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Yoongi : you guys take the cars .. Me and joonie will  ride the truck

Jimin : is everything is done.

Yoongi : yah... The necessary things are already in truck.. And if we want anything from here.. Our two workers are here to bring them.

Jungkook : ok.. Then get in.. We are running out of time.

Namjoon and yoongi gets in the truck, yoongi start the engine and drove away following  another wan with there worker... Heoseok get inside the driver seat and jin in the passenger seat... Jimin sat in middle...  taehyung also sat with jungkook in the back seat....jungkook looked at him, taehyung smiled and interwined their hands. He blinked at him. Jungkook leaned and put his head on other's shoulder and closed his eyes still holding the hand. Taehyung looked at jungkook for a few moments then their hand. He put his head above other's head and he also closed his eyes. Jimin looked back and smiled at them. He capture the photo and send to someone... With a smile he looked outside


6 years before

Inside a big mansion, the jeon mansion... Everyone in the mansion is gatherings around the big living room. Everyones hateful eyes fixed on a 19 years old boy named jeon jungkook. Who is standing middle of the room. His face snapped to other side feeling a burning sensation in his left cheek along with that a loud slapping sound echoed the whole room. He looked at his father with teary eyes.. For a second his eyes softened but the next momeng it turn to cold again... Jungkook's lips trembled... He looked around to other's... He bitterly chuckled seeing his mother is looking away from him... Then his brother who 2 years younger than him... Jeon yugyeom.. Standing near his mother with a smirk.... Then his grand ma... Her teary eyes hurts him.... The one and only person who show love and care towards him...he shook his head as no... Then to the all people in the room....

It is a joined family elder jeon who passed away but.... Their all hire are living together in the family.

A pack of white powder hit on jungkook's chest... He looked at his father...

Mr. Jeon : what is this jungkook... How dare you to bring these in my home.. Huh..

Jungkook : dad... It's not mine... These drugs... I never used this in my life dad... Plzz believe me....

Mr. Jeon : believe you... Did you see that girl..

Jungkook looked and saw shin ryu jin, the girl who crazily chased behind him... Stanging in the corner while hugging his best friend, crying hardly hard...his eyes moved to the girl, who he trusted and cherished as a best friend. His eyes watered more thinking that she was the one whi cheated him .....

Mr. Jeon : you bastered.... After using this you tried to harras her.... How dare you.. Huh...

Jungkook looked at his dad in disbelief... His shoulder fell down in pain... He felt Pain in his heart...

Jungkook : ye-ji what is this why did you lied to them... I never ever did that you.. Then why...

Ye-ji: don't lie... Jungkook... Two days before you... Because of my luck i escaped from you... Otherwise (she cried hard)

Yugyeom : don't lie brother i'm the one who helped her...

Jungkook looked at him in disbelief... Why.. What he expects from him..

another slap fell on  his face this time he strumbled back and looked at his dad with teary eyes....

Mr. Jeon : get out... Get out from my home now... I don't want a son like you a drug adict... A rapist.... GET OUT....

Jungkook chuckled bitterly... And looked at his brother... What could he expect from them, everytime... Everytime he is the one who suffer because of his brother.... He can't even prove himself too.... How.....  everything against him is strong and perfect.. he was naive.. He fell every trap easily...... At first his mother supported him.. But passing time... She also went away from him.. He looked at his grand ma... He walked towards her and hold her hand.. Her one hand caresses his swollen cheek.

Jungkook : trust me ma.... I didn't do that... I can't... But here is no place for me... Love you ma....

Elder mrs. Jeon tried to stop him but he runs to his room and packed his bag... Only some dress and small amount of money that iven by s his grand ma and his certificates.... He left the house.......

He roamed around cities...... Namjoon find him and brought him together.. namjoon..... an orphan and living in a single appartment... He helped him... He gave  him a  job in his small event company.... He joined in the university with his scolarship.... He work hard... He got an another hyung jin.... Who gives him motherly vibe, Namjoon's boyfried... From collage he gets his another two hyungs yoongi and hoseok... His one year seniors.... Who saved him  from bullies... He got a bratty friend from his class, jimin... Yoongi's boyfriend.... Then a person... Who brought happiness in his life... His cub... Till now he doesn't know what is he for him.. He knows he is not his friend.... Not a brother... Something he wants to tie colse his heart and body... Something his heart craving the most.... The person kim taehyung... A millionaire himself... Kim's only hire.... But living with them just like a normal person.... Do his  parents have any problem.. A big no... They trust their son..... For them the whole 7 are their child... At first kim is the one who helped them.... They refused but... The continous wines and cried of taehyung they accepted the offer... After 2 year... They made  the money..... by their hard work.... Telling The truth he is proud about the youngers... Their hard works.... Just like the father, is  a good person... And just like his mother taehyunv is a  a bratty, naught and  sassy person too ... He is something else...


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