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To this day I can't believe it...

What made God decide to create a man as handsome as him?

Did he do it to mess with other male population or did he decide to bring Adonis back to life?

He moved out of the bar and I flinched. Carrying a tray with cocktails, he carefully walked on the soft warm sand, his sneakers digging into the ground below him.

He was making his way through the parasols and beach lounge chairs, stopping at the pair of giggly girls sunbathing on the chairs.

He bent over and offered them the drinks, his free arm behind his back. His smile never wavered and the girls giggled again.

A pang of hurt and jealousy hurt my heart.

But then my eyes and mouth widened in shock when my dog aimlessly ran through the male's legs, making him stumble and fall on his bottom, the tall glasses clinking and the girls gasping and screaming.

Luckily, the colorful alcoholic drinks were not spilled on any of them.

I ran and retrieved my puppy, endlessly apologizing to both the man and annoyed girls who scolded me in unison, their screeching voices overlapping.

But he just laughed, stood up, and served the drinks, dusting off his behind with his other hand.

When our eyes met, I was pulled into a sparkling brown void, barely registering the next words coming out of his mouth.

"A lively puppy you got there, ay?"

If his appearance was striking, his accented voice put me under his spell and I, once again, forgot how to breathe.

GOLDEN // BANG CHANWhere stories live. Discover now