my MAN-4

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All of them sat on the living room. Mrs. Jeon came down stairs and frozen in his place seeing his elder son... She looked at him for some minute. And there jungkook is still looking at taehying who is sitting beside him and watching the whole living room. He chuckled seeing his curious eyes...

Jungkook :(in mind) why he  is so adorable.. His mansion is bigger than this.. Then why he is looking like this.. Such a baby i got...

He shook his head and looked in his front and saw his mom... Sitting beside his dad... Suddenly his face expression changed and looked at them in blank.

Mr. Jeon :(akward) ab..... As i informed you.. We are hoping arrange the wedding in our mansion and venues in back yard... And   other parties are in the near hotel...

Namjoon : ok.... We understood.

But their conversation interepted by a sound mixed with excitement and happiness . Her eyes filled with tears.

Grand ma : jungkookiee..... My son...

Jungkook snapped his head and looked at his grandma.. A wide bunny smile formed in his lips. Taehyung looked at the smile his lips also curved into a big boxy smile. Jungkook stood from the sofa and runs towards his grandma like a little kid... The 6 of them smiled seeing him. Jungkook runs towards her and hugged  her tight... His eyes filled with twars and rolled down from his cheeks. Grand ma hugged him and smiled throgh tears....

Grand ma : son.. My baby.. Where were you.. You  forget your ma... Huh... I missed you kiddo.... Alot....

Jungkook : i also missed you ma... I love you... I love you sooo much.

Taehyung looked at thrm with a smile but his smile vanished the next moment hearing.

Geand ma : my bunny....

Jungkook looked at grand ma and side eyes taehyung... He saw an angry cub...every one flinched hearing taehyung's shout.

Taehyung : yo... Old lady... How dare you call my bunny as bunny... Huh....

Grand ma looked at that angry boy.. Her eyebrows raised and looked at him... Then jungkook who is akwardly standing there.

Grand ma : you little kid... Who are you... Huh... He is my son.. I will call him whatever i want...

Taehyung : i know.. Call him whatever you want... But not bunny... He is my bunny... Only i can call him that..

Mr & mrs. Jeon looked at him... The other 5 of them sat there awkwardly... Jimin is holding his laugh back... Yugyeom furiously looked at them.. He doesn't like some one gives importance to his brother.

Grand ma : you little one who are you.. To teach me... Huh....

Taehyung :(sassily) well.. I'm jeon taehyung... This bunny faced man's husband.... Any problem...

Grand ma looked at Jungkook he nervously smiled at her. Then she looked at taehyung... Her lips curved up... Her loud laughter echoed in the silent room.

Grand ma : kookie... My baby.. I never thought you, yourself jumb on a transformer... Oh god... The perfect match for you.. I liked And possassive.

Taehyung :(flipping his hair) i know... I'm outstanding... And smart... Well thank me to marry your son.. Ok...

Grand ma : yah.. Yah.. Thank you so much to take care my son...

Taehyung : ok.. I accepted it... But don't call him bunny... Because you are aged that's why i let you go...

Jungkook smiled widely..

Jungkook : don't mind him ma... He is such a brat and sassy.....

Grand ma : i like him... He is perfect for you.

Jungkook smiled at looked at taehyung who winked back.


Suddenly they heared a voice from upstairs... Everyone looked up and saw a beautiful(not that much compared to our taetae... He is the definition of beauty😉) girl standing in the upstair holding the rail and looking at jungkook with her  moist eyes... The none other than shin ryu jin... The one who tryied to chase jungkook.... The one  who kept crush on him.. The one  who stand against him accusing him as a drug  person and rapist... Joined with his brother and best friend..... He looked at her blankly.

Shin ryu jin : jungkook oppaaa.......

She called him loudly and runs to living room. Her eyes filled with happiness. She  ran toards him and about to throws herself on him.... Before that she stood infront of him seeing an another boy standing in front of her with crossed hands. She looked at the  boy who has  a devilish anger on his face.... His face screams the words" dare to touch what's mine". She looked at him and then jungkook.. Who has a  calm face... She looked around... She saw 5 other new faces... Then mr & mrs jeon and grand ma. She again looked at the boy infront of her.

Taehyung moves his face closer to her.

Taehyung : dare to touch my man..... I will bury you 6 feet under....

She shivered by the voice and backed two step. Jungkook widened his eyes and mouth hearing the voice came from tae... Swear.. He never hared this kind of  possassive dangerous voice of his cub. He looked at taehyung...... Taehyung turned back and looked at jungkook like a lost puppy... Jin blinked and rubbed his eyes seeing the change in his adorable baby...Jimin rooled his eyes.

Taehyung : :(baby voice) hubby....

With that he hugged jungkook and put his head on his chest. Jungkook shocked to hell.... What is happening to him... What is this brat doing to him...

Jungkook :(in mind) oh.. God.. Give me some control.... Sure if he do this again i will take him right here...does he also love  me.. Or just helping me.... Plzz control jungkook... Control your damn hormones.

Shin ryu jin looked at the couples... With her  trembling lips she asked.

Shin ryu jin : oppa.... Who is this... Why he calling you hubby.

Jungkook :(smirk) taehyung... Jeon taehyung.. My husband...

Hearing that she backed and shook her head as no.... He looked at him in hurted eyes then taehyung who still hugging jungkook.... Her crush.... She  cover his mouth and ran from there.... But about Taehyung who have a smile on his lips by  hearing jungkook call him as his hisband. He looked at jimin.. Both of them smirked and winked at each other. Jimin's eyes land on the burning person in the living room. Yugyeom smacked on the table and left there.

Grand ma : well kookie... Are you the one who is here for wedding works.

Jungkook : yes ma.... And this my  team.. My hyungs.

Grand ma:(call a made) mina arrange kook's room and gust room for his hyungs..

Mr. Jeon : i arranged the out hose.

Grand ma : then you go and stay there... My son  already have  a room here... So mina arrange his room for him and his husband.And the guest room for his hyungs.

Taehyung gulped and looked at jungkook. Who smirked at him... Taehyung nervously smiled at him....

After discussing as a professional to mr. Jeon,  jungkook went to his room along with taehyung. He grabbed his hand and pinned him against wall with one hand and closed the door. He looked at taehyung with a smirk who gulped seeing the new face of his bunny. Jungkook pin his both hands above his head and move closer to him.

Jungkook : (husky voice) do you have any idea about what are you doing... JEON TAEHYUNG....

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