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Happiness surged through my veins and I barely slept that night.

When the day came and it was time for my puppy walk in the late afternoon, I got ready fast, more excited to go out than my dog.

And surely, Chan was working at the small beach bar again.

"Hey!" His face lit up when I sat on the stool, throwing glances at my overly hyped dog playing on the beach.

"He's so cute..." Chan giggled when the wave splashed my dog's face. But then he flinched, his smile dropping. "It's a he, right?"

I laughed and confirmed his doubts.

We engaged into another series of casual talk where I learned about his pet dog, siblings, and friends he had all around the world.

I told him about my life as well and was amazed how he genuinely paid close attention to what I was saying, nodding at important parts.

It felt nice to talk to Chan, especially since the sun made his skin glow and eyes sparkle. But it also felt embarrassing; the way his eyes never left my face made me stutter and my stuttering made him giggle.

It wasn't busy at the beach that afternoon so I got to know Bang Chan more.

GOLDEN // BANG CHANWhere stories live. Discover now