection and gratitude.*

**Vidya:** (hugging Ruhi) Thank you for everything, Ruhi. You’ve brought so much happiness into our lives. I’m so glad you’re going to be part of our family.

*Ruhi hugs her back, feeling a sense of belonging and warmth that she’s longed for.*

**Ruhi:** (softly) Thank you, Vidya Ma. I’m so lucky to have all of you.

*As they finally exit the hospital, the family walks out together, united in their love and excitement for the future. The sun shines brightly, casting a warm glow over them as they step into the world, ready to embrace the new beginning that awaits them.*

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