slow down bunny-5

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Jungkook grabbed taehyung's hand and pinned him against wall with one hand and closed the door. He looked at taehyung with a smirk who gulped seeing the new face of his bunny. Jungkook pinned his both hands above his head and moved closer to him.

Jungkook : (husky voice) do you have any idea about what  you are doing... JEON TAEHYUNG....

Taehyung gulped and tried to avoid eye contact.... Well..... jungkook very well loves the submisseve nature of his cub. He grabbed his chin and made him look at his face....

Jungkook : you are responsibled for the explanation...

Taehyung :(pout) don't you like me as your husband... (Sniff)i think..... (Sassily)well mr. Jeon jungkook you must be thankful to me.... To introduce you as a husband. A husband of a ... Most beautiful ... Charming.. Breathtaking.... Dreamy it....

Taehyung rolled his eyes finishing his words... Jungkook just widened  his mouth and closed immediately knowing how bratty his cub is.... A smirk appered in his lips.

Jungkook : oh... Really....

Jungkook leaned a little down and bites other's bread cheek slightly.... Taehyung bites his lips harshly preventing some sounds... He closed his eyes feeling hot saliva in his skin... His fist tightened as a ball..his breath hitched feeling tongue in his cheek....

Jungkook don't know why and where did he get the guts...but he leaned a little down and bites the soft cheeks... He took the fluffy skin between his teeth... He heared other's heavy breath... He moved his teeth a little and lick the place to ease the pain... He leaned back and looked at the boy... His eyes shined seeing the heavily breathing beauty in his hold.... Did he regret his doing... Nah...  He will never as it is Jungkook and taehyung...

Taehyung shoot open his eyes hearing loud bangs on the door... Jungkook also startled a little ... Taehyung smirked and all of sudden a sound escaped from his mouth... That literally shocked jungkook in the core of the hell..... He looked at taehyung in widened eyes...

Taehyung : AAAAHHHHH.......... BUNNY.... DON'T......

taehyung evilishly smiled at jungkook.... But...

Taehyung : ahhhhh.......... Kookie... Slow down....

In a blink of eyes taehyung bites jungkook's sholder that make jungkook  groan....

Jungkook cover his own mouth.. His already big eyes went wide more... Taehyung smiled at him... Oh... So innocently like a new born baby....

They heared a loud noise from out side...jungkook looked at taehyung in disbelief... It's true that taehyung is  naughty and bratty... But this is first time he is doing like this..... Jungkook blinked his eyes multiple times to digest what he just done.... It's true they did nothing... But the person who stands in the outside  must be thinking something unholy is going  inside...

Jungkook :( shuttering) you did cub....

Taehyung :(innocent baby voice) what bunny.... What i did....

Jungkook : tae.....

Taehyung : oh... That... You are holding my hand tight... So i told AAAAHHHHHHH..... BUNNY DON'T... Means plzzz loose the grip.

Jungkook raised his eyebrow... He surely knows that his hold is not tight...Taehyung side eyed him..

Taehyung : again i felt pain so i told... Aaahhh.... Kookieee slow down..... And.... (Side eyed like a naughty boy)and you groan because i bites yoy.... What's wrong in that....

Taehyung pouted and jungkook looked at him in done way... He knows his cub did that intentionally.. Did he have any problem.. Taehyung looked at jungkook and blinked his eyes and wrapped his hands around other's neck.... Who holding his waist.

Taehyung : did taetae so any mistakes ....

Jungkook : oh... My taetae is more than good boy and innocent holy child....

Taehyung : i know....

They looked at each other like they lost in their eyes... Jungkook stepped a little back hearing another soft knock with jimin's sound... Jungkook opened the door. Jimin went inside and looked at them...

Jimin : what happened here... Why your's that ungrateful brother broke the wooden table and angrily stomping out...

Taehyung smirked hearing that... Jungkook shook his head knowing why taehyung did that... They two must know the person who banging the door must not be their hyungs or grand ma.... Because of the banging sound.

Jungkook : your soulmate did a great job... That must beat his bird in his head and he would have lost control ....

Jimin looked at him in confusion..

Jungkook : you sit here and think or ask to this brat...

With that jungkook picked a dress and headed to the  bathroom to change.. Jimin looked at taehyung with raised eyebrow...

Taehyung : hehe... Nothing chim.... I just shout like... Aaahhhh..... Bunny.... Don't... Slow dawn... Nothing else...

This time jimin wide opened his mouth and looked at him.

Jimin : tae... You brat... What you just did.... Where did  you learn that...

Taehyung : bitch i'm 24 years ... Ok i am a virgin boy.... But .. That doesn't mean i don't know anything... And honestly i just leaned it from your room...
Aahh.... Yoonieee... Don't there ... Ahhh... Slow down...

Jimin : (throw a pillow on his face) yahh... Ungrateful brat....

With that they two starts to fight and fell on the bed.... After sometime jungkook get out from the bathroom and saw they two sleeping hugging each other. He looked at them in admiration. Jungkook stroke taehyung's cheek and ruffled jimin's hair. He covered them with sheet and left the room after closing the door.

Plzzz two words for me....

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