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Jungkook is walking out from the outhouse after giving instructions to their workers...suddenly a hand grabbed his wrist and pushed him inside a room... Jungkook gulped and looked at the person who dragged him into the room....

Jungkook felt chill in his body looking at that person. The small amount of sun light from a  small hole on the wall of that   room gives the person more alluring beauty... He gulped... He saw that person is moving closer him.

Jungkook : cub....

Taehyung : shhhh......

Jungkook : tae... What happened.....

Taehyung walked closer to him and put his fingure on his lips....

Taehyung : know what.....the day i saw you..... My heart fluttered the way i never ever felt.... I felt like my whole body is blooming..... You know what whenever i see you smiling..... I felt like i found my happiness.. Whenever i see you in sad..... I felt pain in my heart.....

Jungkook widened his eyes... He couldn't process anything.... His mind was blank and only he could hear his cub's words... His heart starts to beat  like a bullet train.. His eyes stuck on other's eyes......

Taehyung : (cupped othercs face) i know this is not the place or way to say this... But i can't anymore.... I tried to hide my feelings... But not anymore... The person i want to spent my life... The person i want to cherish... The person i want to make happy... The person i want to feel loved... The person i want to show my love.... The perdon i want to make me feel loved... The person i want to hold in my whole life..... The person i want to live with.....

Taehyung looked deep into Jungkook's eyes. Both of their eyes have tears and that rolled down... Taehyung smiled a little... His eyes shined in something.... That jungkook want to see again and again...

Taehyung : it's you bunny....... You are the one who i want to spent my whole life....

Jungkook : cub.......

Taehyung bites his lower lip and looked at jungkook... Oh... So innocently..... Jungkook looked at him... To find out a little bit lie.... Jungkook's hand wrapped around other's waist and pulled him closer to him. Taehyung gulped and held other's collar  tightly. Jungkook leaned down still looking at his eyes... They can hear their hearts are beating in inhuman speed.... Two of them looked at their lips.... They gulped hard.....their lips met..... They closed their eyes.... Jungkook brushed his lips with other's. a small whimper escaped from taehyung....jungkook slightly licked his lower lip that made taehyung tighten his hold in other with slightly parted lip.... Jungkook leaned back a little and looked at his cub.....

He saw how his eyes are tightly closed... How his cheeks are red.... How sweat drops forming in his temple... How his cherry lips are trembling.... He gulped hard and captured that pink lips between his.. Taehyung flinched feeling the warmth.... Jungkook tightened his hold as if he couldn't control his raising heart beat..... He moved his lips slowly.... After some moment taehyung also starts to move... Their lips moved in sync.... They titled their heads and deepened the kiss.... Taehyung wrapped his hands around his neck and pulled him more close... They kissed like there is no tomorrow...

Jungkook felt dizziness in the pleasure of the kiss.... His eyes rolled back...... He tightened his hold as much as he can and that made taehyung to  opened his mouth..... Time passed.the kiss become more agressive and passionate.... Saliva mixed with eachother's and the kiss become sloppy...... Only smooching and heavy breathing sound can heard.... Jungkook broke the kiss after a long time... And looked at taehyung, Who have closed eyes and dark crimson cheeks... They both are breathing heavily... They lost their first kiss.... The person they want.... A wide smile formed in jungkook's lips.... He can't believe that happened... His cub..... He Also loves him the way he lives  him.... His eyes filled with tears... He lets them to  roll down... Taehyung also opened his eyes and looked at his bunny... His eyes also filled with tears seeing other's teary eyes.... He wipes jungkook's tears....

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