jeon Taehyung -3

556 41 6

After a long drive jin stopped the car infront of big damn mansion.... (Because of the distance they changed the driver seat... Ok...)

Hoseok : wow... Damn it...

They looked the beautiful traditional building in awww... Jimin yarns in the back seat and he also looked out side.. His eyes widened but sneered thinking the the people inside the mansion... He looked back and saw taekook sleeping holding eachother... He chuckled and again capture their photo and send to someone with a emoji.😤

He tapped taehyung who snuggled more into jungkook... Jimin shook his head and shook jungkook.. Who slowly opened his eyes and frozen in his place seeing taehyung's face closer to him... His heart skipped a beat....

Jungkook :(in mind) why are you doing this to my heart everytime... I think my heart is now upside down because of you. Bratty kim.

Jimin : will you plzz stop the lovely dovey.. Plzz wake  this brat... We are here...

Jungkook looked at jimin then out side... A long deep sigh escaped from him.. Jimin hold his hand..

Jimin : we all are with you.. Ease your mind kook... We are not let them to harras you again.. You are not that naive jungkook anymore....

Jungkook smiled at him. He then looked at taehyung. He removed his hair and thug behind his ear.

Jungkook : (soft voice)cub... Wake up... We are here... Hey...

Jungkook patt his cheek... Taehyung blinked multiple times and looked at jungkook. He smiled a little.

Taehyung : you are too handsom bunny...

They looked eachother's eyes and broke the contact hearing a cough.... Taehyung moved from him with red cheeks and glared at jimin who is widely smiling at him. Jin knock the glass

Jin : come out... Look who is here.. Let them give  heart attack..

Taehyung smirked and looked at jungkook who is till staring at him... Jimin get out from the car and stand beside jin and  hoseok... Soon their truck stoped near the car.... Namjoon and  yoongi get out and stretched their bodies...yoongi yarns and leaned towards jimin's sholder... Who smiled and ruffled his hair .

Because of the sounds of the vehicles... The whole jeon family went outside... Mr. Jeon smiled a little and walked towards them. He shook his hands with namjoon.

Mr. Jeon : welcome guys..
Nmjoon : oh thank you sir.. Ab... Plzz let us know where we can shift the things..

Mr. Jeon : we arranged the outdoor home for you guys... His words stoped and eyes slightly widened seeing the next person sitting at the back seat of the car the car.. He backed a step and looked at his son...

Jungkook looked at his dad throgh the window.. Unknowingly tears build in his eyes. Taehyung tap his hand  and blinked at him. Jungkook smiled and went out from the car... He saw how his dad frightened for a moment... He took a deep breath.

Jungkook : hello mr. Jeon..

Mr. Jeon : you...

Yoongu : oh.. He is our boss jk...

Mr. Jeon widened his eyes and looked at jungkook. other family members also looked at jungkook then the damn black car behind him... They never thought, jungkook will become a successful person... The most wanted wedding planer in whole korea... After all they also did some works in foreign too..

Yugyeom looked at jungkook in anger.... Jungkook shook his hand with mr. Jeon who still staring at his son... After some second taehyung also stepped out from the car.... Yugyeom raised his one brow looked at taehyung... His eyes darkened seeing that beauty.... He licked his lips... Not only him.. The whole youngers in the group gazed taehyung in aww....

Taehyung  politely smiled at them and stood beside jungkook.

One of the boy : wow... Just beautiful.... What's your name beauty...

Jungkook geritted his teeth hearing this.... He looked at the boy in range.. Yugyeom frowned seeing that... But taehyung still have a soft smile . He  looked the boy then yugyeom..

Taehyung : thanks your compliment.... Hi i'm taehyung... JEON TAEHYUNG...

This time 5 of them including Jungkook widened his eyes and looked at taehyung who is still smiling looking at jungkook... Here jimin pressed his lips to gether to prevent his laugh... He know his soul mate will do this... What else he expect from that sassy queen...

Taehyung looked at jungkook and wrapped his hand around other's bicep. And stood more closer to him. Yugyeom gritted his teeth.... No.... He can't let his brother to get better than his....

Taehyung : (pout and in a baby voice)why are you silent kookie...

Jungkook : ab.. Yah... He is jeon taehyung.. My husband...

Taehyung : since two years...

This time jimin looked at him in wtf.... Hoseok shook his head. Jin looked at them in betrayed look like they didn't invite him in marriage... Yoongi satyed in his calm aura.. Namjoon sighed the nth time and looked at the sky like he is looking for that damn god... To produce a brat like taehyung.

Mr. Jeon looked at them.  Unknowingly a smile formed in his lips  seeing taehyung clinging on his son. Yugyeom gritted his teeth and clenched his fist... His burning eyes lingering on taekook. Jimin saw that and smirked.

Hoseok : well can we talk...

Mr. Jeon : oh.. I'm sorry come inside..

He informed the servents to helped the workers for settle the things and welcomed the  boys with him.

Jungkook looked around the mansion... His eyes filled with tears.. He felt his legs are trembling... His heart start to beat like bullet train. Soon he calmed feeling a strong strawberry fragrance hitting in his nostrils and a delicate fingres in his palm. He looked beside him and saw taehyung's eyes on him. They smiled eachother.

Taehyung :(teasing) why my hubby is panick... Your baby is with you.  don't worry...(he winked at him)

Jungkook :(chuckled) oh... My baby is with me... Then why should i worried too much...

He wrapped his one hand around other's waist and pulled closer to him.. A gasp escaped from taehyung.... Don't lie.. He felt a zoo in his stomach......

Jungkook : after this don't forget to consider your husband.... cub.....

Taehyung looked away with his red face. Jungkook chuckled and walked in... Now he has no worry about anything... He is in his safe place... In his confort place... But they don't know that two burning eyes are looking at them... But he also don't know two mochi eyes are on him. Jimin smirked at the reaction of yugyeom and looked at his soulmate's flushed face


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