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I hated the nights when we weren't together but since I lived alone and whenever he could stay, Chan would sleep at my place.

My dog loved him. He showered both of us with morning kisses and it became a habit to walk him in the afternoon.

And I would stay at the beach parties whenever I could, waiting for Chan to finish his work.

Since we started dating, I became more aware of girls flirting and throwing suggestive glances and smiles at him but Chan had his eyes and attention only for me.

My heart and love for him grew larger and stronger each day. I put the terrible fact and locked it away somewhere in my mind.

The summer was ending but I didn't want to think about it. I just wanted to enjoy each moment with him.

Chan took on the party shifts at night only just so that we could go on our dates and enjoy the golden hour, which soon became his favorite part of the day as well.

We would go everywhere but the moments of silence as we watched the sun glister on the water surface were our favorite time. Just holding hands and enjoying the peace.

And it was one Sunday afternoon when the silence between us as we watched the sundown that felt extremely tense instead of relaxing.

It was when Chan's kiss felt tense and cold instead of soft and warm. My heart sunk at the sight of his hesitant expression.

"August is ending... I'm going back home next Wednesday... I'm sorry..."

GOLDEN // BANG CHANWhere stories live. Discover now